32 research outputs found
Harmonia axyridis implicated in native European ladybird declines
Rates of global extinction are accelerating and show no sign of slowing (Millenium Ecosystem
Assessment 2005). Invasive alien species (IAS) are recognised as major drivers of biodiversity loss
(Winter et al. 2009). IAS afford a unique opportunity to accurately assess threats to biodiversity
because the time at which an IAS arrives within an ecosystem is often known, unlike other drivers of
change. However, few causal relationships between IAS and species declines have been
documented. We used data collated through extensive citizen-driven field surveys in Belgium and
Britain spanning decades, as well as intensive monitoring by scientists in Belgium, Britain and
Switzerland. The fine-scale data collection, replicated in time (over decades and including detailed
observations before and after the arrival of an IAS) and with extensive coverage in three European
countries, combined with powerful modern mixed-modelling (statistical) techniques, provided a
uniquely rigorous test of the impacts of an IAS on biodiversity. We report rapid, dramatic and ongoing
declines in the distribution of formerly common and widespread native ladybirds in Belgium and Britain
following the arrival of Harmonia axyridis, a globally rapidly expanding IAS (Roy et al. 2012). For
example, the two-spot ladybird, Adalia bipunctata, declined in both Belgium and Britain over five years
after the arrival of H. axyridis. Trends in ladybird abundance revealed similar patterns of declines
across three countries. These analyses implicate H. axyridis in the displacement of native ladybirds,
particularly those with a high niche (habitat and diet) overlap. There is considerable debate over the
relationship between species diversity and ecosystem processes (Rey Benayas et al. 2009). Studies
indicate that species diversity enhances productivity and stability in some ecosystems, but not in
others. However, it is difficult to predict which species are critical to ecosystem function and rapid
biotic homogenisation at the continental scale could diminish the resilience of ecosystems and the
services they deliver.
This research is published in full within the journal Diversity and Distributions (Roy et al. 2012). References:
Millenium Ecosystem Assessment (2005) Ecosystems and human well-being: current state and trends. World Resources Institute,
Washington, DC;
Rey Benayas JM, Newton AC, Diaz A, Bullock JM (2009) Enhancement of biodiversity and ecosystem services by ecological
restoration: a meta-analysis. Science 325: 1121-1124;
Roy HE, Adriaens T, Isaac NJB, Kenis M, Onkelinx T, San Martin G, Brown PMJ, Hautier L, Poland RL, Roy DB, Comont R,
Eschen R, Frost R, Zindel R, Van Vlaenderen J, Nedvěd O, Ravn HP, Grégoire J-C, de Biseau J-C, Maes D (2012): Invasive alien
predator causes rapid declines of native European ladybirds. Diversity and Distributions 18(7): 717-725. doi: 10.1111/j.1472-
Winter M, Schweiger O, Klotz S, Nentwig W, Andriopoulos P, Arianoutsou M, Basnou C, Delipetrou P, Didziulis V, Hejda M, Hulme
PE, Lambdon PW, Pergl J, Pysek P, Roy DB, Kuhn I (2009) Plant extinctions and introductions lead to phylogenetic and taxonomic
homogenization of the European flora. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 106: 21721-21725