4 research outputs found

    The structure and dynamics of patriotic values of modern student youth

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    Background. Large-scale changes taking place today in all spheres of life in Russian society revealed the need to increase patriotism. Solving this problem is impossible without clearly built system of patriotic education, based on knowledge in the field of structure and dynamics of student youth patriotic values. The purpose of the study is to analyze conditions and dynamics of development of student youth patriotic values in modern society. Materials and methods. The study is based on systemic and structural-functional approaches. Based on data from quantitative and qualitative author’s studies conducted in 2020 and 2022 among students of Penza region, secondary analysis of other sociological studies, analysis of the main components of patriotism was carried out, dynamics of patriotic values of modern student is presented. Results. Based on data from the studies, state of youth patriotic values was presented: dynamics of patriotic self-identification of student youth was considered, the main indicators and manifestations of patriotism, attitude to patriotism, features of active patriotism, role of various persons and organizations in process of forming student youth patriotic values were identified. Conclusions. According to studies, increase in proportion of students identifying as patriots, differences in gender and courses of study were revealed; there is a significant increase in all indicators of patriotism; true patriotism manifests itself more in respect for tradition and work for good of country; the level of active patriotism in student environment is not high; influence of family and educational institutions in formation of youth patriotism is growing

    First concept of compact instrument SIDRA for measurements of particle fluxes in the space

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    The concept of the compact instrument SIDRA for measurements of energetic charge particle fluxes and the first results of laboratory tests of the separate units are presented. The SIDRA instrument consists of one detector unit based on the high purity silicon PIN (∆E, E) and rapid scintillation detectors, of analogue & digital signal processing units, and of one secondary power supply module. Different objectives – scientific and also applied ones such as measurements of absorbed dose rates can be achieved in the outer space with the help of the SIDRA device. Main features and parameters of the device such as weight, dimensions, power consumption as well as some electrical characteristics are presented. Представлены концепция компактного прибора SIDRA для измерений потоков энергичных заряженных частиц и первые результаты лабораторных тестов отдельных модулей прибора. Прибор SIDRA состоит из детекторного блока, созданного на основе сверхчистых кремниевых и сцинтилляционного детекторов, аналогового и цифрового блоков обработки сигналов, и модуля источника вторичного питания. Различные задачи, как научные, так и прикладные, такие, как измерения мощности поглощенных доз, могут быть решены в окружающем космическом пространстве с помощью прибора SIDRA. Представлены основные особенности и параметры прибора, такие как вес, размеры, потребляемая мощность и некоторые электрические характеристики. Представлені концепція компактного приладу SIDRA для вимірювань потоків енергійних заряджених частинок і перші результати лабораторних тестувань окремих модулів приладу. Прилад SIDRA включає в себе детекторний блок, створений на основі надчистих кремнієвих і сцинтиляційного детекторів, аналогового і цифрового блоків обробки сигналів і модуля джерела вторинного живлення. Різноманітні задачі, як наукові, так і прикладні, такі, як вимірювання потужності поглинених доз, можуть бути вирішені в навколоземному космічному просторі за допомогою приладу SIDRA. Представлені головні особливості і параметри приладу, такі, як вага, розміри, споживана потужність і деякі електричні характеристики