3 research outputs found

    Structured prediction of unobserved voxels from a single depth image

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    Building a complete 3D model of a scene, given only a single depth image, is underconstrained. To gain a full volumetric model, one needs either multiple views, or a single view together with a library of unambiguous 3D models that will fit the shape of each individual object in the scene. We hypothesize that objects of dissimilar semantic classes often share similar 3D shape components, enabling a limited dataset to model the shape of a wide range of objects, and hence estimate their hidden geometry. Exploring this hypothesis, we propose an algorithm that can complete the unobserved geometry of tabletop-sized objects, based on a supervised model trained on already available volumetric elements. Our model maps from a local observation in a single depth image to an estimate of the surface shape in the surrounding neighborhood. We validate our approach both qualitatively and quantitatively on a range of indoor object collections and challenging real scenes

    Virtual Occlusions Through Implicit Depth

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    For augmented reality (AR), it is important that virtual assets appear to 'sit among' real world objects. The virtual element should variously occlude and be occluded by real matter, based on a plausible depth ordering. This occlusion should be consistent over time as the viewer's camera moves. Unfortunately, small mistakes in the estimated scene depth can ruin the downstream occlusion mask, and thereby the AR illusion. Especially in real-time settings, depths inferred near boundaries or across time can be inconsistent. In this paper, we challenge the need for depth-regression as an intermediate step. We instead propose an implicit model for depth and use that to predict the occlusion mask directly. The inputs to our network are one or more color images, plus the known depths of any virtual geometry. We show how our occlusion predictions are more accurate and more temporally stable than predictions derived from traditional depth-estimation models. We obtain state-of-the-art occlusion results on the challenging ScanNetv2 dataset and superior qualitative results on real scenes

    Building Scene Models by Completing and Hallucinating Depth and Semantics

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    Building 3D scene models has been a longstanding goal of computer vision. The great progress in depth sensors brings us one step closer to achieving this in a single shot. However, depth sensors still produce imperfect measurements that are sparse and contain holes. While depth completion aims at tackling this issue, it ignores the fact that some regions of the scene are occluded by the foreground objects. Building a scene model would therefore require to hallucinate the depth behind these objects. In contrast with existing methods that either rely on manual input, or focus on the indoor scenario, we introduce a fully-automatic method to jointly complete and hallucinate depth and semantics in challenging outdoor scenes. To this end, we develop a two-layer model representing both the visible information and the hidden one. At the heart of our approach lies a formulation based on the Mumford-Shah functional, for which we derive an effective optimization strategy. Our experiments evidence that our approach can accurately fill the large holes in the input depth maps, segment the different kinds of objects in the scene, and hallucinate the depth and semantics behind the foreground objects