9 research outputs found
Bovine lactoferrin gene polymorphism applicability in the selection of cows resistant to mastitis
Poszukując markerów mastitis zbadano możliwości wykorzystania polimorfizmu genu laktoferyny w selekcji krów odpornych na zapalenie wymienia. W tym celu przeanalizowano próby krwi pobrane od 698 krów rasy polskiej holsztyńsko-fryzyjskiej odmiany czarno-białej. Z leukocytów krwi badanych zwierząt wyizolowano DNA, które posłużyło następnie do badania polimorfizmu genu laktoferyny. Badanie polimorfizmu prowadzono metodą PCR – RFLP. Obliczenia wykonano za pomocą programu SAS z wykorzystaniem procedury GLM. W modelu badającym wpływ genotypu na liczbę komórek somatycznych uwzględniono także wpływ laktacji, dnia laktacji, wydajności mleka w dniu badania, stada i sezonu badania. Wyniki badań wskazują, że krowy nosicielki allelu B laktoferyny są bardziej odporne na zapalenie wymienia niż pozostałe zwierzęta i charakteryzują się niższą liczbą komórek somatycznych w mleku. Zastosowanie polimorfizmu genu laktoferyny jako markera mastitis mogłoby pozwolić na wybieranie do hodowli zwierząt rzadziej chorujących na zapalenie wymienia.Lactoferrin gene polymorphism was analysed in order to test its usefulness for marker-assisted selection of cows resistant to mastitis. 698 blood samples obtained from Polish Holstein-Friesian cows were examined. DNA was extracted from blood leukocytes and used for polymorphism study, conducted with PCR – RFLP method. Statistical analysis was performed with the use of GLM procedure (SAS software). Effects of lactation, days in milk, milk yield, herd and season were included in the statistical model for associations between genotype and somatic cell count. Cows carrying allele B of lactoferrin gene were more resistant to the infection than other animals and had a lower somatic cell count in milk. Application of lactoferrin gene variants as genetic markers can facilitate selection of cows less prone to mammary gland infections
Zawartosc pierwiastkow szkodliwych dla zdrowia w owocach i warzywach uprawianych w wojewodztwie siedleckim
W latach 1988-1990 kontynuowano oznaczenia metodą ASA zawartości Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cd i Pb w warzywach gruntowych i owocach pochodzących ze zbiorów indywidualnych producentów z okolic Siedlec, Węgrowa i Sokołowa Podlaskiego. Najwyższe zawartości kadmu stwierdzono w próbkach marchwi, buraka ćwikłowego, pietruszki, selera i truskawek. Nadmierne zawartości ołowiu stwierdzono w pojedynczych próbkach truskawek, czerwonej porzeczki oraz naci pietruszki i selera.The content of iron, manganese, nickel, lead, copper, zinc and cadmium was determined by means of atomic absorption spectrometry (ASA) in vegetables and fruit grown in the Province of Siedlce. The studied fruits included tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbages, carrots, parsley, celery, red beets, potatoes garden strawberries, black and red currants, raspberries, apples, plums and cherries. The total number of studied samples of fruits and vegetables was 229.
In 49 studied samples cadmium exceeded 0.03 mg/kg and in 4 samples lead was above 0.3 mg/kg. In most studied samples of green parts of parsley and celery (80%) zinc was above 10 mg/kg of fresh mass, that is the level permitted in our country for products containing below 20% of dry mass
Growth hormone and milk protein gene polymorphism in relation to the levels of some hormones, enzymes and metabolites in growing dairy cattle
International audienc
Why are dairy cows not able to cope with the subacute ruminal acidosis?
One of the largest challenges for the dairy industry is to provide cows with a diet which is highly energetic but does not negatively affect their rumens’ functions. In highly productive dairy cows, feeding diets rich in readily fermentable carbohydrates provides energy precursors needed for maximum milk production, but simultaneously decreases ruminal pH, leading to a widespread prevalence of subacute ruminal acidosis. Maximizing milk production without triggering rumen acidosis still challenges dairy farmers, who try to prevent prolonged bouts of low ruminal pH mainly by proper nutrition and management practices. The animals try to avoid overeating fermentable feeds, as it causes negative consequences by disturbing digestive processes. The results of several experiments show that ruminants, including sheep and beef cattle, are able to modify some aspects of feeding behaviour in order to adjust nutrient intake to their needs and simultaneously prevent physiological disturbances. Particularly, such changes (e.g., increased preference for fibrous feeds, reduced intake of concentrates) were observed in animals, which were trying to prevent the excessive drop of rumen fluid pH. Thanks to a specific mechanism called “the postingestive feedback”, animals should be able to work out such a balance in intake, so they do not suffer either from hunger or from negative effects of over-ingesting the fermentable carbohydrates. This way, an acidosis should not be a frequent problem in ruminants. However, prolonged periods of excessively decreased rumen pH are still a concern in dairy cows. It raises a question, why the regulation of feed intake by postingestive feedback does not help to maintain stable rumen environment in dairy cows