55 research outputs found

    Buku saku keperawatan onkologi

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    Buku ini memberikan petunjuk yang sangat mudah, praktis, dan memuat informasi klinis yang singkat, mudah digunakan, dan mudah dibawa.viii, 532 hlm.: ilus.; 21 c

    Buku saku: keperawatan onkologi

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    viii, 532 hlm; 14x21 c

    Oncology Nursing

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    Enfermer\ueda Oncol\uf3gica

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    Terapi Intravena

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    Terapi intravena

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    xviii, 294 hlm; 14x21 c

    Socio-economic Baseline Study of Ngaraard State. PICRC Technical Report 16-07

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    In 2015, the Palau International Coral Reef Center, in collaboration with the University of Queensland, conducted a baseline socio-economic study within six PAN States of Palau. The results presented in this report are based on one of six PAN states: Ngaraard State. The study utilized household questionnaires and key informant interviews incorporating key socio-economic indicators at the regional level (Micronesia Challenge), National level (Palau Indicators) and site level (local management plan). Results from this study show that most respondents are aware and supportive of the Palau PAN as well as state conservation areas and state bul1 or traditional form of protective management. While most respondents knew about state and national conservation initiatives, only 53% of respondents were aware of the MC. Two-thirds (66%) of respondents indicated that they participate in fishing related activities, while 82% stated that they or members of their household grow household crops. Most households mainly participate in fishing related activities and farming for food consumption and less for the purposes of income generation. The majority of respondents did not attribute any changes to locally-sourced marine and terrestrial food availability to the protected areas. However, roughly 40% of respondents indicated that the terrestrial protected areas have increased the quality and quantity of freshwater. The majority of respondents were aware of all conservation areas within the Kerradel Conservation Network, while only half of respondents knew of the boundaries of the conservation areas. Less than half of the respondents (41%) have never participated in natural resource planning and decision making which indicates the need to increase the level of interest and participation of community members in such activities. Most key informants spoke of the need to raise awareness to the local community members regarding the purpose of the Kerradel Conservation Network, and regularly communicate monitoring results to the community. This would aid in gaining more respect from the community towards the Kerradel Conservation Network. In addition, most key informants spoke of the need to strengthen the level of enforcement of the Kerradel Conservation Network, as well as the need for more equipment, funding, and training for Ngaraard PAN staff in order to improve the adaptive management of Ngaraard's natural resources. Finally some key informants spoke of the need to have alternative sources of livelihoods as a way to lessen the pressure on Ngaraard's marine resources including decreasing the level of illegal entry and fishing within conservation areas. It is recommended that for the next update of the Kerradel Conservation Network management plan, these results can serve as a guideline for revisions and evaluation of the goals and activities of the Kerradel Conservation Network management plan. These results serve as baseline socio-economic data for the Kerradel Conservation Network, however continuous monitoring is needed in order to track trends and changes of protected areas and their associated communities