3 research outputs found
Analysis of Underlying Constraints Affecting the Choice of Building as A Major Course
The aim of this study is to analyse the underlying constraints affecting the choice of Building as a major course. The
objectives of the paper arc to assess the a\varcncss of students on Building as a course in the institution, identify the
percentage of students \Villing to study Building as compared to other related courses, identify constraints of
students who chose Building. Secondary and primary data were obtained. Data was obtained by the administration
or qucstionnnirc. and intcndC\VS or students studying building technology in C-Ovenant University. A sample si:~.e of
150 students comprising of students from the 5 levels of the progrmmne partook of the survey. Purposeful sampling
technique was used and the data obtained was analyzed using a 5-point Likert scale .. The factors affecting the choice
of building in varying degrees include Poor awareness of the course, Inappropriate advice, Method of teaching,
Demands of the course, Gender differences, Tuition fees, Basic Teclmological skills, Leaming Enviromnent,
Method of teaching, Prospects for students in studying the course. Ho\vevcr, tna_jority of the students' constraint was
lack of::nvareness about the course; therefore it is reconnnended that proper cnvareness of Building Technolot,':Y as a
profession should be done via workshops and seminars in secondary schools so as to broaden the view of students
about the course even before entering into the higher institution .. Building technology skills acquisition is declining
in many institutions in the country, therefore it requires serious attention at national level. The National Institute of
building (NIOB)_ Cmmcil of registered builders of Nigeria (CORBON) that have been tasked with a detailed
assessment or the construction I building skills shortage should address these inadequacie
Building Practice in the New Millennium: is Building Education Ready to Meet the Challenges
The study aimed at assessing the building prncticc in the new millennium and cvahwtcd the readiness of building
education in meeting these challenges. The objectives of this research are to evaluate building education and
practices in the ne路w millemlium .. identify the challenges building practices face in the ne路w nlillemlitml and evaluate
the readiness of building education in meeting these challenges. Secondary and primary data were obtained. Data
路was obtained by the adnlinistration of questionnaires. and interviews of students studying Building Technology in
Covenant University and construction practitioners. A sample size of 150 students comprising of students from the 5
levels of the progrmmne partook of the survey. Purposeful sampling technique was used and the data obtained was
analyzed using a 5-point Likert scale. The factors affecting the readiness of building education in meeting the
challenges of Building Prncticc in the New Millennium in varying degrees include Poor Educational Background,
Poor curriculum. Poor Relationship Between Educational System and The Constmction Industry. Lack of Prospect
To Take Risk. Insufficient Building Practice. Cormption., Financial Inadequacy and Economic Recession. It was
also observed that that the education sector and public lack awareness of what building millennium entails and do
not have the pre requites building education that can meet up with the rapidly evolving standards of the nilllennium.
The study therefore concluded that the building education is not ready to f.1cc the challenges of the new millennium;
it recommended that the curriculum should be assessed and restmctured to be able to meet up the requirements of
the new nlillennium building constructio
Analysis of Underlying Constraints Affecting the Choice of Building as A Major Course
The aim of this study is to analyse the underlying constraints affecting the choice of Building as a major course. The
objectives of the paper arc to assess the a\varcncss of students on Building as a course in the institution, identify the
percentage of students \Villing to study Building as compared to other related courses, identify constraints of
students who chose Building. Secondary and primary data were obtained. Data was obtained by the administration
or qucstionnnirc. and intcndC\VS or students studying building technology in C-Ovenant University. A sample si:~.e of
150 students comprising of students from the 5 levels of the progrmmne partook of the survey. Purposeful sampling
technique was used and the data obtained was analyzed using a 5-point Likert scale .. The factors affecting the choice
of building in varying degrees include Poor awareness of the course, Inappropriate advice, Method of teaching,
Demands of the course, Gender differences, Tuition fees, Basic Teclmological skills, Leaming Enviromnent,
Method of teaching, Prospects for students in studying the course. Ho\vevcr, tna_jority of the students' constraint was
lack of::nvareness about the course; therefore it is reconnnended that proper cnvareness of Building Technolot,':Y as a
profession should be done via workshops and seminars in secondary schools so as to broaden the view of students
about the course even before entering into the higher institution .. Building technology skills acquisition is declining
in many institutions in the country, therefore it requires serious attention at national level. The National Institute of
building (NIOB)_ Cmmcil of registered builders of Nigeria (CORBON) that have been tasked with a detailed
assessment or the construction I building skills shortage should address these inadequacie