8 research outputs found

    Magma contamination, petrogenesis features and distribution of ore element in the rocks of nickeliferous formation in the Sredinny-Kamchatka massif

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    This is the final article that describes various for petro- and oreogenesis consequences of the contamination of nickel-bearing magma with siliceous material (quartzites), which led to the replacement of ultrabasic ore-hosting rocks (cortlandites) with ultramafic (amphibole orthopyroxenites). Besides, the paper describes the products of metamagmatic variations of pyroxene ore cumulates in biotite-amphibole rocks inported by water-potassium fluid. The author shows the unconventional results of fluid influence on similar cumulates with relics of quartzite xenoliths accompanied by the formation of ore granophyric autobreccies, as well as ore-bearing derivatives from the process of magma mixing (auto-contamination). We introduce an intraformational classification of copper-nickel ores by their associations with host rocks of different composition and origin — from juvenile magmatic ultrabasites, contaminated and ultramafites and melanodiorites to hybrid granitoids. The dynamics of the formation of intrusive ore-magmatic systems and the plausible reason of differences in the ore content of large and small intrusions are discussed