3 research outputs found

    Structure and content of tourists’ physical training at the stage of preliminary basic training

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    The purpose of the research is to substantiate scientifically the structure and content of tourists’ physical training at the stage of preliminary basic training. Material and methods . The study involved athletes aged 12-13 years. The control and experimental groups consist of 32 young men in each group. Results . It was developed and experimentally substantiated the structure and content of athletes-tourists’ physical training. It was determined the content and volumes of physical training types (general, special and additional). It was developed the complexes of training exercises with a rational correlation of general and additional physical training means. The ratio of the main types of training was as follows: general physical training - 35%, special - 15% and additional - 50%. Conclusions . The rock climbing and slacklining were offered for the preparatory period as the means of additional physical training. These means are based on the structure of motor activity and preferential orientation focused on the development of coordination, power, speed and speed-power qualities

    Preparation of athletes in cyclic sports taking into account the functional state of the external respiratory system and cardiovascular system

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    The purpose of the study is to investigate the preparation of athletes in cyclic sports, taking into account the functional state of the external respiratory system and cardiovascular system (on the example of academic rowing). Material and methods. The study involved 13 athletes aged 19-22 years old. Athletes went for academic rowing in the Dnipropetrovsk region. A control and experimental group of 6 and 7 people were created, respectively. At the beginning of the experiment, there were no significant differences in fitness, physical development, and functional status between groups (p> 0.05). All study participants gave written consent to participate in the study. The studies were carried out at the specialized school of the Olympic reserve in rowing of the Dnepropetrovsk regional organization of the sports society "Ukraine", the regional school of higher sportsmanship. Medical and biological testing was conducted at the scientific laboratory of the Pridneprovsk State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports. Results . The dynamics of the indicators of the functional status of light weight rowers in rowing academic after using the experimental method was shown. It has been determined that under the influence of the experimental methods the cardiovascular system parameters underwent positive changes. These are the indices of variation range, vegetative rhythm index, pressure index, PWC170 test, maximal oxygen consumption, cardiovascular system response to exercise, recovery period. The introduced technique had a positive effect on the performance of athletes. In the experimental method, it was proposed to change the load in the complexes of exercises for the development of strength, maximum force, strength and speed endurance. The proposed technique of improving physical fitness was reflected in the formation of the plan of the annual training cycle. In accordance with the tasks of the period and mesocycles, exercises aimed at developing the leading qualities of light weight rowers were included. Conclusions. The analysis of the literature on the problem of research and generalization of the training of athletes in cyclic sports at the stage of preparation for higher achievements has revealed problematic issues. On the example of academic rowing these questions relate to the peculiarities of improving the process of physical preparation of rowers with light body weight, the peculiarities of functional state, the study of indicators of their physical and functional fitness. The dynamics of the functional state of the external respiratory system and cardiovascular system of athletes in cyclic sports (on the example of academic rowing) has been investigated. Some positive changes in the results of the vegetative index of the rhythm of the athletes were revealed. These indicators have approximated the value of the autonomic balance of athletes in the direction of parasympathetic regulation. There is a tendency to decrease the index of pressure. There was a decrease in heart rate, an increase in the maximum oxygen consumption and the level of physical performance

    Physical condition of pupils of pre-school educational establishments of different types

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    The purpose of the study is to determine the physical condition of the pupils of pre-school educational establishments of various types for improving the quality of the educational process of physical education. Material and methods . The study involved 3-4 year-old children. The children attended preschool institutions of various types in the city of Dnipro. They were the children's educational establishment â„–282 of the combined type, the children's educational establishment â„–192 of the sanatorium type, the children's educational establishment â„–28 of the compensating type, children's educational establishment â„–244 and â„–404 of general development. Control (n = 90) and experimental (n = 95) groups were created in each age group of a particular type of institution. The differentiation of pupils of institutions of different types into two subgroups was caused by their differences in functional indicators and health status. At the beginning of the experiment, the homogeneity of the studied groups of children was noted (p> 0.05). Results. The model of organization of rational motor mode of 3-4 year-old children has been substantiated and developed. Organizational and methodological bases of realization of the model of rational motor mode of 3-4 year-old children in preschool educational institutions of various types have been developed. The influence of the developed model on the physical condition of pupils of pre-school educational institutions of different types has been determined. The study of the anthropometric parameters of children after the implementation of the developed model showed no differences in these parameters. These differences were observed in children of different types of kindergartens in all sex-age groups. The determination of functional abilities of children resulted in a significant improvement in spirometry, respiratory rate, heart rate, Ruffier test in experimental groups of children of both sexes (p <0.05). The indicators of the functional state of the cardiovascular system and physical performance of the pupils of preschool educational establishments of the sanatorium type and the compensating type were lower than the similar indicators of the pupils of general development establishments. The indicators of heart rate of real rest and respiratory rate of children of experimental groups of institutions of the sanatorium and compensating type corresponded to the average level. Conclusions. The obtained result of this empirical study confirms the hypothesis that the organization of rational movement mode for 3-4 year-old children contributes to improving of their physical condition. The obtained results indicate the improvement of the quality of the educational process of physical education of children in pre-school educational establishments of different types