3 research outputs found

    Models of the strongly lensed quasar DES J0408-5354

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    We present detailed modelling of the recently discovered, quadruply lensed quasar J0408−5354, with the aim of interpreting its remarkable configuration: besides three quasar images (A,B,D) around the main deflector (G1), a fourth image (C) is significantly reddened and dimmed by a perturber (G2) which is not detected in the Dark Energy Survey imaging data. From lens models incorporating (dust-corrected) flux ratios, we find a perturber Einstein radius 0.04 arcsec ≲ RE, G2 ≲ 0.2 arcsec and enclosed mass Mp(RE, G2) ≲ 1.0 × 10(10) M⊙. The main deflector has stellar mass log10(M⋆/M⊙) = 11.49(+0.46)(−0.32), a projected mass Mp(RE, G1) ≈ 6 × 10(11) M⊙ within its Einstein radius RE, G1 = (1.85 ± 0.15) arcsec and predicted velocity dispersion 267–280 km s(−1). Follow-up images from a companion monitoring campaign show additional components, including a candidate second source at a redshift between the quasar and G1. Models with free perturbers, and dust-corrected and delay-corrected flux ratios, are also explored. The predicted time-delays (ΔtAB = (135.0 ± 12.6) d, ΔtBD = (21.0 ± 3.5) d) roughly agree with those measured, but better imaging is required for proper modelling and comparison. We also discuss some lessons learnt from J0408−5354  on lensed quasar finding strategies, due to its chromaticity and morphology.ISSN:0035-8711ISSN:1365-2966ISSN:1365-871

    The STRong lensing Insights into the Dark Energy Survey (STRIDES) 2016 follow-up campaign - II. New quasar lenses from double component fitting

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    We report upon the follow-up of 34 candidate lensed quasars found in the Dark Energy Survey using NTT EFOSC, Magellan-IMACS, KECK-ESI, and SOAR-SAMI. These candidates were selected by a combination of double component fitting, morphological assessment, and colour analysis. Most systems followed up are indeed composed of at least one quasar image and 13 with two or more quasar images: two lenses, four projected binaries, and seven nearly identical quasar pairs (NIQs). The two systems confirmed as genuine gravitationally lensed quasars are one quadruple at zâ‚› = 1.713 and one double at zâ‚› = 1.515. Lens modelling of these two systems reveals that both systems require very little contribution from the environment to reproduce the image configuration. Nevertheless, small flux anomalies can be observed in one of the images of the quad. Further observations of nine inconclusive systems (including seven NIQs) will allow to confirm (or not) their gravitational lens nature.ISSN:0035-8711ISSN:1365-296