241 research outputs found


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    Background. Communication between doctor and patient is an important component of the treatment process. The main task of the doctor is to collect all the necessary information about the patient’s problem and the history of its occurrence, to clarify all the circumstances of the situation and to offer options for action. In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to use certain speech means that should help the doctor get all the information and get what they want from the patient. Questions are one of the means that determine the effectiveness of interaction. Purpose. The purpose of the study of this article is to analyze the interrogative sentences used in the doctor – patient dialogues in English, to determine their communicative load, to identify the most frequent constructions and to describe the criteria for choosing the types of interrogative sentences. Materials and methods. The material of the study was the scripts of conversations between doctors and patients in English, presented in open sources. In the course of the study, a continuous sample of interrogative sentences used by the doctor was carried out. The questions were divided into types according to their grammatical structure, the communicative load of each type was determined. The most and least frequent types of questions are singled out, possible grounds for such a pattern are identified. Results. The article describes the main types of questions in English in terms of their grammatical structure: general, special, alternative and disjunctive. The results of own research based on the material of audio recordings and their scripts of conversations between doctors of various specialties and their patients at various stages of the treatment process are presented. In the process of research, each type of questions was analyzed in the context of their use in order to describe their communicative load. This approach made it possible to identify criteria for selecting certain types of questions, which are determined by the target settings of the communicative “doctor-patient” situation. Practical implications. The results of the study can be applied in the practice of teaching Medical English, in the professional activities of healthcare professionals when communicating with patients, in theoretical courses on English grammar


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    The aim of study was a hygienic assessment on sanitary and chemical, microbiological indicators of food and the food staples, realized in the territory of the Buryat Republic during 2008-2012. Preparation for processing of primary data and the subsequent statistical analysis made with Excel and the integrated package STATISTICA 6.0. Calculation of percent of tests of hygienic standards not conforming to requirements (%) on areas and as a whole on the republic is carried out. The specified sizes are determined as for separate years, and on the average for the period. To average values 95% confidential intervals (CI) are calculated. As significant deviations from the average levels the sizes which are going out of CI were considered. The performed result of assessment of the laboratory studies may testify that the stable high percent of the samples which don't accord to the normative in the sanitary-chemical indices is available at present. Using the cluster analyses allowed to reveal that according to the sanitary-chemical indices 52,4 % of all the regions in which the portion of the non-standard samples was found to be in the range of 95% confidence interval (CI) [6,5-9,0] % of the average level have formed the more numerous (1st) cluster. The second cluster consisted of the Zaigrayevskiy and Bichurskiy regions in which the statistically significant increase in the prevalence of the non-standard samples was revealed. In 5 regions and the capital of Republic (Ulan-Ude) in the third cluster the most significant percent of the samples which don't accord to the hygienic claims (CI [15,0-29,0] %) is continuously registered. The fourth cluster consisted of three regions situated in the northern part of Buryat Republic in which the non-standard samples are extremely rare revealed (CI [0,5-2,2] %). The samples portion which don't accord to the hygienic normative in the microbiological indices was found to increase by 1,4-fold compared to the 2009-2011 years and amounted 3,8 % in 2012 year. The analysis based on the territorial factor has shown that the high levels of the non-standard samples of the food products in the microbiological indices were found to be in the regions of the first cluster: Eravninskiy, Mukhorshibirskiy, Kabanskiy and Ulan-Ude (CI [5,1-7,8] %), the last revealed level is the regions of the third cluster: Zakamenskiy, Bichurskiy, Barguzinskiy, Kurumkanskiy, Okinskiy, Bauntovskiy (CI [0,10-0,24] %). The control of microbiological safety allowed to reveal the most significant, in epidemic relation, food products: milk, meat, fish products, the products of children's food as well as the poultry products

    Assessment of the dynamics of mortality from alcohol-related causes at the regional level

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    Aim of the study was to investigate rates of mortality from the alcohol-related reasons among the population of the Republic of Buryatia and their dynamics during 2013–2017 for assessment of efficiency of the preventive actions directed to decrease in prevalence of scales of alcoholism. Material and methods. Medical statistics presented in official publications of the Rosstat and the Republican Medical Information and Analytical Center of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Buryatia were used as an empirical base. Mortality rates are calculated on the average annual population. Results and discussion. 2974 persons died from the alcohol-associated reasons in the Republic during 2013-2017 according to Buryatstat. The rate of mortality decreased by 11.98 % on 100 thousand population (from 60.30 to 53.85). That exceeds similar indicators in the Far Eastern Federal District (further the FEFD) by 1.76 times, Siberian Federal District (further the SFD) by 1.52 times and the Russian Federation by 1.45 times. According to this indicator the Republic of Buryatia takes the 2nd rank place after Transbaikal region among 11 subjects included into the FEFD since 03.11.2018. Conclusions. Mortality indicator from the alcohol-associated reasons is one of the most informative indicators for assessment of the territories social and economic development and wellbeing. The decrease in mortality from the alcohol-associated reasons and volumes of alcoholic products consumption per caput is noted in recent years in the Republic. At the same time, the problem of increase in rates of growth of the mortality value from the alcohol-associated reasons among female population of working-age, living in rural areas allerts. Territories of risk with the high level of population alcoholic mortality and relating to «the most drinking», geographically being most far off from the capital of the Republic are revealed

    Charm production nearby threshold in pA-interactions at 70 GeV

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    The results of the SERP-E-184 experiment at the U-70 accelerator (IHEP, Protvino) are presented. Interactions of the 70 GeV proton beam with C, Si and Pb targets were studied to detect decays of charmed D0D^0, D0\overline D^0, D+D^+, DD^- mesons and Λc+\Lambda _c^+ baryon near their production threshold. Measurements of lifetimes and masses are shown a good agreement with PDG data. The inclusive cross sections of charm production and their A-dependencies were obtained. The yields of these particles are compared with the theoretical predictions and the data of other experiments. The measured cross section of the total open charm production (σtot(cc)\sigma _{\mathrm {tot}}(c\overline c) = 7.1 ±\pm 2.3(stat) ±\pm 1.4(syst) μ\mu b/nucleon) at the collision c.m. energy s\sqrt {s} = 11.8 GeV is well above the QCD model predictions. The contributions of different species of charmed particles to the total cross section of the open charm production in proton-nucleus interactions vary with energy.Comment: 4 pages, 6 pages, 38th International Conference on High Energy Physics 3-10 August 2016, Chicago, US

    Graphite Laminated Materials Strength Properties and Energy Characteristics of Polymer Binders

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    The approach for graphite laminated materials strength properties prediction using contact angle measurements was proposed. The tensile strength of laminated materials made of graphite foil and stainless steel with acrylic and silicone adhesives was measured. It was shown that tensile strength depends on energy characteristics of polymer binders, which can be determined by simple and express wetting method. It was found that the highest values of tensile strength, strength of adhesion and the work adhesion to graphite and stainless steel were provided by acrylic adhesive MBM-5C. The delamination occurred when graphite and stainless steel sheets were connected with low surface energy silicone resin, y = 23 mJ/m2, what was not able to maintain sufficient adhesion level to the both types of attached surfaces: polar steel and non-polar graphite. It was demonstrated that the calculation of the work of adhesion to polar and non-polar model liquids (water and octane respectively) can be applied to optimize the choice of polymer binder and design of laminated materials. It's quite important that the proposed technique doesn't require to determine free surface energy for each type of sheet material which is especially difficult and complex task if laminate consists of several different layers

    Biological membrane lipids in norm and pathology (literature review)

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    This article discusses modern ideas about the structure of biological membranes, presents their basic physicochemical properties, and describes composition and structure of phospholipids from the chemical point of view. Plasmatic membrane has unique receptor-signaling functions regulating essential cellular processes, damage to which can lead to cell death. The article introduces such features of membrane lipids and proteins as fluidity or ability to lateral shift, their permeability and phase conditions; describes the effects of cholesterol on phase transitions, fluidity, elasticity, permeability and mechanical strength of the bilayer. The paper discusses transmembrane or lateral asymmetry of lipid membranes, how it is supported, and what functions it has. Different configurations of hydrocarbon chains of fatty acids and their value are considered. Because the development of various pathological processes and conditions accompanied by molecular biological changes of cell membranes, it primarily concerns erythrocyte membrane, as they are composed of many easily-oxidized phospholipids and they come in contact with relatively high concentrations of oxygen, it is important to examine the role of erythrocyte lipid layer. The impact of various damaging factors on the tissues of cells and organs triggers the universal response as consequence of such molecular mechanisms as intensification of lipid peroxidation, activation of endogenous phospholipases and proteases, reduced activity of antioxidant defense system of the cell

    Toolkit for Simulation Modeling of Logistics Warehouse in Distributed Computing Environment

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    We address an important problem of an automation of logistics warehouses simulation modeling in distributed service-oriented computing environments. To this end, we propose new approach for adjusting management system parameters of real warehouse in production use. It is based on the integration of the conceptual, wireframe and service-oriented programming used to develop parameter sweep applications and data analysis in the simulation modeling process. We develop a toolkit for supporting modeling of warehouse logistics. The practical experiments are focused upon the refrigerated warehouse. The developed application demonstrates high efficiency and scalability for optimizing nine criteria to cope with different production demands.The study was supported by the Russian Foundation of Basic Research, projects no. 15-29-07955 and no. 16-07-00931, and Program 1.33P of fundamental research of Presidium RAS, project “Development of new approaches to creation and study of complex models of information-computational and dynamic systems with applications”

    Risk Management in the Manufacturing and Use of the Medical Product for <i>in vitro</i> Diagnostics: Reagent Kit “Lyophilized Erythrocyte Antigenic Tularemia Diagnosticum”

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    The aim of the work was to implement the risk management strategies in the manufacturing and use of medical products for in vitro diagnostics by the example of the experimental series of the reagent kit “Lyophilized erythrocyte antigenic tularemia diagnosticum”.Materials and methods. We tested experimental series of the reagent panel “Lyophilized erythrocyte antigenic tularemia diagnosticum”. To carry out the identification, assessment and analysis of risks regarding the considered medical product, failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) was proposed and adapted under production conditions. Identification of risks associated with manufacturing and control of medical products for in vitro diagnostics was carried out using technological regulations, standard operational procedures and manufacturing notes.Results and discussion. The main outcome of the study is the development of a corrective actions system aimed at reducing the risks and ensuring consistent monitoring. The proposed schemes for carrying out the risk management process can be used as standard ones in the design and development of medical products for in vitro diagnostics, taking into account the specifics of each individual manufacturing. The reporting documents developed within the framework of the system are applicable during the inspection of good manufacturing practice and in terms of completing the registration profile of a diagnostic product with subsequent registration in the healthcare system of the Russian Federation

    The Opportunity of Using Diode Laser with the Length of 1940 nm in the Treatment of Hemorrhoids

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    Aim: to improve the results of treatment of patients with hemorrhoidal disease of the 2nd and 3rd stages by using a diode laser with a wavelength of 1940 nm.Materials and methods. The study included 28 patients with hemorrhoids of the second or third stage. A new treatment method based on the use of a diode laser with a wavelength of 1940 nm was applied to all patients. This technique (laser hemorrhoidoplasty) provides for the thermal effect of laser radiation on the cavernous tissue of the internal hemorrhoid node and the terminal branches of the upper rectal artery. The intensity of postoperative pain syndrome was assessed and the clinical symptoms of hemorrhoidal disease manifestations were studied before and after surgery. To study the effectiveness of the proposed method and to assess the depth of thermal exposure to laser radiation, transrectal ultrasound with Dopplerography and pathomorphological examination were performed. The functional state of the rectal locking apparatus before surgery and in the postoperative period was assessed using sphincterometry. The quality of life of patients who underwent laser hemorrhoidoplasty was studied according to the SF 36 questionnaire.Results. Surgical intervention was performed under both local and spinal anesthesia. Intraoperative complications in the form of hemorrhoidal node bleeding were noted in 3 patients. In the early postoperative period, inflammatory edema of external hemorrhoids was diagnosed in 4 patients. The intensity of the pain syndrome was assessed on the VAS scale and by day 7 in 93 % of patients it did not exceed 1 point. All 28 patients were followed up within 1 to 6 months after the operation. All had no complaints characteristic of hemorrhoidal disease, no relapse of the disease was detected in any observation. Transrectal ultrasound with Dopplerography was performed, which made it possible to diagnose a 2–3-fold decrease in blood flow along the terminal branches of the upper rectal artery, and internal hemorrhoids determined earlier, before surgery, were not visualized already 1 month after surgery. According to sphincterometry, no violations of anal retention function were detected in all 28 patients.Conclusion. Surgical treatment of hemorrhoids of the 2nd and 3rd stages with the use of a diode laser with a wavelength of 1940 nm. with proper technical performance and the choice of optimal energy, it allows to achieve a good clinical effect. The proposed method of intervention ensures the absence of a pronounced pain syndrome, which does not lead to a significant decrease in the quality of life already in the early postoperative period and allows to shorten the period of labor rehabilitation. Laser hemorrhoidoplasty is a highly effective method of treating hemorrhoids at stages 2 and 3 of the disease and opens up the possibility of treatment on an outpatient basis