71 research outputs found

    Tehnike minimalne obrade za proizvodnju i čuvanje hrane prilagođene individualnim potrebama

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    Tailor-made foods, also known as foods with programmable properties, are specialised systems with unique composition prepared by different methods, using the known mechanisms of action of their bioactive ingredients. The development of tailor-made foods involves the evaluation of individual components, including bioactive substances derived from waste products of other productions, such as essential oils. These components are evaluated both individually and in combination within food compositions to achieve specific functionalities. This review focuses on the application of minimal processing technologies for the production and preservation of tailor-made foods. It examines a range of approaches, including traditional and emerging technologies, as well as novel ingredients such as biomolecules from various sources and microorganisms. These approaches are combined according to the principles of hurdle technology to achieve effective synergistic effects that enhance food safety and extend the shelf life of tailor-made foods, while maintaining their functional properties. §Paper was presented at the 11th Central European Congress on Food and Nutrition CEFood2022, Čatež ob Savi, Slovenia, 27-30 September 2022Hrana prilagođena individualnim potrebama, poznata i kao hrana s prilagođenim svojstvima, je posebno pripremljena hrana jedinstvenog sastava, dobivena različitim metodama koje se zasnivaju na dobro poznatim mehanizmima djelovanja biološki aktivnih sastojaka. Razvoj takve hrane obuhvaća procjenu pojedinih sastojaka, uključujući biološki aktivnih spojeva izoliranih iz otpada nastalog u proizvodnji, poput eteričnih ulja. Ti su spojevi ispitani pojedinačno i u kombinaciji sa sastojcima hrane, u svrhu razvoja određenih funkcionalnih svojstava. U fokusu ovog revijalnog prikaza je primjena tehnika minimalne obrade za proizvodnju i čuvanje hrane prilagođene jedinstvenim potrebama. Razmotreni su različiti pristupi, uključujući tradicionalne i nove tehnologije, te novi sastojci, poput biomolekula što potječu iz različitih izvora i mikroorganizama. Ti su pristupi kombinirani na principu tehnologije preprekama, za uspješno postizanje sinergijskog učinka koji poboljšava sigurnost i produljuje vrijeme skladištenja hrane, dok istovremeno zadržava njezina funkcionalna svojstva

    Plant antimicrobial polyphenols as potential natural food preservatives

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    The growing demand for natural food preservatives in the last decade has promoted investigations on their application for preserving perishable foods. In this context, the present review is focused on discussing the prospective application of plant extracts containing phenolics or isolated plant phenolics as natural antimicrobials in foods. Plant essential oils are outside the scope of this review since utilization of their antimicrobial activity for food preservation has been extensively reviewed

    Potential of Incorporation of Antimicrobial Plant Phenolics Into Polyolefin-Based Food Contact Materials to Produce Active Packaging by Melt-Blending: Proof of Concept With Isobutyl-4-Hydroxybenzoate

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    There is an increasing interest for active food packaging incorporated with natural antimicrobial agents rather than synthetic preservatives. However, most of plastics for direct contact with food are made of polyolefins, usually processed by extrusion, injection, or blow-molding methods while most of natural antimicrobial molecules are thermolabile compounds (e.g., essential oils). Therefore, addition of plant phenolics (with low volatility) to different polyolefins might be promising to design active controlled release packaging processed by usual plastic compounding and used for direct contact with food products. Therefore, up to 2% (wt/wt) of isobutyl-4-hydroxybenzoate (IBHB) was mixed with 3 polyolefins: EVA poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate), LLDPE (Linear Low Density Polyethylene), and PP (PolyPropylene) by melt-blending from 75 to 170°C and then pelletized in order to prepare heat-pressed films. IBHB was chosen as an antibacterial phenolic active model molecule against Staphylococcus aureus to challenge the entire processing. Antibacterial activity of films against S. aureus (procedure adapted from ISO 22196 standard) were 4, 6, and 1 decimal reductions in 24 h for EVA, LLDPE, and PP films, respectively, demonstrating the preservation of the antibacterial activity after melt processing. For food contact materials, the efficacy of antimicrobial packaging depends on the release of the antimicrobial molecules. Therefore, the three types of films were placed at 23°C in 95% (v/v) ethanol and the release rates of IBHB were monitored: 101 ± 1%, 32 ± 7%, and 72 ± 9% at apparent equilibrium for EVA, LLDPE, and PP films, respectively. The apparent diffusion coefficients of IBHB in EVA and PP films were 2.8 ± 0.3 × 10−12 and 4.0 ± 1.0 × 10−16 m2s−1. For LLDPE films, IBHB crystals were observed on the surface of films by SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy): this blooming effect was due the partial incompatibility of IBHB in LLDPE and its fast diffusion out of the polymer matrix onto the film surface. In conclusion, none of these three materials was suitable for a relevant controlled release packaging targeting the preservation of fresh food, but a combination of two of them is promising by the design of a multilayer packaging: the release could result from permeation through an inner PE layer combined with an EVA one acting as a reservoir

    Antioksidativnost kazeina devinog mlijeka prije i nakon in vitro simulirane enzimske razgradnje

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    The effect of a successive in vitro hydrolysis by pepsin and pancreatin on the free radical scavenging activity of camel milk casein was investigated in order to assess the effect of gastro-intestinal digestion. Hydrolysis of camel casein was controlled by reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography. Anti-oxidant activity was measured by the 2,2’-azino-bis-(3-ethylbensothiazoline-6- sulfonic acid) (ABTS) method. The Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) values of camel casein and its hydrolysate were 1.6±0.12 μmol TE/mg protein and 0.25 μmol TE/μmol eq. NH2, respectively. After digestion, the scavenging activity of the casein peptides was more efficient than those reported in the literature regarding digestive hydrolysates of camel milk, colostrum and whey proteins.U radu je istražen utjecaj in vitro hidrolize kazeina devinog mlijeka sa pepsinom i pankreatinom na koncentraciju slobodnih radikala i antioksidativnu aktivnost s ciljem procjenjivanja utjecaja gastro-intestinalne razgradnje. Hidroliza kazeina praćena je sa RP-HPLC (tekućinska kromatografija visoke djelotvornosti na obrnutim fazama). Antioksidativna aktivnost je praćena sa 2,2’-azino-bis-(3-ethylbensothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) metodom. Ekvivalent troloks antioksidativnog kapaciteta (TEAC) devinog kazeina iznosio je 1.6±0.12 μmol TE/mg proteina, dok je TEAC hidrolizata iznosio 0.25 μmol TE/μmol eq. NH2. Nakon digestije, utvrđena antioksidativna aktivnost kazeinskih peptida bila je učinkovitija od literaturnih navoda za hidrolizate devinog mlijeka, kolostruma i sirutkinih proteina

    Effect of interactions of plant phenolics with bovine meat proteins on their antibacterial activity

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    The activity of 5 phenolics totally inhibiting the growth of Staphylococcus aureus CNRZ3 at a 1 g L−1 concentration in Mueller-Hinton broth for 24 h incubation at 37 °C was reevaluated at 37 °C for 24 h, 15 °C for 6 days, or 6 °C for 8 days in the presence of up to 20% (w/w) bovine meat proteins to mimic the temperature of refrigerated storage of bovine meat and its protein content, respectively. These changes affected in a different way the antibacterial activity of the 5 phenolics. Isobutyl-4-hydroxybenzoate kept its bactericidal activity, while naphthazarin was bactericidal at 6 °C and 15 °C but not at 37 °C in the presence of bovine meat proteins. Gallocyanin was bactericidal at 37 °C up to a 5% (w/w) protein content in the medium but not at 15 °C or 6 °C. Resveratrol and chrysin always lost their bacteriostatic activity when bovine meat proteins were added. The partition coefficient at 6 °C of each phenolic between a 20% (w/w) bovine meat extract suspension with and without proteins was determined. The antibacterial activity reduction of phenolics in the presence of bovine meat proteins was correlated with their affinity for bovine meat protein

    Antibacterial Properties of Polyphenols: Characterization and QSAR (Quantitative Structure–Activity Relationship) Models

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    Besides their established antioxidant activity, many phenolic compounds may exhibit significant antibacterial activity. Here, the effect of a large dataset of 35 polyphenols on the growth of 6 foodborne pathogenic or food-spoiling bacterial strains, three Gram-positive ones (Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, and Listeria monocytogenes) and three Gram-negative ones (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Salmonella Enteritidis), have been characterized. As expected, the effects of phenolic compounds were highly heterogeneous ranging from bacterial growth stimulation to antibacterial activity and depended on bacterial strains. The effect on bacterial growth of each of the polyphenols was expressed as relative Bacterial Load Difference (BLD) between a culture with and without (control) polyphenols at a 1 g L−1 concentration after 24 h incubation at 37°C. Reliable Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship (QSAR) models were developed (regardless of polyphenol class or the mechanism of action involved) to predict BLD for E. coli, S. Enteritidis, S. aureus, and B. subtilis, unlike for L. monocytogenes and P. aeruginosa. L. monocytogenes was generally sensitive to polyphenols whereas P. aeruginosa was not. No satisfactory models predicting the BLD of P. aeruginosa and L. monocytogenes were obtained due to their specific and quite constant behavior toward polyphenols. The main descriptors involved in reliable QSAR models were the lipophilicity and the electronic and charge properties of the polyphenols. The models developed for the two Gram-negative bacteria (E. coli, S. Enteritidis) were comparable suggesting similar mechanisms of toxic action. This was not clearly observed for the two Gram-positive bacteria (S. aureus and B. subtilis). Interestingly, a preliminary evaluation by Microbial Adhesion To Solvents (MATS) measurements of surface properties of the two Gram-negative bacteria for which QSAR models were based on similar physico-chemical descriptors, revealed that MATS results were also quite similar. Moreover, the MATS results of the two Gram-positive bacterial strains S. aureus and B. subtilis for which QSARs were not based on similar physico-chemical descriptors also strongly differed. These observations suggest that the antibacterial activity of most of polyphenols likely depends on interactions between polyphenols and bacterial cells surface, although the surface properties of the bacterial strains should be further investigated with other techniques than MATS

    Bois et industries agroalimentaires

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    International audienceLe bois est une ressource naturelle et durable, idéale pour accompagner le secteur agroalimentaire à court, moyen et long termes. Le développement des emballages en bois a suivi l’évolution des matériaux. Contenant de stockage et, dans certains cas, améliorant les produits alimentaires, les qualités mécaniques, la stabilité en service, la durabilité naturelle, l’esthétique, l’aptitude à l’usinage, sont quelques exemples des propriétés variées recherchées dans le bois. Bois et industries agroalimentaires présente la place du bois, matériau hétérogène particulier, dans la filière agroalimentaire. Il rapproche ainsi plusieurs univers : celui des industriels, des universitaires et des scientifiques au service des consommateurs. Structuré en six parties, l’ouvrage aborde les thématiques suivantes :• Contact alimentaire• Microbiologie• Chimie• Impact sur les propriétés sensorielles des aliments• Impact environnemental• Témoignages des acteurs professionnel

    Bois et industries agroalimentaires

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    International audienceLe bois est une ressource naturelle et durable, idéale pour accompagner le secteur agroalimentaire à court, moyen et long termes. Le développement des emballages en bois a suivi l’évolution des matériaux. Contenant de stockage et, dans certains cas, améliorant les produits alimentaires, les qualités mécaniques, la stabilité en service, la durabilité naturelle, l’esthétique, l’aptitude à l’usinage, sont quelques exemples des propriétés variées recherchées dans le bois. Bois et industries agroalimentaires présente la place du bois, matériau hétérogène particulier, dans la filière agroalimentaire. Il rapproche ainsi plusieurs univers : celui des industriels, des universitaires et des scientifiques au service des consommateurs. Structuré en six parties, l’ouvrage aborde les thématiques suivantes :• Contact alimentaire• Microbiologie• Chimie• Impact sur les propriétés sensorielles des aliments• Impact environnemental• Témoignages des acteurs professionnel