179 research outputs found

    Longitudinal Magnetoresistance Effect of Single-Crystals of Blogen-Iron at Low Temperatures

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    With three kinds of single-crystal specimen of iron whose axes lie near three crystallographic principal axes, respectively, the change in electric resistance by longitudinal magnetization was measured up to 1200 oersteds at low temperatures ranging from -195°to 0℃. The specimens were cylindrical, 0.19~0.21 cm in diameter and 11.3~13.2 cm in length. The magnetoresistance curves were almost similar to one another in the temperature range of -123.3°~0℃, that is, the magnetoresistance effect is increased noticeably by the rotational process of magnetic domain and approaches the saturation at the field for saturation magnetization. On the contrary, the magnetoresistance curves at -195℃ were different respectively from those at 0℃, that is, the negative magnetoresistance effect is observed at low fields in the specimens having [110] and [111], and at all fields in that having [100]. The saturation magnetoresistance effect vs. temperature curves in the directions of three crystallographic axes were nearly similar to one another in shape, being concave against the temperature axis. It is to be noted that in the cubic axis the magnetoresistance effect is zero at about -140℃ and becomes negative below this

    The Wiedemann Effect of the Magnetostriction Alloy "Alfer" at High Temperatures

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    The Wiedemann effect of "Alfer" (12.91 per cent Al-Fe alloy) was measured with the annealed specimen at high temperatures. As the temperature rises, the effect gradually decreases at the constant current through the specimen, and also the higher the temperature is, the weaker the field is for the maximum effect. When the current through the specimen as well as the longitudinal field is constant, the effect gradually decreases with the rise of temperature, and bcecomes extremely small at the magnetic transformation point of the Fe_3Al superlattice, and vanishes at the magnetic transformation point of α phase. The effect of Ni and Fe was measured to compare with that of Alfer. The temperature dependence of the effect of Ni is similar to that of Alfer, but that of Fe is different from both, that is, it gradually increases as the temperature rises, and after reaching a maximum at about 600℃, rapidly decreases, becoming zero at the magnetic transformation point

    On the Magnetic Shunt Characteristics of Fe-Ni-Cr Alloys and M. S. Alloy

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    For the purpose of improving the magnetic shunt alloys hitherto used, the magnetic properties of Fe-Ni-Cr alloys, containing 30~60% of Ni, 1~18% of Cr and having no allotropic transformation, were measured at various temperatures ranging from -50° to 100° It has been found that those alloys with the magnetic transformation point of about 100° show excellent characteristics of magnetic shunt as follows : The permeability in 400 Oe at 0° are 5~20 and their temperature coefficient, 0.003~0.040, the permeability varying almost linearly with the temperature. And the authors have named them "M. S Alloy"

    The Wiedemann Effect of the Binary System of Iron Aluminium Alloys at High Temperatures

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    The Wiedemann effect was measured at high temperatures with annealed specimens of 13 Fe-Al alloys. With the addition of Al to Fe, the torsion increased at first gradually, but after reaching a maximum at the concentration of about 13 per cent Al it decreased rapidly. In alloy containing less than about 6 per cent Al it was similar to that of iron, while in the alloy containing more than about 6 per cent Al it was similar to that of "Alfer"

    The Effect of Carbon Addition on the Magnetic Shunt Properties of M.S.O. Alloy

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    The magnetic shunt properties of a kind of M.S.O. Alloy (31%Ni, 8.5%Cr and rest Fe) containing C from 0.019 to 0.150% were studied. The magnetization curves at 0°to 40℃ were measured by the ballistic method. The dimension of specimen was 0.4 cm in diameter, 3.1 cm in length, and so the demagnetization factor N was 0.30. The experimental results on magnetic shunt properties are summarised as follows : (1) With increasing C addition, the permeability decreases at first and then increases slightly through a feeble minimum. It is assumed that the former decreasing is due to the impurity of C and the latter increasing due to the formation of Fe_6Cr_C_6 which is speculated by the microscopic. texture and the calculation. (2) The temperature coefficient of permeability becomes larger with increasing C addition, and its linearity becomes worse

    The Wiedemann Effect of the Magnetostriction Alloy "Alfer"

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    The Wiedemann effect of "Alfer" (12.91 per cent Al-Fe alloy) was measured at room temperature up to 820 Oe in longitudinal magnetic field and to 8 A in current through the specimens, 3 mm, in diameter and 150 mm in length (the circular magnetic field at the surface of the cylindrical specimen was about 10.7 Oe). It was found that the Wiedemann effect, that is, the angle of twist increased with increasing longitudinal field and after attaining a maximum value decreased gradually at the constant current through the specimen, and that the maximum value as well as the corresponding field increased with increasing current through the specimen. In a weak field, the effect increased at first at a constant rate, and then reaches a saturation value with increasing current, and in higher fields, the effect became proportional to the current. The effect of "Alfer" had the opposite sign to that of Ni, though the absolute magnitudes were nearly equal to each other

    Continuous Flow Synthesis of ZSM-5 Zeolite on the Order of Seconds

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    Zeolites have typically been synthesized via hydrothermal treatment, a process designed to artificially mimic the geological formation conditions of natural zeolites. This synthesis route, typically carried out in batch reactors like autoclaves, takes a time so long (typically, on the order of days) that the crystallization of zeolites had long been believed to be very slow in nature. Long periods of hydrothermal treatment also cause a burden on both energy efficiency and operational costs. Recently, we have reported the ultrafast syntheses of a class of industrially important zeolites within several minutes.[1,2] Further shortening the crystallization time to the order of seconds would be a great challenge but can significantly benefit the mass product of zeolites as well as the fundamental understanding of the crystallization mechanism

    Conventional Cancer Therapies Can Accelerate Malignant Potential of Cancer Cells by Activating Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts in Esophageal Cancer Models

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    Esophageal cancer is one of the most aggressive tumors, and the outcome remains poor. One contributing factor is the presence of tumors that are less responsive or have increased malignancy when treated with conventional chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or a combination of these. Cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) play an important role in the tumor microenvironment. Focusing on conventional cancer therapies, we investigated how CAFs acquire therapeutic resistance and how they affect tumor malignancy. In this study, low-dose chemotherapy or radiotherapy-induced normal fibroblasts showed enhanced activation of CAFs markers, fibroblast activation protein, and α-smooth muscle actin, indicating the acquisition of malignancy in fibroblasts. Furthermore, CAFs activated by radiotherapy induce phenotypic changes in cancer cells, increasing their proliferation, migration, and invasion abilities. In in vivo peritoneal dissemination models, the total number of tumor nodules in the abdominal cavity was significantly increased in the co-inoculation group of cancer cells and resistant fibroblasts compared to that in the co-inoculation group of cancer cells and normal fibroblasts. In conclusion, we demonstrated that conventional cancer therapy causes anti-therapeutic effects via the activation of fibroblasts, resulting in CAFs. It is important to select or combine modalities of esophageal cancer treatment, recognizing that inappropriate radiotherapy and chemotherapy can lead to resistance in CAF-rich tumors