19 research outputs found

    Transition to Online Learning: Implementing the TPACK Framework by English Teachers due to the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The objectives of this research is to explore how the English teachers implement TPACK in online learning context and to know the challenges faced by the English teachers in implementing TPACK. There were several studies in the implementation of TPACK, but still less on the discussion about the challenges that the English teachers faced while implementing it, particularly in the online learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This study employed a descriptive design with a qualitative approach, which were analyzed descriptively through reducing inappropriate data, displaying and concluding data. The results of the data revealed that the English teachers of Bunga Bangsa Islamic Junior High School Samarinda had implemented TPACK in online learning context by using WhatsApp, Zoom meeting and Google Classroom as the technologies used to teaching, conducting demonstration and recitation method as the pedagogy to teach about “object pronoun” and “will and going to” as the content. There are some challenges faced by the English teachers when they implemented TPACK in online learning context such as limited quota, bad signal of internet, students’ behavior and adapt to the applications used such as WhatsApp, Zoom meeting and Google Classroom.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi bagaimana guru bahasa Inggris menerapkan TPACK dalam konteks pembelajaran online dan untuk mengetahui tantangan yang dihadapi oleh guru bahasa Inggris ketika mereka menerapkan TPACK dalam konteks pembelajaran online. Ada beberapa kajian dalam penerapan TPACK sebagai teori untuk mengajar, namun masih kurang pembahasan mengenai tantangan yang dihadapi guru bahasa Inggris selama menerapkannya, khususnya dalam pembelajaran online akibat pandemi COVID-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif, yang dianalisis secara deskriptif dengan mereduksi data yang tidak sesuai, menampilkan dan menyimpulkan data. Hasil data mengungkapkan bahwa guru bahasa Inggris SMP Islam Bunga Bangsa Samarinda telah menerapkan TPACK dalam konteks pembelajaran online dengan menggunakan WhatsApp, Zoom meeting dan Google Classroom sebagai teknologi yang digunakan untuk mengajar, melakukan metode demonstrasi dan resitasi sebagai pedagogi untuk mengajarkan tentang “object pronoun” dan “will and going to” sebagai konten. Ada beberapa tantangan yang dihadapi guru bahasa Inggris ketika mereka menerapkan TPACK dalam konteks pembelajaran online seperti kuota yang terbatas, sinyal internet yang buruk, perilaku siswa dan beradaptasi dengan aplikasi yang digunakan seperti WhatsApp, Zoom meeting dan Google Classroom


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    The objectives of this research are to explore how the EFL students aware toward American and British English and to know EFL students’ perception towards both varieties that influence their learning experiences. This qualitative descriptive research conducted the ethnonarrative approach, which were analyzed descriptively through collecting the data, reducing inappropriate data, displaying and concluding data. The results revealed that the way how the EFL students aware toward American and British English were the participants watch television programs to do self-understanding, they learned both varieties in school and took the TOEFL and IELTS exam, they also frequently use American English to make a conversation as their process of socialization. The EFL students’ perception towards both varieties that influence their learning experiences were different. The first participant thought that British English is way much professional, had unique grammatical and vocabularies. While the second participant thought that American English used for daily conversation

    Nadiem Makarim’s Speech: A Critical Discourse Analysis at National Education Day

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    Background: National Education Day, the most important day for education in Indonesia, serves as the chief podium for the minister of education. Analyzing Nadiem Makarim’s speech through the viewpoint of Fairclough, who offers a three-dimensional framework for text and discourse, was the focus of critical discourse analysis. Methodology: This study uses a descriptive qualitative method by conducting a Critical Discourse Analysis approach. The data for this research is a transcript of Nadiem Makarim's speech at the time of National Education Day 2022 and analyzed through data reduction, data display, and drawing the conclusion. Findings: At the micro-level, Nadiem Makarim’s speech employed diction to emphasize the position of the people who would be participating in his speech. The lexical structures used are polysemy, metonymy, synonym, collocation, and a contrasting conjunction. At mezzo-level, the text was a transcript that was published on May 12, 2022, on the websites. At macro-level, the speech was given during the National Education Day ceremony, demonstrates the situational level. The institutional level proved during his tenure gave the speech. The social level demonstrates that both the audiences' and all Indonesians' reactions to Minister’s speech were positive and negative. Conclusion: With his speech, Nadiem Anwar Makarim received special attention from the community because of his role as an important person. The information he conveyed has made the researchers find the macro, mezzo, and micro levels. It is important to know the meaning of the speech so the listeners may have a different perspective in give their opinion. Originality: This research uses the newest National Education Day 2022 speech by Nadiem Makarim and the Critical Discourse Analysis approach to get the micro, mezzo and macro levels

    Isolation, identification and in vitro evaluation of native isolates of bacillus, trichoderma and streptomyces with potential for the biocontrol of grapevine trunk fungi

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    Antecedentes: El biocontrol de las enfermedades fĂșngicas de la madera de la vid (EMV), es una alternativa amigable frente al control quĂ­mico causante de resistencia y/o contaminaciĂłn del ecosistema. Objetivo: aislar microorganismos nativos de raĂ­z y rizĂłsfera de vid con potencial de biocontrol de hongos de la madera de la vid. MetodologĂ­a: Se estudiĂł la “competencia por sustrato” (CS) con la escala de Bell, “el tiempo de contacto” (TC) entre antagonista-patĂłgeno” (dĂ­as) y la antibiosis por el porcentaje de inhibiciĂłn del crecimiento (PIC). Resultados: Se aislaron e identificaron: siete-cepas de Trichoderma spp. (raĂ­z: Tr-1, Tr-2, Tr3, Tr-6; y rizĂłsfera: Tr-4, Tr-5, Tr-7); seis-Bacillus spp. (raĂ­z: Bac-4, Bac-5, Bac-6; y rizĂłsfera: Bac-1, Bac-2, Bac-3); y dos-Streptomyces sp. (rizĂłsfera: Act-1, Act-2). Los resultados de la CS evaluados con la escala de Bell demostraron a Tr-1, Tr-7, T.atv (Trichoderma atroviride) y T-22 (Trichoderma harzianum) se ubicaron en la clase 1 frente a Lasiodiplodia theobromae y, todos los aislados se ubicaron en la clase 1 frente a Campylocarpon pseudofasciculare y Phaeoacremonium parasiticum. El TC de Trichoderma fue 2 dĂ­as (L. theobromae) y 3 dĂ­as (C. pseudofasciculare y P. parasiticum). En la antibiosis Tr-5 (Trichoderma) y Bac-3 (Bacillus) tuvieron el mayor PIC (>50%) frente a los patĂłgenos. El aislado Act-2 (Streptomyces sp.) presentĂł PIC, >70% (L. theobromae), >40% (C. pseudofasciculare) y >30% (P. parasiticum). Implicaciones: El uso del control biolĂłgico en el manejo de enfermedades de la madera de la vid es una herramienta eficaz, y puede integrarse en una estrategia de manejo integrado de estas patologĂ­as. Conclusiones: Los aislados nativos Bac-3 (Bacillus spp.), Tr-5 (Trichoderma spp.), Act-2 (Streptomyces sp.) demostraron control in vitro frente a los patĂłgenos L. theobromae, C. pseudofasciculare y P. parasiticum, patĂłgenos asociados a enfermedades de la madera de la vid

    A geographical analysis of ethnic distribution of jaw ameloblastoma in Nigerians

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    Introduction: Ameloblastoma is the most common odontogenic tumour in Nigeria. A definite geographic variation has been observed in the frequency of odontogenic tumors from different parts of the world. However, there is no study on the regional variations in Nigeria. Hence, this study was designed to document the ethnic and geographical distribution of jaw ameloblastoma in Nigeria.Methods: Archival data on ameloblastoma from 10 health facilities were obtained. Global Moran’s I detected geographic clustering in its distribution while Local Getis Ord indicated the location of ameloblastoma clusters. Chi-square tested associations between variables at 0.05 level of significance.Results: A total of 1,246 ameloblastoma cases were recorded in Nigeria. Besides substantial state variations, a South-North gradient was noticed in its distribution. Significant positive spatial autocorrelation was observed in the three major groups while ameloblas- toma hotspots were found in the SouthWestern and Northwestern Nigeria. The Igbos had a higher prevalence of ameloblastoma outside their home region than within.Conclusion: The study hypothesized that the geographical distribution of ameloblastoma in Nigeria is the result of all or one of the following:  the country’s tropical climate, migration patterns and health seeking behavior. Hopefully, these claims should lead to further enquiry on the underlying causes.Keywords: Ameloblastoma, ethnicity, spatial analysis, Nigeria

    A geographical analysis of ethnic distribution of jaw ameloblastoma in Nigerians

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    Introduction: Ameloblastoma is the most common odontogenic tumour in Nigeria. A definite geographic variation has been observed in the frequency of odontogenic tumors from different parts of the world. However, there is no study on the regional variations in Nigeria. Hence, this study was designed to document the ethnic and geographical distribution of jaw ameloblastoma in Nigeria. Methods: Archival data on ameloblastoma from 10 health facilities were obtained. Global Moran\u2019s I detected geographic clustering in its distribution while Local Getis Ord indicated the location of ameloblastoma clusters. Chi-square tested associations between variables at 0.05 level of significance. Results: A total of 1,246 ameloblastoma cases were recorded in Nigeria. Besides substantial state variations, a South-North gradient was noticed in its distribution. Significant positive spatial autocorrelation was observed in the three major groups while ameloblastoma hotspots were found in the SouthWestern and Northwestern Nigeria. The Igbos had a higher prevalence of ameloblastoma outside their home region than within. Conclusion: The study hypothesized that the geographical distribution of ameloblastoma in Nigeria is the result of all or one of the following: the country\u2019s tropical climate, migration patterns and health seeking behavior. Hopefully, these claims should lead to further enquiry on the underlying causes. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/ahs.v19i1.44 Cite as: Adisa AO, Osayomi T, Effiom OA, Kolude B, Lawal AO, Soyele OO, et al. A geographical analysis of ethnic distribution of jaw ameloblastoma in Nigerians. Afri Health Sci. 2019;19(1). 1677-1686. https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/ ahs. v19i1.4

    Tjurug Rubber Estate Community

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    Changing the network design to reduce telecommunication cost to support the business growth goal of a multinational consumer goods company in Greater China

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    The high telecommunications costs has been considered as a major barrier in enabling P&G to significantly grow in China. This project aimed to decrease these costs using the action research framework. There were two action research cycles completed in this initiative. The first cycle focused on reducing the costs of bandwidth by changing the overall network design, while the second cycle revolved around reducing the costs of call conferencing in the country. I orchestrated the collaboration between different organizations to properly construct the issue, plan and implement actions and finally evaluate the actions chosen. The collaboration was done through formal and informal meetings, board reviews, focus group discussions (FGDs) and remote interviews. Frameworks such as 5-Whys analysis were used to uncover the root causes of the issues in each cycle of the action research. The high bandwidth costs in China was driven by the lack of presence of P&Gs current transport vendor in the country while the high call conferencing costs was due to the high reliance on public telephone network. Changes on the infrastructure design, using the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) framework, were carried out to address these root causes. After the implementation of the two cycles, a combined savings of about $4 Million was delivered for the fiscal year and improving user experience without negative impacting the company\u27s operation in the country

    Tactile sensing feedback for medical palpation in Minimally Invasive Surgeries (MIS)

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    Minimally Invasive Surgeries (MIS) are major operations through small incisions often using miniaturized high-tech systems, to minimize the trauma of surgical procedure. However such procedures deprive surgeons one of their most important ability-ability to touch and palpate. It also limits the dexterity, depth of perception and hand - eye coordination. The study focuses on the development of an effective mechanism of relaying the information across the surgical area to the surgeon through a tactile sensing feedback system. The design sensor system should be ergonomically sound, has high reproducibility of results so that it could be fitting for medical use. The project utilizes nine (9) circular tactile sensors formed in a 3x3 matrix to be interfaced data acquisition system through a Zilog Z8 Encore! 6421. The pressure distribution sensed by the feedback system will generate a 3D image to be shown in the constructed Graphical User Interface (GUI)