14 research outputs found

    Sustainability of National Cohesion

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    In the European Union, cohesion policy is the third country after the domestic and social policy, as this policy is a tool for economic growth and also a balancing factor. Through its solidarity funds contribute to the other sectorial policies: the Common Agricultural Policy, social policy, environmental policy. This article aims to demonstrate the importance of cohesion policy in the national economy and how to improve its implementation by ensuring sustainable development and sustainable economic growt

    Contribution of agriculture to national economic development

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    At national economic level there is a fierce competitivity, experienced more and more perhaps due to the crisis. Functionality of the economy has been a challenge that many have failed to honor, but at least led us to try to. The chance to succeed was related to everyone's desire to ensure durability. This article is to demonstrate the need to develop agricultural policies in rural areas, but measures to encourage private initiatives are also included in order to satisfy completion of measures on the farm and to provide alternative employment opportunities for the rural population. Improvement of the poverty status of the population employed in agriculture, development of entrepreneurial initiative and increasing economic competitiveness leads to a harmonious developmen

    Consumer behavior in the economy

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    This paper aims to carry out an analysis of the disparities between urban and rural economic environment in Romania, which have negative effects over time for the entire country. The key imbalances between the two areas will be identified and a chronological analysis of figures obtained from the two areas over the years will be presented. A comparative analysis of urban / rural consumption behavior of households in the period 2005-2012 is showcased. The rural population is still heavily dependent on agriculture, while consumption characteristics are specific to relatively poor populations. Reducing disparities between urban and rural incomes and improvement of the quality of household consumption are priorities in regional development policy

    Globalization and its Impact on Environmental Policies

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    Purpose/objectives: The present work proposes to present the most important theoretical and practical aspects of globalization, a process that has gained momentum in all areas of socio-economic life. At the same time, between the phenomenon of globalization and ecological policies there is an impact relationship, with mutual requirements and with permanent changes. Design/methodology: Mix research technique has been used. While qualitative research entails in-depth literature readings and reports, quantitative analysis entails presenting data via graphs and tables. Findings: As a result of the present research, the link between globalization and sustainable development was found, a concept that leans towards both the ecological dimension and the economic and social one. At the same time, it stands out through various patterns or broad principles existing both nationally and globally. Originality/value: The article brings added value through the analysis carried out at the European, global and Romanian level and through the interpretation of statistical data related to ecological policy in the context of globalization. Possible practical implications: The implications can be either practical or theoretical. The first is the direct impact of your findings on related practices, while the second is the impact on the theories we have chosen in the present study. In this sense, this article could represent a first step in the statistical dimension or the development of future ecological policies, taking into account all the listed principles

    The Current State of Industrial Production in the European Union and New Recovery Solutions

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    Industrial activity is of great importance in the economic development of all countries, but in the last decades the results of this branch of the economies of many countries have faced various problems due to the systemic crises that economies in transition, but also the economies of developed countries, are going through. In this article, we propose to review some aspects of the situation regarding industrial production in EU countries, with a stronger focus on industrial production in Romania. It is more necessary to study these topics considering the crisis of the Covid-19 Pandemic, the geopolitical crisis in the region that has stopped multiple logistic processes related to the industry. In other words, it is important to connect the industrial strategies and policies of the European Union countries for the development of Industry 4.0/5.0, to digitize production systems, digital technological processes and robotization, efficient management of the production and distribution chain. We propose to outline the main objectives that must be taken into account for the development of new industrial policies focused on new directions of development for the Romanian economy

    Aspects regarding the Level of Education in the Context of Sustainable Development

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    Employers are demanding ever higher levels of training. Higher level qualifications offer the possibility of accessing those opportunities that appear on the labor market. Changes are occurring in all areas of social life. As a consequence of these changes, education is becoming more and more important. Employment rates can be increased by applying flexible learning pathways. Technological changes occur in economic systems, which are based on the updating of skills, abilities and knowledge. Both pre-university education, and especially higher education, have in mind the development of skills and competences. Sustainable development can be achieved through quality education. Through the analysis carried out, the statistical data related to students enrolled in pre-university education, as well as to people who have a tertiary level of education, are highlighted. The comparative analysis gives us a picture of the evolution of these educational indicators

    Research and Science Today No. 1(5)/2013

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    Research and Science Today Journal is a publication founded in 2011 and it is dedicated to the students of all levels (license, master and doctoral) of faculties in the country and abroad. We want to offer the participants the opportunity to present their scientific works in the following areas: Social Sciences, Economic Sciences, Legal Sciences, Humanities, Education Sciences, Engineering, Medicine and Sport. This journal provides students the opportunity to create and/or to improve their abilities to write scientific papers. So each appearance (two appearances per year at which we can add supplements) contains a number of papers written by students, masters and doctoral from the faculties from the country or/and abroad. The journal promotes original studies contributing to the progress of knowledge and it is motivated by the need to address issues of theory and practice in the areas mentioned above

    Research and Science Today No. 1(5)/2013

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    Research and Science Today Journal is a publication founded in 2011 and it is dedicated to the students of all levels (license, master and doctoral) of faculties in the country and abroad. We want to offer the participants the opportunity to present their scientific works in the following areas: Social Sciences, Economic Sciences, Legal Sciences, Humanities, Education Sciences, Engineering, Medicine and Sport. This journal provides students the opportunity to create and/or to improve their abilities to write scientific papers. So each appearance (two appearances per year at which we can add supplements) contains a number of papers written by students, masters and doctoral from the faculties from the country or/and abroad. The journal promotes original studies contributing to the progress of knowledge and it is motivated by the need to address issues of theory and practice in the areas mentioned above

    Research and Science Today No. 1(5)/2013

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    Research and Science Today Journal is a publication founded in 2011 and it is dedicated to the students of all levels (license, master and doctoral) of faculties in the country and abroad. We want to offer the participants the opportunity to present their scientific works in the following areas: Social Sciences, Economic Sciences, Legal Sciences, Humanities, Education Sciences, Engineering, Medicine and Sport. This journal provides students the opportunity to create and/or to improve their abilities to write scientific papers. So each appearance (two appearances per year at which we can add supplements) contains a number of papers written by students, masters and doctoral from the faculties from the country or/and abroad. The journal promotes original studies contributing to the progress of knowledge and it is motivated by the need to address issues of theory and practice in the areas mentioned above

    The Use of Fiscal Policy at the National Level

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    The purpose of this article is to present the evolution of the index of efficiency of direct and indirect taxes recorded in Romania in 2011 as well as to compare the effectiveness of fiscal policy situation of our country to the countries of Central and Eastern Europe