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    Based on the concept of biological age of plants, developed by Russian scientists, this paper introduces the ontogenetic stages of East European tree species. The following ontogenetic stages are distinguished within individual development of trees: seed, seedling, juvenile, immature (two subgroups), virginile (two subgroups), young generative, mature generative, old generative and senile. Detailed descriptions of ontogenetic stages are represented. Ontogenetic stages are allocated on the basis of a set of qualitative and quantitative traits of plants. Qualitative traits include the presence or absence of embryonic, juvenile, semi-adult and adult structures; ability to seed or vegetatively reproduce; ratios of the processes of growth and dying out in shoot and root systems; and shape of primary and secondary crowns. Quantitative traits include calendar age; height of aboveground parts; stem diameter at breast height (1.3 m) and at its base; height of stem without lower branches; length of fissuring bark on the trunk; length and width of the crown; branching order of the shoot system; length of annual shoot on the main axis and on lateral branches; number of ovules, etс. The main cenotic role of the seed stage is dispersal of the population; seedling stage – growth in a community; juvenile – adapting to growth in the ground layer; immature – adapting to the undergrowth layer; virginile – adapting to the second layer of the tree stand; generative trees – creating a cenotic environment and seed production; and senile trees – gradual release of additional resources (light, space, etc.) for the coming generation of trees