471 research outputs found

    Selective disruption of an oncogenic mutant allele by CRISPR/Cas9 induces efficient tumor regression

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    Approximately 15% of non-small cell lung cancer cases are associated with a mutation in the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) gene, which plays a critical role in tumor progression. With the goal of treating mutated EGFR-mediated lung cancer, we demonstrate the use of clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)/CRISPR associated protein 9 (Cas9) system to discriminate between the oncogenic mutant and wild-type EGFR alleles and eliminate the carcinogenic mutant EGFR allele with high accuracy. We targeted an EGFR oncogene harboring a single-nucleotide missense mutation (CTG > CGG) that generates a protospacer-adjacent motif sequence recognized by the CRISPR/Cas9 derived from Streptococcus pyogenes. Co-delivery of Cas9 and an EGFR mutation-specific single-guide RNA via adenovirus resulted in precise disruption at the oncogenic mutation site with high specificity. Furthermore, this CRISPR/Cas9-mediated mutant allele disruption led to significantly enhanced cancer cell killing and reduced tumor size in a xenograft mouse model of human lung cancer. Taken together, these results indicate that targeting an oncogenic mutation using CRISPR/Cas9 offers a powerful surgical strategy to disrupt oncogenic mutations to treat cancers; similar strategies could be used to treat other mutation-associated diseases.

    Inhibition of hepatic stellate cells by bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells in hepatic fibrosis

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    Background/AimsTherapies involving bone-marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs) have considerable potential in the management of hepatic disease. BM-MSCs have been investigated in regenerative medicine due to their ability to secrete various growth factors and cytokines that regress hepatic fibrosis and enhance hepatocyte functionality. The aim of this study was to determine the antifibrosis effect of BM-MSCs on activated hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) and the mechanism underlying how BM-MSCs modulate the function of activated HSCs.MethodsWe used HSCs in both direct and indirect co-culture systems with BM-MSCs to evaluate the antifibrosis effect of BM-MSCs. The cell viability and apoptosis were evaluated by a direct co-culture system of activated HSCs with BM-MSCs. The activations of both HSCs alone and HSCs with BM-MSCs in the direct co-culture system were observed by immunocytochemistry for alpha-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA). The levels of growth factors and cytokines were evaluated by an indirect co-culture system of activated HSCs with BM-MSCs.ResultsThe BM-MSCs in the direct co-culture system significantly decreased the production of α-SMA and the viability of activated HSCs, whereas they induced the apoptosis of activated HSCs. The BM-MSCs in the indirect co-culture system decreased the production of transforming growth factor-β1 and interleukin (IL)-6, whereas they increased the production of hepatocyte growth factor and IL-10. These results confirmed that the juxtacrine and paracrine effects of BM-MSCs can inhibit the proliferative, fibrogenic function of activated HSCs and have the potential to reverse the fibrotic process by inhibiting the production of α-SMA and inducing the apoptosis of HSCs.ConclusionsThese results have demonstrated that BM-MSCs may exert an antifibrosis effect by modulating the function of activated HSCs


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    ABSTRACT Aperiodic (static) flow instability is an instability related to the change of a flow direction in individual steam generating U-shaped channels operating at given pressure difference. The nature of an aperiodic instability is close to a Ledinegg instability INTRODUCTION The hydrodynamic stability of OTSG, in particular OTSG in nuclear power plant, is one of the most important conditions ensuring their reliable operation. The operation of a OTSG under unstable conditions can damage the heating surface as a result of overheating or temperature fluctuations, and lead to a decrease of the heat reception It is known that two types of instability are possible for the OTSG [3]: a parallel-channel instability in the system of the channels connected in parallel and an aperiodic instability in the system of the U-shaped channels: Hydrodynamic instability of the OTSGs in terms of steamwater flow fluctuations occurs in the system of parallel channels and operating at a permanent pressure difference. It should be noted that it is typical for the OTSG to operate in low flow and low pressure conditions. The main disturbance source in a steam-water channel, finally leading to flowrat

    Whole-genome sequencing of Listeria monocytogenes isolated from the first listeriosis foodborne outbreak in South Korea

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    Listeria monocytogenes is a foodborne pathogen that causes listeriosis in humans with severe symptoms. In South Korea, listeriosis had only been reported sporadically among hospitalized patients until the first foodborne outbreak occurred in 2018. In this study, a L. monocytogenes strain responsible for this outbreak (FSCNU0110) was characterized via whole genome sequencing and compared with publicly available L. monocytogenes genomes of the same clonal complex (CC). Strain FSCNU0110 belonged to multilocus sequence typing (MLST)-based sequence type 224 and CC224, and core genome MLST-based sublineage 6,178. The strain harbored tetracycline resistance gene tetM, four other antibiotic resistance genes, and 64 virulence genes, including Listeria pathogenicity island 1 (LIPI-1) and LIPI-3. Interestingly, llsX in LIPI-3 exhibited a characteristic SNP (deletion of A in position 4, resulting in a premature stop codon) that was missing among all CC224 strains isolated overseas but was conserved among those from South Korea. In addition, the tetM gene was also detected only in a subset of CC224 strains from South Korea. These findings will provide an essential basis for assessing the characteristics of CC224 strains in South Korea that have shown a potential to cause listeriosis outbreaks

    Conservation and Variability of West Nile Virus Proteins

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    West Nile virus (WNV) has emerged globally as an increasingly important pathogen for humans and domestic animals. Studies of the evolutionary diversity of the virus over its known history will help to elucidate conserved sites, and characterize their correspondence to other pathogens and their relevance to the immune system. We describe a large-scale analysis of the entire WNV proteome, aimed at identifying and characterizing evolutionarily conserved amino acid sequences. This study, which used 2,746 WNV protein sequences collected from the NCBI GenPept database, focused on analysis of peptides of length 9 amino acids or more, which are immunologically relevant as potential T-cell epitopes. Entropy-based analysis of the diversity of WNV sequences, revealed the presence of numerous evolutionarily stable nonamer positions across the proteome (entropy value of ≤1). The representation (frequency) of nonamers variant to the predominant peptide at these stable positions was, generally, low (≤10% of the WNV sequences analyzed). Eighty-eight fragments of length 9–29 amino acids, representing ∼34% of the WNV polyprotein length, were identified to be identical and evolutionarily stable in all analyzed WNV sequences. Of the 88 completely conserved sequences, 67 are also present in other flaviviruses, and several have been associated with the functional and structural properties of viral proteins. Immunoinformatic analysis revealed that the majority (78/88) of conserved sequences are potentially immunogenic, while 44 contained experimentally confirmed human T-cell epitopes. This study identified a comprehensive catalogue of completely conserved WNV sequences, many of which are shared by other flaviviruses, and majority are potential epitopes. The complete conservation of these immunologically relevant sequences through the entire recorded WNV history suggests they will be valuable as components of peptide-specific vaccines or other therapeutic applications, for sequence-specific diagnosis of a wide-range of Flavivivirus infections, and for studies of homologous sequences among other flaviviruses

    Recessive C10orf2 mutations in a family with infantile-onset spinocerebellar ataxia, sensorimotor polyneuropathy, and myopathy

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    Recessive mutations in chromosome 10 open reading frame 2 (C10orf2) are relevant in infantile-onset spinocerebellar ataxia (IOSCA). In this study, we investigated the causative mutation in a Korean family with combined phenotypes of IOSCA, sensorimotor polyneuropathy, and myopathy. We investigated recessive mutations in a Korean family with two individuals affected by IOSCA. Causative mutations were investigated using whole exome sequencing. Electrophysiological analyses and muscle and nerve biopsies were performed, along with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain and lower extremities. Compound heterozygous mutations c.1460C>T and c.1485-1G>A in C10orf2 were identified as causative of IOSCA. Skeletal muscle showed mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) deletions. Both patients showed a period of normal development until 12–15 months, followed by ataxia, athetosis, hearing loss, and intellectual disability. Electrophysiological findings indicated motor and sensory polyneuropathies. Muscle biopsy revealed variations in the size and shape of myofibers with scattered, small, and angulated degenerating myofibers containing abnormal mitochondria; these observations are consistent with myopathy and may be the result of mtDNA deletions. Sural nerve biopsy revealed an axonal neuropathy. High-signal-intensity lesions in the middle cerebellar peduncles were correlated with clinical severity, and MRI of the lower legs was compatible with the hypothesis of length-dependent axonal degeneration. We identified novel compound heterozygous mutations of the C10orf2 gene as the cause of IOSCA with sensorimotor polyneuropathy and myopathy. Signs of motor neuropathy and myopathy were discovered for the first time in IOSCA patients with C10orf2 mutations. These results suggest that the clinical spectrum of IOSCA caused by C10orf2 mutations may be more variable than previously reported. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s10048-014-0405-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users