3 research outputs found
Introduction. The article is devoted to the actual problem of teaching foreign students to read Russian texts using contextual guess on the basis of word formation analysis. It is proposed to teach the formation of contextual guess techniques in accordance with the theory of mental actions, involving the creation of foreign students’ project of independent activity in the course of successive operations, orienting students to the correct understanding of unfamiliar words when reading. Aim and objectives. The purpose of the research is to teach foreign students the peculiarities of Russian word formation, to produce morphemic and word formation analysis for the development of language guesswork. The examples of realization of the system of exercises for development of contextual guess are given. Material and methods. The main method for teaching foreign students the formation of contextual guess is pedagogical experiment, as well as the method of statistical processing of quantitative research results. More than 150 foreign students from different countries participated in the experiment. The morphological and syntactic analysis is used in our research in teaching foreign students the contextual guess: identification of the known part of the word on the basis of the existing experience of language material; selection on the basis of the experience of similar examples of parts of words; recognition of belonging to a certain part of speech; understanding the meaning of the word. Word-forming models on which students can rely when determining the meanings of unfamiliar words in the process of reception to be quite full, common and thematically transparent. Results and discussion. The results showed that the knowledge of foreign students’ language contextual skills successfully helps them in understanding the texts and learning Russian. Conclusion. The authors created a system of training that provides foreign students with the formation of techniques and skills of contextual guesswork based on word-formation analysis. This research proved effectiveness of the developed system for formation of contextual guessing techniques based on word-formation analysis and can be useful in teaching foreign students to read Russian texts.Освещается актуальная проблема обучения иностранных студентов чтению русских текстов с использованием языковой догадки на основе словообразовательного анализа. Предлагается обучать формированию приемов языковой догадки в соответствии с теорией умственных действий, предполагающей создание у иностранных учащихся проекта самостоятельной деятельности в ходе последовательных операций, ориентирующих обучающихся на правильное понимание незнакомых слов при чтении. При обучении догадке используется морфолого-синтаксический анализ: опознание известной части слова на основе бывшего в опыте языкового материала; выделение на основе имевшихся в опыте аналогичных примеров частей слов; осознание принадлежности слова к определенной части речи; понимание значения слова. Используются словообразующие модели, на которые обучающиеся могут опираться при определении значений незнакомых слов в процессе рецепции быть достаточно наполненными, распространенными и тематически прозрачными. Ведущим методом исследования данной проблемы является педагогический эксперимент, а также метод статистической обработки количественных результатов исследования. Цель – научить студентов-иностранцев особенностям русского словообразования, производить морфемный и словообразовательный анализ для развития языковой догадки. Приведены примеры реализации системы упражнений на развитие языковой догадки. Основные результаты показали, что владение иностранными студентами навыками языковой догадки успешно помогает им в понимании читаемого и овладении русским языком в целом. Для успешного возникновения языковой догадки на основе словообразования иностранным учащимся следует научиться анализировать целый комплекс языковых данных, сопоставлять неизвестное с известным, использовать аналогию и различные виды переноса, научить студентов выделять корень, суффиксы, префиксы, окончания и определять их значения, устанавливать принадлежность слова к определенной части речи, определять род, число, падеж, склонение и выявлять морфолого-синтаксическую функцию. Владение словообразовательными моделями способствует самостоятельной семантизации незнакомых производных слов и тем самым расширению пассивного и потенциального словаря иностранных учащихся
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Advances in our understanding of the large-scale electric and magnetic fields in the coupled magnetosphere-ionosphere system are reviewed. The literature appearing in the period January 1991–June 1993 is sorted into 8 general areas of study. The phenomenon of substorms receives the most attention in this literature, with the location of onset being the single most discussed issue. However, if the magnetic topology in substorm phases was widely debated, less attention was paid to the relationship of convection to the substorm cycle. A significantly new consensus view of substorm expansion and recovery phases emerged, which was termed the ‘Kiruna Conjecture’ after the conference at which it gained widespread acceptance. The second largest area of interest was dayside transient events, both near the magnetopause and the ionosphere. It became apparent that these phenomena include at least two classes of events, probably due to transient reconnection bursts and sudden solar wind dynamic pressure changes. The contribution of both types of event to convection is controversial. The realisation that induction effects decouple electric fields in the magnetosphere and ionosphere, on time scales shorter than several substorm cycles, calls for broadening of the range of measurement techniques in both the ionosphere and at the magnetopause. Several new techniques were introduced including ionospheric observations which yield reconnection rate as a function of time. The magnetospheric and ionospheric behaviour due to various quasi-steady interplanetary conditions was studied using magnetic cloud events. For northward IMF conditions, reverse convection in the polar cap was found to be predominantly a summer hemisphere phenomenon and even for extremely rare prolonged southward IMF conditions, the magnetosphere was observed to oscillate through various substorm cycles rather than forming a steady-state convection bay