6 research outputs found

    Methods for dependability analysis of small satellite missions

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    The use of small-satellites as platforms for fast-access to space with relatively low cost has increased in the last years. In particular, many universities in the world have now permanent hands-on education programs based on CubeSats. These small and cheap platforms are becoming more and more attractive also for other-than-educational missions, such as for example technology demonstration, science application, and Earth observation. This new objectives require the development of adequate technology to increase CubeSat performances. Furthermore, it is necessary to improve mission reliability. The research aims at studying methods for dependability analysis conducted by small satellites. The attention is focused on the reliability, as main attribute of the dependability, of CubeSats and CubeSats missions. The work has been structured in three main blocks. The first part of the work has been dedicated to the general study of dependability from the theoretical point of view. It has been studied the dependability attributes, the threads that can affect the dependability of a system, the techniques that are used to mitigate the threads, parameters to measure dependability, and models and techniques for dependability modelling. The second part contains a study of failures occurred during CubeSats missions in the last ten years and their observed reliability evaluation have been conducted. In order to perform this analysis a database has been created. This database contents information of all CubeSats launched until December 2013. The information has been gathered from public sources (i.e. CubeSat projects webs, publications on international journals, etc.) and contains general information (e.g. launch date, objectives) and data regarding possible failures. All this information is then used to conduct a quantitative reliability analysis of these missions by means of non-parametric and parametric methods, demonstrating that these failures follow a Weibull distribution. In the third section different methods, based on the concept of fault prevention, removal and tolerance, have been proposed in order to evaluate and increase dependability, and concretely reliability, of CubeSats and their missions. Concretely, three different methods have been developed: 1) after an analysis of the activities conducted by CubeSat’s developers during whole CubeSat life-cycle, it has been proposed a wide range of activities to be conducted during all phases of satellite’s life-cycle to increase mission rate of success, 2) increase reliability through CubeSats verification, mainly tailoring international ECSS standards to be applied to a CubeSat project, 3) reliability rising at mission level by means of implementing distributed mission architectures instead of classical monolithic architectures. All these methods developed in the present PhD research have been applied to a real space projects under development at Politecnico di Torino within e-st@r program. The e-st@r program is being conducted by the CubeSat Team of the Mechanical and AeroSpace Engineering Department. Concretely, e-st@r-I, e-st@r-II, and 3STAR CubeSats have been used as test cases for the proposed methods. Moreover, part of the present research has been conducted within an internship at the European Space research and Technology Centre (ESTEC) of the European Space Agency (ESA) at Noordwijk (The Netherlands). In particular, the partially realisation of the CubeSats database, the analysis of activities conducted by CubeSat developers and statement of activities for mission rate of success increase have been conducted during the internship

    Lessons learned of a systematic approach for the e-st@r-II CubeSat environmental test campaign

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    CubeSat-standard satellites have become more and more popular during last years. Education objectives, mainly pursued in the first CubeSat projects, have given way to the design of missions with other-than-education objectives, like Earth observation and technology demonstration. These new objectives require the development of appropriate technology. Moreover, is necessary to ensure a certain level of reliability, because education-driven mission often failed. In 2013 the ESA Education Office launched the Fly Your Satellite! Initiative devoted to provide six university teams with the support of ESA specialists for the verification phase of their CubeSats. Within this framework, the CubeSat Team at Politecnico di Torino developed the e-st@r-II CubeSat. E-st@r-II is a 1U satellite with educational and technology demonstration objectives: to give hands-on experience to university students; to demonstrate the capability of autonomous attitude determination and control, through the design, development and test in orbit of an A-ADCS; and to test in orbit COTS technology and in-house developed hardware and software (as UHF communication subsystem and software for on-board and data handling subsystem). The paper describes the application of a systematic approach to the definition, planning and execution of environmental test campaign of e- st@r-II CubeSat and the gathered lessons learned. The approach is based on procedures designed and assessed for the vibrations and thermal-vacuum cycling tests of a CubeSat accordingly to ECSS rules and with the support of ESA specialists. Concretely, ECSS application, tailored to fit a CubeSat project, allowed to define a test plan oriented to reduce verification duration and cost, which lead to a lean verification execution. Moreover, the interaction with ESA thermal and mechanical experts represented a valuable aid to increase the Team know-how and to improve and optimise the verification plan and its execution. The planning encompasses the analysis of the requirements to be verified that have been gathered in such a way that the tests duration has been reduced. The required tests, like thermal- vacuum cycling and bake-out tests, have been combined in order to speed-up the verification campaign. The tests outputs shown that the satellite is able to withstand launch and space environment. Furthermore, satellite expected functionalities have been tested and verified when the CubeSat is subjected to space environment, in terms of temperature and vacuum conditions. In conclusion, it has been successfully demonstrated that the proposed approach allows executing a lean CubeSat verification campaign against environmental requirements following a systematic approach based on ECSS

    Design of the Active Attitude Determination and Control System for the e-st@r cubesat

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    One of the most limiting factors which affects pico/nano satellites capabilities is the poor accuracy in attitude control. To improve mission performances of this class of satellites, the capability of controlling satellite’s attitude shall be enhanced. The paper presents the design, development and verification of the Active Attitude Determination and Control System (A-ADCS) of the E-ST@R Cubesat developed at Politecnico di Torino. The heart of the system is an ARM9 microcontroller that manages the interfaces with sensors, actuators and the on-board computer and performs the control tasks. The attitude manoeuvres are guaranteed by three magnetic torquers that contribute to control the satellite in all mission phases. The satellite attitude is determined elaborating the data provided by a COTS Inertial Measurement Unit, a Magnetometer and the telemetries of the solar panels, used as coarse Sun sensor. Different algorithms have been studied and then implemented on the microprocessor in order to determine the satellite attitude. Robust and optimal techniques have been used for the controller design, while stability and performances of the system are evaluated to choose the best control solution in every mission phase. A mathematical model of the A-ADCS and the external torques acting on the satellite, its dynamics and kinematics, is developed in order to support the design. After the design is evaluated and frozen, a more detailed simulation model is developed. It contains non-ideal sensors and actuators models and more accurate system disturbances models. New numerical simulations permit to evaluate the behaviour of the controller under more realistic mission conditions. This model is the basic element of the Hardware In The Loop (HITL) simulator that is developed to test the A-ADCS hardware (and also the whole satellite). Testing an A-ADCS on Earth poses some issues, due to the difficulties of reproducing real orbit conditions (i.e. apparent sun position, magnetic field, etc). This is especially true in the case of low cost projects, for which complex testing facilities are usually not available. Thanks to a good HITL simulator it is possible to test the system and its “real in orbit” behaviour to a certain grade of accuracy saving money and time for verification. The paper shows the results of the verification of the ADCS by means of the HITL strategy, which are consistent with the expected values

    E-st@r-I experience: valuable knowledge for improving the e-st@r-II design

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    Many universities in the world have now permanent hands-on education programs based on CubeSats. These small and cheap platforms are becoming more and more attractive also for other-than-educational missions, such as for example technology demonstration, science application, and Earth observation. This will require the development of adequate technology to increase CubeSat performance. Furthermore, it is necessary to improve mission reliability, because educationally-driven missions have often failed. In 2013 the ESA Education Office launched the Fly Your Satellite! Initiative devoted to provide six university teams with the support of ESA specialists for the verification phase of their CubeSat. The project aims at increasing CubeSat mission reliability through several actions: to improve design implementation, to define best practice for conducting the verification process, and to make the CubeSat community aware of the importance of verification. Within this framework, the CubeSat team at Politecnico di Torino developed the e-st@r-II CubeSat as follow-on of the e-st@r-I satellite, launched in 2012 on the VEGA Maiden Flight. E-st@r-I and e-st@r-II are both 1U satellites with educational and technology demonstration objectives: to give hands-on experience to university students and to test an active attitude determination and control system based on inertial and magnetic measurements with magnetic actuation. The paper describes the know-how gained thanks to the e-st@r-I mission and how they have been used to improve the new CubeSat in several areas, from design to operations. The CubeSat design has been improved to reduce the complexity of the assembly procedure and to deal with possible failures on the on-board computer, for example implementing a new communication software in the communications subsystem. New procedures have been designed and assessed for the verification campaign accordingly to ECSS rules and with the support of ESA specialists. Different operative modes have been implemented to deal with some anomalies observed during the operations of the first satellite. The main difference is a new version of the on-board software. In particular, the activation sequence of the satellite has been modified to have a stepwise switch-on of the satellite. In conclusion, the e-st@r-I experience has provided valuable lessons during its development, requirements verification and on-orbit operations. This know-how has become crucial for the development of the e-st@r-II CubeSat

    E-st@r-I experience: valuable knowledge for improving the e-st@r-II design

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    Many universities all over the world have now established hands-on education programs based on CubeSats. These small and cheap platforms are becoming more and more attractive also for other-than-educational missions, such as technology demonstration, science applications, and Earth observation. This new paradigm requires the development of adequate technology to increase CubeSat performance and mission reliability, because educationally-driven missions have often failed. In 2013 the ESA Education Office launched the Fly Your Satellite! Programme which aims at increasing CubeSat mission reliability through several actions: to improve design implementation, to define best practices for conducting the verification process, and to make the CubeSat community aware of the importance of verification. Within this framework, the CubeSat team at Politecnico di Torino developed the e-st@r-II CubeSat as follow-on of the e-st@r-I satellite, launched in 2012 on the VEGA Maiden Flight. E-st@r-I and e-st@r-II are both 1U satellites with educational and technology demonstration objectives: to give hands-on experience to university students and to test an active attitude determination and control system based on inertial and magnetic measurements with magnetic actuation. This paper describes the know-how gained thanks to the e-st@r-I mission, and how this heritage has been translated into the improvement of the new CubeSat in several areas and lifecycle phases. The CubeSat design has been reviewed to reduce the complexity of the assembly procedure and to deal with possible failures of the on-board computer, for example re-coding the software in the communications subsystem. New procedures have been designed and assessed for the verification campaign accordingly to ECSS rules and with the support of ESA specialists. Different operative modes have been implemented to handle some anomalies observed during the operations of the first satellite. A new version of the on-board software is one of the main modifications. In particular, the activation sequence of the satellite has been modified to have a stepwise switch-on of the satellite. In conclusion, the e-st@r-I experience has provided valuable lessons during its development, verification and on-orbit operations. This know-how has become crucial for the development of the e-st@r-II CubeSat as illustrated in this articl

    3-STAR program at Politecnico di Torino

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    The 3-st@r program is the new CubeSat educational project being carried on at Politecnico di Torino. It comes in response to the GENSO Experimental Orbital Initial Demonstration (GEOID) mission call for proposals issued by the ESA Education Office. GEOID is expected to be the communication backbone of the initial version of an international satellite constellation system,HumSAT, which will act as communication support for areas without infrastructures or for developing countries. The 3-st@r satellite will be a 3U CubeSats in the GEOID constellation. It will be orbiting the Earth and acting as a data-relay platform and a space-based testbed for an Earth remote sensing experiment. This satellite will be composed by three parts: the spacecraft bus module; the HumSAT payload, consisting of a simple but extremely reliable communication module that meets HumSAT requirements and the P-GRESSION (Payload for GNSS REmote Sensing and SIgnal detectiON) experiment, whose main goal is to achieve measurements by means of radio-occultation techniques and scattering theory, using GNSS signals. This paper describes the 3-st@r on board system architectures, the trade off between the various requirements, the main design features, the budgets and solutions adopted for each subsystem and components and some innovative choices are underline