214 research outputs found

    Orbital dependent magnetic exchange interaction in CeXc_{\text{c}} (Xc_{\text{c}}=S, Se, Te)

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    Dispersion relations of the crystal-field excitations in cubic antiferromagnets CeTe, CeSe, and CeS have been investigated by inelastic neutron scattering using single crystalline samples. The Fourier transform of the magnetic exchange interaction J(q)J(q) obtained from the crystal-field dispersion is largely different from that of the mean-field interaction obtained from the N\'eel temperature and the Weiss temperature. From detailed reexamination of the magnetic susceptibility and these J(q)J(q) relations, we conclude that the magnetic exchange interaction is dependent on the crystal-field levels. The interaction associated with the Γ8\Gamma_8 excited state is stronger than that with the Γ7\Gamma_7 ground state.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, proceedings of SCES201

    Singlet-triplet Crossover in the Two-dimensional Dimer Spin System YbAl3C3

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    Low-temperature magnetization (M) measurements down to 0.1 K have been performed in magnetic fields up to 14.5 T for a single piece of a tiny single-crystalline sample (0.2 mg weight) of the spin-gap system YbAl3C3. At the base temperature of 0.1 K, several metamagnetic transitions were clearly observed for H // c in the range 6 T < H < 9 T whereas only two transitions were observed, one at 4.8 T and the other at 6.6 T, for H // a. At fields above 9 T, the magnetization becomes almost saturated for both H // a and H // c. The present results indicate that a singlet-triplet crossover occurs in a relatively narrow field range, suggesting a rather weak interdimer interaction in spite of the nearly triangular lattice of Yb ions.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, proceedings of ICM 201

    Pressure-Induced Antiferroquadrupole Order in CeTe

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    We have discovered that the magnetic phase diagram of CeTe under high pressure becomes quite similar to that of CeB6, strongly suggesting that an antiferroquadrupolar ordering is realized. At 1.2 GPa, the transition temperature increases from 3 K at 0.5 T to 6.3 K at 14.5 T. Since the crystal-field ground state of CeTe is the Γ7 doublet without a quadrupolar degree of freedom, this ordering is considered to be realized through the off-diagonal matrix element between Γ7 and Γ8 excited state, whose energy level is lowered with increasing the pressure.This work was supported by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (No. 21244056 and No. 21102515)


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    Malignant tumors arising from dentigerous cysts are classified as primary squamous cell carcinoma derived from an odontogenic cyst or as odontogenic carcinoma according to the 2005 WHO classification and are extremely rare. We report a malignant tumor arising from a dentigerous cyst in the right maxillary anterior teeth , together with a literature review. The patient was a 75-year-old man who visited a hospital with complaining of discomfort in the lingual part of the right maxillary anterior teeth. On panoramic radiography and plain computed tomography (CT), dentigerous cyst, keratocystic odontogenic tumor or ameloblastoma was suspected. The extirpated material was histopathologically diagnosed as an odontogenic carcinoma (in situ) arising from the dentigerous cyst. Postoperative ultrasonography (US) and contrast enhanced CT revealed no metastasis to the cervical lymph nodes. The patient is currently being followed up without resection or anticancer drug administration. Neither local recurrence nor metastases were observed 18 month after surgery.症例は75歳男性で、右上顎前歯の舌部不快感を主訴として受診した。パノラマX線撮影とCT検査により含歯性嚢胞、角化細胞歯原性腫瘍またはエナメル上皮腫が疑われた。切除切片の病理組織学的検査の結果、含歯性嚢胞より生じた歯原性癌腫と診断した。術後超音波検査と造影増強CT画像では頸部リンパ節への転移は見られなかった。抗癌剤投与はせずに経過観察中で、術後18ヵ月時点で再発や転移は見られていない。含歯性嚢胞より生じる悪性腫瘍は2005年のWHO分類によれば歯原性嚢胞由来の原発性扁平上皮癌または歯原性癌腫に分類され、極めて稀である。本症例は右上顎前歯の含歯性嚢胞より生じた悪性腫瘍であった。他の症例についても文献レビューした

    Molecular phylogeny and evolution of alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) genes in legumes

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    BACKGROUND: Nuclear genes determine the vast range of phenotypes that are responsible for the adaptive abilities of organisms in nature. Nevertheless, the evolutionary processes that generate the structures and functions of nuclear genes are only now be coming understood. The aim of our study is to isolate the alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) genes in two distantly related legumes, and use these sequences to examine the molecular evolutionary history of this nuclear gene. RESULTS: We isolated the expressed Adh genes from two species of legumes, Sophora flavescens Ait. and Wisteria floribunda DC., by a RT-PCR based approach and found a new Adh locus in addition to homologues of the Adh genes found previously in legumes. To examine the evolution of these genes, we compared the species and gene trees and found gene duplication of the Adh loci in the legumes occurred as an ancient event. CONCLUSION: This is the first report revealing that some legume species have at least two Adh gene loci belonging to separate clades. Phylogenetic analyses suggest that these genes resulted from relatively ancient duplication events

    Experimental IgA Nephropathy Induced by Oral Administration of Dextran

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    Attempts were made to produce experimental IgA nephropathy by oral administration for 18 weeks of dextran having a molecular weight of 10,000, 70,000, and 500,000 to 6-week old female BALB/c mice. It was observed that in three out of eight cases belonging to the group given dextran having a molecular weight of 70,000 and in three out of seven cases belonging to the group given dextran having a molecular weight of 500,000, deposition of IgA on the mesangium was demonstrated by immunofluorescence direct method. Furthermore, deposition of IgG and IgM was observed in not only the groups given dextran but also in the control group, but no significant difference in deposition pattern could be demonstrated between the groups. C3 was observed only in one case belonging to the group given dextran having a molecular weight of 10,000. The serum IgA value showed a higher value in the cases with IgA deposition than in the control group. Serum C3 value was higher in the IgA deposition cases in the group given dextran having a molecular weight of 500,000 than in the control group. These results suggest that it is possible to produce experimental IgA nephropathy by continual oral administration of carbohydrate antigen of bacterial origin and that bacterial infection is involved in the development of IgA nephropathy

    Association between Public Assistance and Frequent Emergency Department Visits in Urban Areas of Japan: A Case-Control Study

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    Emergency department(ED)crowding due to frequent visitors increases medical costs and endangers the safety of patients who need prompt treatment. Although some studies have examined the social background of frequent visitors to the ED, there are few comprehensive studies of factors related to frequent ED visits in Japan. The present study examined whether public assistance status, age, and underlying conditions are associated with frequent visits to the ED. Subjects in this study were patients over 20 years of age who visited the ED of General Medicine in Showa University Hospital in Tokyo, Japan, from April 1, 2014, to March 31, 2015(n=6,182). Information regarding sex, age, public insurance, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cancer, dysuria, bronchial asthma, and chronic kidney disease was collected using a patient database created from medical and hospital records. Based on a previous study, subjects who visited the ED four or more times were defined as frequent visitors, while those who visited the ED less than four times were considered infrequent visitors. Logistic regression analysis was performed to calculate odds ratios(ORs)and 95% confidence intervals(CIs)for frequent ED visits. Receipt of public assistance significantly increased the OR for frequent visits(4.26, 95% CI: 1.90-9.56), even after adjusting for sex, age, and potential confounding factors(OR: 3.89, 95% CI: 1.62-9.35). The current study found a significant association between frequent ED visits and the receipt of public assistance. Emergency physicians and medical practitioners need to share information with outpatient physicians and welfare officers and work together with patients to address their specific medical and social vulnerabilities