93 research outputs found

    Waterbirds of Uvs-Nuur Depression

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    This report provides an overview of water birds (Non-Passeriformes) inhabiting the lakes of Uvs- Nuur Depression. The article includeds material obtained during field work in the Uvs-Nuur Depression during 1999-2006, unpublished observations of rare vagrant species of birds, and data from the literature. Altogether we and others recorded 81 bird species from ten families on the lakes within the basin. The list we provide does not include sparrows or birds from habitats closely associated with the basin. The following non-Passeriformes bird families were noted (with the number of species in parentheses): Gaviidae (1), Podicipedidae (2), Phalacrocoracidae (1), Ardeidae (5), Anatidae (27), Gruidae (6), Charadriidae (5), Recurvirostridae (2), Scolopacidae (21), and Laridae (11). We noted the following rare vagrant species: Ixobrychus minutus, Anser albifrons, Grus leucogeranus. The report also presents some quantitative data of bird observations


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    The article is dedicated to the mobilization of plant genetic resources from the territories of Indonesia, Sri Lanka (Ceylon) and Nepal to VIR’s collection by means of collecting explorations, germplasm requests and the exchange of accessions. The first, the longest and the only pre-war expedition to Indonesia and Ceylon was undertaken by Prof. V. V. Markovich; it lasted three years (1926–1928). He explored Java, Singapore and Ceylon, where he collected 772 germplasm samples. In 1957, D. V. Ter-Avanesyan, who worked as an agricultural attaché at the USSR Embassy in India, familiarized himself in every detail with plant resources and agriculture in Nepal. The late 1960s were marked by intensification of plant genetic resources introduction and new opportunities to organize regular collecting missions. In the period from 1960 to 1991, there were five plant exploration trips to Indonesia, Sri Lanka (Ceylon) and Nepal. In 1960, D. V. Ter-Avanesyan visited scientific institutions in Java, got acquainted with the main trends in agriculture, and collected 302 plant samples. In 1974, A. G. Lyakhovkin took part in a specialized collecting mission launched to study and collect wild forms and cultivars of rice and various other crops from Nepal. The team visited 16 experiment stations and farms and collected 1170 accessions. In 1985, an expedition team led by E. F. Molchanov collected and studied wild and cultivated forms of subtropical plants in Sri Lanka. The team visited 5 institutes and experiment stations, 3 botanical gardens, and collected 370 accessions. In 1988, another collecting team led by L. A. Burmistrov, whose task was to study the system of nation-wide projects on crop improvement, traveled over four provinces, visited 11 scientific and academic institutions of Nepal, and collected 766 germplasm samples. The last collecting trip to Indonesia was led by N. G. Musatenko in 1991. The team collected 95 varieties and wild forms. In total, the Institute’s collecting and exploration activities in Indonesia, Sri Lanka (Ceylon) and Nepal added 3496 accessions to its collections. In addition to direct collecting in Indonesia, Sri Lanka (Ceylon) and Nepal, VIR has always been replenishing its holdings by seed requests. During the whole pre-war period, from 1925 through 1941, 256 germplasm accessions were added. All in all, from 1948 through 2018, 104 accessions were introduced from Indonesia, Sri Lanka (Ceylon) and Nepal. The greatest number of accessions received by the Institute represented groat crops (over 1400), followed by wheat and barley (458), and industrial crops (627). In total, during the whole period of its existence, the Institute has mobilized 3843 accessions, representing 377 plant species

    Стандартизация ультразвукового исследования органов малого таза у женщин

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    Introduction. In Russia, there has been no research comparing data obtained by ultrasound scanners of different firms, with a comprehensive assessment of pelvic organs in women.Purpose of the study. Compare the results of the study of the internal genitalia of healthy women, obtained on devices from Philips and GE Healthcare. Materials and methods. A comparison of the results of pelvic ultrasound examination in healthy patients of reproductive age (18–45 years), conducted on the expert level devices of GE Healthcare (Austria) and Philips (Netherlands) by the same doctor. Each group consisted of 30 people (15 women in the first and second phase of the cycle). Age did not have significant differences (p > 0.05). Organometry (uterine volume, endometrial thickness, ovarian volume), dopplerometric parameters of blood flow in uterine arteries, such as maximum systolic and average blood flow rate (Vmax, Vmean), uterine artery diameter, arterial perfusion index (API) was calculated, vascularization index (VI), flow index (FI) and vascularization-flow index (VFI) of the uterus and endometrium were obtained in 3D Doppler.Summary. When implementing new techniques should study the information about this method and rely on the regulatory parameters obtained on the devices of similar firms.Введение. В России не проводилось исследований по сопоставлению данных, получаемых на ультразвуковых сканерах разных фирм, при комплексной оценке органов малого таза у женщин.Цель исследования: сравнить показатели исследования внутренних половых органов здоровых женщин, полученных на приборах фирм Philips и GE Healthcare.Материал и методы. Проведено сравнение результатов ультразвукового исследования органов малоготаза у практически здоровых пациенток репродуктивного возраста (18–45лет), полученных на приборах экспертного уровня фирм GE Healthcare (Австрия) и Philips (Нидерланды) одним и тем же врачом. В каждой группе было по 30 человек (по 15 женщин в I и II фазе цикла). Возраст достоверных отличий не имел (p > 0,05). Оценивались органометрия (объем матки, толщина эндометрия, объем яичников), допплерометрические показатели кровотока в маточных артериях, таких как максимальная систолическая и средняя скорость кровотока (Vmax, Vmean), диаметр маточных артерий, рассчитывали индекс артериальной перфузии (ИАП), при 3D-допплерометрии получали васкуляризационный индекс (VI), потоковый индекс (FI) и васкуляризационно-потоковый индекс (VFI) матки и эндометрия.Результаты. Выявлено, что показатели VI, FI и VFI, рассчитанные на приборе GE достоверно выше, чем на приборе Philips (p < 0,05). Разницы органометрии, допплерометрии маточных артерий и ИАП не получено (p > 0,05).Выводы. При внедрении новых методик следует изучить информацию о данном методе и опираться на нормативные параметры, полученные на приборах аналогичных фирм

    Mobilization of plant genetic resources from Bangladesh, Pakistan and Bhutan

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    The article covers the issues of plant genetic resources mobilization to the VIR collection from the territories of Pakistan, Bangladesh (until 1947, British India), and Bhutan as a result of collection missions, seed requests, and germplasm exchange. Repeated expeditionary surveys of the territories of modern Pakistan and Bangladesh resumed in the postwar period. In total, from 1971 to 1979 three expeditions were launched: in 1971 and 1978 to Pakistan, and in 1979 to Bangladesh. The first and the only expedition was sent to Bhutan in 1989. As a result, 2911 plant samples were collected and delivered to the Vavilov Institute. Among the collected plant materials, the most numerous were samples of groat crops (885), industrial crops (554), vegetables (517), and cereals (463). In addition to direct collecting, the Institute was constantly ordering plant germplasm through mail requests. There was no inflow of germplasm from Bhutan either in the prewar period or from 1946 to 2019. From Pakistan 338 samples were received, mostly through the USSR Ministry of Agriculture. Only 28 accessions were added to the Institute’s collection from Bangladesh. In total, over the entire period of the Institute’s existence, the total amount of germplasm mobilized from Bangladesh, Pakistan and Bhutan amounted to 3277 accessions, representing 130 plant species. Among them there were many landraces, wild species and crops wild relatives

    Mobilization of plant genetic resources from the territory of India

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    The article is dedicated to the mobilization of plant genetic resources from the territories of India to VIR’s collection by means of collecting explorations, germplasm requests and the exchange of accessions. The first, the longest and the only pre-war expedition to India was undertaken by Prof. V. V. Markovich; it lasted three years (1926–1928). He explored the Northern, North-Western (Punjab and Kashmir) and Southern India, where he collected 2557 germplasm samples. From 1956 through 1959, D. V. Ter-Avanesyan, who worked as an agricultural attaché at the USSR Embassy in India, familiarized himself in every detail with the country’s plant resources and agriculture, collecting more than 5000 samples. The late 1960s were marked by intensification of plant genetic resources introduction and new opportunities to organize regular collecting missions. In the period from 1969 to 1991, there were five plant exploration trips to India. In 1969, V. F. Dorofeev visited scientific institutions in 10 Indian states, got acquainted with the main trends in cereal crop breeding, and collected 938 plant samples. In 1975, V. N. Balabanov took part in a specialized collecting mission launched to study and collect wild forms of rice and to assimilate methods of breeding high-yielding, immune and highquality cultivars. In 1976, an expedition team led by V. L. Vitkovsky collected and studied wild and cultivated forms of fruit crops, subtropical plants and grapevines. The team visited 11 institutes and experiment stations in six states of India, and collected 725 accessions. In 1977, another collecting team led by R. A. Udachin, whose task was to study the system of nation-wide projects on crop improvement, traveled over five states, visited 24 scientific and academic institutions, and collected 3189 germplasm samples. The last collecting trip to India was led by S. G. Varadinov in 1983. The accent was made on groat crops, such as sorghum, pearl millet, etc. The team collected 250 varieties and local samples. In total, the Institute’s collecting and exploration activities in India mobilized and added to its collections over 13,146 accessions, representing 620 plant species. In addition to direct collecting in India, VIR has always been replenishing its holdings by seed requests. During the whole pre-war period, from 1925 through 1941, 2181 germplasm accessions were added. In the post-war times, acquisition of accessions by mail requests was performed within the framework of scientific collaboration and exchange via the Embassy of the USSR in India (agricultural attachés), the Ministry of Agriculture, and from 1985, the Agroindustrial Committee. All in all, from 1948 through 2018, 9278 accessions were introduced from India. The greatest number of accessions received by the Institute represented groat crops (over 3500), followed by wheat (1250), and industrial crops and grain legumes (nearly 1000 each). In total, during the whole period of its existence, the Institute has mobilized 24605 accessions

    VIR and Leningrad Quarantine Laboratory: 90 years of cooperation

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    The history of Leningrad Quarantine Laboratory, a subdivision of the Soviet and Russian phytosanitary services, is discussed. Its interaction and cooperation with the All-Union Research Institute of Plant Industry (later: N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources, VIR) are reviewed. The background of the need to organize such laboratory, its main activities, and the changes that followed are also explained.Leningrad Quarantine Laboratory has always closely collaborated with VIR. It has been accommodated within the Institute’s premises for 75 years. Such proximity has facilitated and accelerated the access to the plant germplasm received by VIR for plant protection and quarantine experts. Thus, a unique combination of phytosanitary safety and research activities was achieved. At the same time, the laboratory turned out to be an important research institution, publishing scientific works and methodological guidelines in the field of plant protection.In the course of its activities, the laboratory staff improved the existing methods and developed new ones for phytosanitary control of plant germplasm and its protection against pests, weeds, and pathogenic microorganisms. Manuals, directories, and identification guides written by the laboratory staff still remain the reference books for quarantine and plant protection experts. The laboratory was also very important as a qualification improvement facility for such experts. All these functions have become possible because of the work with plant germplasm that arrived to the VIR collection

    Mobilization of plant genetic resources from South and Southeast Asia

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    The article is devoted to the replenishment of the VIR collection with plant genetic resources from the territories of the Philippines, Burma, Laos and Vietnam as a result of plant explorations, seed requests and germplasm exchange. In total, four collecting missions were sent to this region in the late 1970s and 1980s.Through their efforts, 2668 germplasm samples were collected and delivered to the Institute. The most numerous were the accessions of grain legumes (916), followed by vegetables (835) and groat crops (653). In addition to direct collection, the Institute was constantly engaged in requesting plant germplasm.In the prewar period, from 1925 to 1941, 396 accessions of cereal, groat, grain legume, vegetable, industrial and fruit crops were received from Burma, Vietnam, French Indochina (Laos since 1949) and the Philippines.From 1946 to 2019, 7928 accessions were added, with the largest number shipped from Vietnam (7840). Such a huge number can be explained by the activities of the Soviet breeding stations in Lai Châu Province, Northern Vietnam, and near Ho Chi Minh City, Southern Vietnam, in the 1980s and early 1990s. It should be noted that significantly fewer wild species and crop wild relatives were mobilized from these countries than from India, Indonesia and Ceylon – about 100 spp., or 10,992 accessions.Altogether, collecting teams brought from the South Asian tropical center of crop origin 18,594 germplasm samples, most of which were groat crops (4521). The prewar seed requests yielded 3520 accessions, with 1022 representing tropical woody, ornamental and medicinal plants from botanical gardens. Requests for germplasm from 1946 to the present time resulted in adding 16,687 accessions to the collection, half of which were groat crops (rice, maize and sorghum). A total of 39,161 accessions were received from the region

    Ультразвуковая дифференциальная диагностика узлов миометрия в зависимости от гистологического строения опухоли

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    Objective: development of ultrasonic criteria simple and proliferating uterine myoma. Materials and Methods. We examined 73 patients with uterine myoma who underwent surgical treatment. Depending on the histological structure of the tumor (a simple myoma or proliferative myoma, including sarcoma) retrospectively compared the ultrasound findings, including data in the В-mode of the uterus and node, high-speed performance, peripheral resistance index, and vascularization index (VI), flow index (FI), vascularization-flow index (VFI) and arterial perfusion index (API). Results. The comparative analysis shows that the majority of sonographic signs and dopplerographic simple and proliferating myomas, including sarcomas of the nature nodule identical. The exception is the character node vascularization (intratumoral or peripheral vascularization), and perfusion of the uterus. Thus, API less than 0.025 s-1 corresponds to a simple myoma, and higher than this value - proliferating myoma and sarcoma, and the threshold value is 7.0% of VI. Simple myoma always had VI less than the uterus, while proliferating myoma and sarcoma - more. Conclusion. To make a decision about the method of treatment of patients with uterine myoma should take into account the data of blood supply to the uterus and node.Цель исследования: разработка ультразвуковых критериев простой и пролиферирующей миомы матки. Материал и методы. Обследовано 73 больных миомой матки, которым проведено хирургическое лечение. В зависимости от гистологического строения опухоли (простая миома или пролиферативная миома, в том числе саркома) ретроспективно проведено сравнение данных УЗИ, включающее данные В-режима матки и узлов, скоростные показатели, индексов периферического сопротивления, а также индекса васкуляризации (VI), потокового индекса (FI), васкуляризационно-потокового индекса (VFI) и индекса артериальной перфузии (ИАП). Результаты. Проведённый сравнительный анализ свидетельствует о том, что большинство эхографических и допплерографических признаков простой и пролиферирующей миомы, в том числе саркомы, имеющей характер узлового образования, идентичные. Исключение составляют характер васкуляризации узла (внутриопухолевая или периферическая васкуляризация), а также перфузия матки. Так, ИАП менее 0,025 с-1 соответствует простой миоме, превышающий это значение - пролиферирующей миоме и саркоме, пороговым значением VI является 7,0%. При сравнении степени васкуляризации узла и матки в целом выявилась следующая закономерность: простая миома всегда имела VI меньше, чем матки, в то время как пролиферирующая миома и саркома - больше. Выводы. Для принятия решения о методе лечения больных миомой матки следует учитывать данные кровоснабжения матки и узла

    Comparative genome analysis of Pseudogymnoascus spp. reveals primarily clonal evolution with small genome fragments exchanged between lineages

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    Abstract Background Pseudogymnoascus spp. is a wide group of fungi lineages in the family Pseudorotiaceae including an aggressive pathogen of bats P. destructans. Although several lineages of P. spp. were shown to produce ascospores in culture, the vast majority of P. spp. demonstrates no evidence of sexual reproduction. P. spp. can tolerate a wide range of different temperatures and salinities and can survive even in permafrost layer. Adaptability of P. spp. to different environments is accompanied by extremely variable morphology and physiology. Results We sequenced genotypes of 14 strains of P. spp., 5 of which were extracted from permafrost, 1 from a cryopeg, a layer of unfrozen ground in permafrost, and 8 from temperate surface environments. All sequenced genotypes are haploid. Nucleotide diversity among these genomes is very high, with a typical evolutionary distance at synonymous sites dS ≈ 0.5, suggesting that the last common ancestor of these strains lived >50Mya. The strains extracted from permafrost do not form a separate clade. Instead, each permafrost strain has close relatives from temperate environments. We observed a strictly clonal population structure with no conflicting topologies for ~99% of genome sequences. However, there is a number of short (~100–10,000 nt) genomic segments with the total length of 67.6 Kb which possess phylogenetic patterns strikingly different from the rest of the genome. The most remarkable case is a MAT-locus, which has 2 distinct alleles interspersed along the whole-genome phylogenetic tree. Conclusions Predominantly clonal structure of genome sequences is consistent with the observations that sexual reproduction is rare in P. spp. Small number of regions with noncanonical phylogenies seem to arise due to some recombination events between derived lineages of P. spp., with MAT-locus being transferred on multiple occasions. All sequenced strains have heterothallic configuration of MAT-locus.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/111733/1/12864_2015_Article_1570.pd