17 research outputs found

    Mathematical-cartographic modeling of density of building of urban environment

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    The article is devoted to the problems of mathematical-cartographic modeling of the density of building as the most important indicator of urban planning. The research was conducted on the example of the territory of Proletarsky area of the city district of Saransk. Modeling is performed in the ArcGIS 10.0 based on the created electronic layers and spatial databases. Characteristics of the housing stock of Proletarsky area of the city district of Saransk was used as a statistical data. The map of the functional zones of the General Plan of the city district of Saransk and the geoimage from the Yandex.Maps service (the SAS.Planet program) served as the initial map data. The projection of Gauss Kruger, coordinate system SK-42 was used for the projected maps. The density map of the Proletarsky area of the city district of Saransk was obtained as a result of the implementation of the stages of mathematical and cartographic modeling. An experimental research was conducted on the choice of the most optimal cell size for a regular grid when constructing a cartographic model. The compliance of the density of the building of the Proletarsky area with normative indicators was revealed by the authors

    Light-induced sulfur transport inside single-walled carbon nanotubes

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    Filling of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) and extraction of the encapsulated species from their cavities are perspective treatments for tuning the functional properties of SWCNT-based materials. Here, we have investigated sulfur-modified SWCNTs synthesized by the ampoule method. The morphology and chemical states of carbon and sulfur were analyzed by transmission electron microscopy, Raman scattering, thermogravimetric analysis, X-ray photoelectron and near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopies. Successful encapsulation of sulfur inside SWCNTs cavities was demonstrated. The peculiarities of interactions of SWCNTs with encapsulated and external sulfur species were analyzed in details. In particular, the donor-acceptor interaction between encapsulated sulfur and host SWCNT is experimentally demonstrated. The sulfur-filled SWCNTs were continuously irradiated in situ with polychromatic photon beam of high intensity. Comparison of X-ray spectra of the samples before and after the treatment revealed sulfur transport from the interior to the surface of SWCNTs bundles, in particular extraction of sulfur from the SWCNT cavity. These results show that the moderate heating of filled nanotubes could be used to de-encapsulate the guest species tuning the local composition, and hence, the functional properties of SWCNT-based materials

    Пищевая аллергия у детей с врожденным буллезным эпидермолизом. Результаты собственного наблюдательного исследования

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    Background: Inherited epidermolysis bullosa (EB) refers to a group of rare inherited disorders characterized by severe damage of skin and in most patients — the gastrointestinal mucosa, what leads to a violation of skin and mucosal barrier properties in relation to allergens. However, the issues of food sensitization and food allergy in this category of patients have not been studied, and the study of this problem is important.Aim: To evaluate the clinical manifestations of food allergy (FA) and IgE-response to food proteins in children with EB.Methods: 82 patients with EB aged from 2 months to 16 years were entered this open non-randomized observational prospective study, including 20 patients with simple form of EB and 62 patients with dystrophic form of EB. We analyzed allergic history and clinical manifestations of the FA in all the patients. Every patient in this study underwent of determination of the concentration of total serum IgE and specific serum IgE to the most important food allergens, as well as to mixtures of household allergens in some cases (UniCAP System, Phadia AB). Results: Skin lesion in patients with EB masks allergic skin manifestations, causing a hypodiagnosis of the FA in this category of patients, which in turn leads to erroneous organization of nutritional support. FA (clinical manifestations) was identified in 20.7% of children with EB (in 10% of cases with simple form of EB and in 24.2% — in patients with dystrophic form of EB). Products containing cow’s milk protein, cereals, and eggs were identified as etiologic factors of FA in most cases. In the group of children with comorbidity FA and EB high and very high levels of total IgE (1000 kUA / l) were detected most frequently. The main cause-significant allergens are cow’s milk proteins, cereals, eggs. Conclusions: Comorbidity with FA is high in patients with dystrophic form of EB. The main cause-significant allergens are cow’s milk proteins, cereals, eggs.Обоснование. Врожденный буллезный эпидермолиз (ВБЭ) относится к группе редких наследственных заболеваний, характеризующихся тяжелым поражением кожных покровов и у большинства больных ― слизистой оболочки желудочно-кишечного тракта, что приводит к нарушению их барьерных свойств по отношению к аллергенам. Однако вопросы пищевой сенсибилизации и пищевой аллергии у данной категории больных не исследованы, и изучение этой проблемы является актуальным. Цель исследования ― оценить особенности клинических проявлений пищевой аллергии (ПА) и сенсибилизации к пищевым белкам у детей с ВБЭ. Методы. Проведено открытое нерандомизированное наблюдательное проспективное исследование. Включены 82 ребенка с ВБЭ в возрасте от 2 мес до 16 лет, в том числе 20 детей с простой и 62 ― с дистрофической формой ВБЭ. Оценивались аллергологический анамнез и клинические проявления ПА; всем больным проводилось определение общей концентрации IgE в сыворотке крови, sIgE сыворотки крови к наиболее значимым пищевым аллергенам, по показаниям ― к смесям бытовых аллергенов с применением технологий UniCAP System, Thermo Fisher Scientific (ранее Phadia АВ). Результаты. Поражение кожи при ВБЭ маскирует проявления ПА у детей, обусловливая гиподиагностику заболевания у этой категории пациентов, что в свою очередь ведет к неправильной организации нутритивной поддержки. ПА была выявлена у 20,7% детей с ВБЭ (в 10% случаев при простой и в 24,2% при дистрофической форме ВБЭ). В качестве этиологического фактора наиболее часто выступали продукты, содержащие белок коровьего молока, злаки, яйца. В группе детей с коморбидностью ПА и ВБЭ наиболее часто встречались высокие и крайне высокие уровни общего IgE(1000 kUA/l). Заключение. Дети с дистрофической формой ВБЭ по сравнению с пациентами с простой формой заболевания чаще имеют клинические проявления ПА. Основными причинно-значимыми аллергенами являются белки коровьего молока, злаки, яйца.

    Psychological readiness for inclusive practices by future physical education teachers in comprehensive schools

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    © 2020, Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul'tury i sporta. All rights reserved. Objective of the study was to identify the psychological readiness of future physical education teachers for the implementation of inclusive practices at comprehensive school. Methods and structure of the study. The study involved 73 students majoring in Pedagogical Education (Physical Culture and Life Safety profile), including 42 2nd-3rd-year students and 31 4th-5th-year students. The subjects were surveyed by questionnaire and methodology containing professional inclusive education tasks. Results and conclusions. The junior students were more psychologically ready to work at inclusive education institutions and assist children with special needs as opposed to the undergraduates. This may be due to the greater awareness of the 4th-5th-year students of the difficulties in teaching children with special needs and the resulting lack of confidence in their professional competence. While solv-ing professional tasks, all students demonstrated understanding at a high level, but were poorly oriented in the problem techniques, their presentation, were not ready to develop a self-training plan in the field of inclusion. To increase the level of psychological readiness of future physical education teachers for inclusion, it is necessary to train them in the teaching methods according to the children's nosology

    Pharmacotherapy in pregnant women

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    E.A. Sandakova1, I.G. Zhukovskaya2, M.V. Semenova2, A.F. Vaganova3, A.V. Kuznetsova1, T.E. Kazymova1, O.A. Belousova2, L.P. Makarova2 1Academician E.A.&nbsp;Vagner Perm State Medical University, Perm, Russian Federation 2Izhevsk State Medical Academy, Izhevsk, Russian Federation 3F.Kh. Gral City Clinical Hospital No. 2, Perm, Russian Federation Aim: to analyze the prescription of medications in pregnant women based on outpatient charts of women’s clinics. Patients and Methods: retrospective cohort study was conducted in three women’s clinics of Perm and two women’s clinics of Izhevsk. Data on the prescription of medications in 361 pregnant and postpartum women during pregnancy (2017–2018) were obtained by copying individual medical charts. Additionally, we compared our findings with the results of the Russian Pharmacoepidemiologic Study (2007). Results: pharmacotherapy was prescribed in 100% of women. On average, 12.6 medications were prescribed during gestation. Most medications were prescribed in the second trimester (on average, 5.5 medications). In the first and third trimesters, 2.4 and 4.7 medications were prescribed, respectively. The most prescribed drugs were vitamins and minerals (70.4%), feminine hygiene products (37.1%), progestogens (33.1%), herbal urinary antiseptics (29.8%), and systemic antibiotics (14.2%). Pharmacotherapy defects included medications inconsistent with diagnosis (48.6%), a combination of several drugs with similar pharmacological effects (16.5%), and polypharmacy defined as the use of five or more medications (25.8%). A two-fold reduction in drug aggression as well as an increase in the dotation of vitamin-mineral complexes compared to 2007 were reported. Conclusions: our findings illustrate positive trends for treating pregnant women in the last 9–10 years and increased safety of treatment (the lack of drugs with potential teratogenic or embryotoxic effects) but also indicate the need in the permanent audit and adjustment of prescriptions based on clinical guidelines. Pre-pregnancy preparation is a perspective way to reduce the intensity of drug therapy during pregnancy. As a result, drug burden shifts to a pre-gestational period. Pre-pregnancy preparation provides favorable conditions for developing an embryo and fetus. Keywords: pharmacotherapy, pregnancy, polypharmacy, micronutrients, vaginal hygiene, progestogens, urinary antiseptics. For citation: Sandakova E.A., Zhukovskaya I.G., Semenova M.V. et al. Pharmacotherapy in pregnant women. Russian Journal of Woman and Child Health. 2021;4(2):115–118. DOI: 10.32364/2618-8430-2021-4-2-115-118. </p

    Natural and revitalized grassy ecosystems as biodiversity refuges: on the abilities of remote sensing survey for their detection and study

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    Природные и восстановленные на месте бывших сельскохозяйственных полей травянистые экосистемы могут являться рефугиумами (местами сохранения в естественных типичных условиях) для редких видов растений. Такие экосистемы представляют большой интерес для исследования окружающей среды и планирования хозяйственной деятельности во многих странах, включая ЕС и США. На территории Самарской области травянистые экосистемы сохранились фрагментарно вследствие интенсивной распашки залегавших здесь ранее целинных степей. Обычной практикой в настоящее время является совместное использование данных дистанционного зондирования Земли (ДЗЗ) и процедур наземного обследования. Настоящая статья описывает результаты исследований возможности классификации естественных травянистых сообществ в Самарской области по данным серии сезонных мультиспектральных данных ДЗЗ среднего разрешения с использованием точечных наземных обследований. Исследования затрагивают вопросы формирования обучающей выборки для естественных растительных сообществ большой площади с оптимизацией наземных обследований и содержат результаты классификации территории двух обширных объектов, имеющих охранный статус. The natural and revitalized on the place of former fields grassy ecosystems can be the refuges (places of conservation in natural typical conditions) for many types of rare plant species. Such ecosystems are of great interest for the environment exploration and management activities planning over many countries including EU and USA. Samara region territory demonstrates the residual nature of grassy ecosystems as a result of intensive agricultural exploration of virgin grasslands, located here at the past. Consolidative usage of remote sensed data and ground-based surveys is the common practice nowadays. This paper describes the possibilities of high-nature value grasslands classification in Samara Region using intra-annual time series of multispectral remote sensed data of medium spatial resolution with the use of spotted ground- based surveys. Investigations engage the training set generation for the large natural vegetation communities with ground-based surveys optimization and include the classification results for two vast grassland objects with protected status.Работа выполнена при поддержке РФФИ (гранты 16-29-09494 офи_м, 18-07-00748 а), а также субсидии (код субсидии 08-08), выделенной в соответствии с соглашением от 26.02.2018 г. № 074-02-2018-294, предоставленной на государственную поддержку федерального государственного автономного образовательного учреждения высшего образования «Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева» в целях повышения конкурентоспособности Учреждения среди ведущих мировых научно-образовательных центров