15 research outputs found


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    Centre of Isotopic and Geochemical Research based on the Analytical Department of Vinogradov Institute of Geochemistry SB RAS (Irkutsk) performs a wide range of analytical studies to solve mineralogical and petrological, geochemical, prospecting, ecological, paleoclimatic and applied problems. The studies are supported by the modern equipment for electron microprobe, X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence, atomic emission and mass spectrometric (including isotope) analyses, as well as the necessary international certified reference materials (SRM) and a collection of SRM of the natural and technogenic composition of our production


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    The distribution and speciation features of gold in ores and minerals of the Natalkinskoe gold deposit (North-East Russia) are studied using light microscopy (LM), scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (SEM-EDX), X-ray electron probe microanalysis (EPMA), "phase" chemical analysis with atomic absorption spectrometry (PCA-AAS) and atomic absorption spectrometry with analytical data selections for single crystals (AAS-ADSSC). The vein and streaky-vein ores are high-grade ores, whereas veinlet-disseminated ores are less rich and disseminated ores are poor in gold. Up to 85 % of the gold in the ores is in a free native state, associated with quartz and sulfide minerals. LM, SEM-EDX and EPMA reveal that the predominant gold grains are 0.01 to 2.00 mm in size and at a fineness of 720 to 900 ‰. The finely dispersed and submicron elemental gold particles (Au0) amounted to 20 % and are mainly enclosed into arsenopyrite and pyrite. According to PCA-AAS data, the highest Au concentrations (up to 1383 ppm) are recorded in arsenopyrite; lower contents are typical of pyrite (up to 158.2 ppm). In these sulfides, two non-mineral species of "invisible" Au are the structurally bound and surface-bound species recognized by AAS-ADSSC. The structural Au is included in the mineral structure. The surface-bounded Au prevails and is confined to nano-sized, non-autonomous phases (NAPs) on the sulfide surface. In common with "invisible" Au, the micro-sized particles of native gold are often observed on the surface and within the surface layers of sulfide crystals. This is consistent with the model of post-growth transformations of nano-sized NAPs, resulting in the formation of nano and micro-sized Au0 particles. It is expected that the major part of gold contained in arsenopyrite and pyrite as finely dispersed and submicron particles, as well as the surface-bound gold in NAPs, can be won with modified current schemes of gold concentration, which enhances the value of the gold ore mining

    Results of Monitoring over and Biological Properties of <I>Vibrio cholerae</I> Isolated from Ambient Environment Objects in the Khabarovsk Territory

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    genotype and a unique MLVA profile. The results of the monitoring indicated that there were optimal for V. cholerae accumulation in surface water reservoirs conditions and it was necessary to enhance measures for cholera prophylaxis in the post-flood period


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    The distribution and speciation features of gold in ores and minerals of the Natalkinskoe gold deposit (North-East Russia) are studied using light microscopy (LM), scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (SEM-EDX), X-ray electron probe microanalysis (EPMA), "phase" chemical analysis with atomic absorption spectrometry (PCA-AAS) and atomic absorption spectrometry with analytical data selections for single crystals (AAS-ADSSC). The vein and streaky-vein ores are high-grade ores, whereas veinlet-disseminated ores are less rich and disseminated ores are poor in gold. Up to 85 % of the gold in the ores is in a free native state, associated with quartz and sulfide minerals. LM, SEM-EDX and EPMA reveal that the predominant gold grains are 0.01 to 2.00 mm in size and at a fineness of 720 to 900 ‰. The finely dispersed and submicron elemental gold particles (Au0) amounted to 20 % and are mainly enclosed into arsenopyrite and pyrite. According to PCA-AAS data, the highest Au concentrations (up to 1383 ppm) are recorded in arsenopyrite; lower contents are typical of pyrite (up to 158.2 ppm). In these sulfides, two non-mineral species of "invisible" Au are the structurally bound and surface-bound species recognized by AAS-ADSSC. The structural Au is included in the mineral structure. The surface-bounded Au prevails and is confined to nano-sized, non-autonomous phases (NAPs) on the sulfide surface. In common with "invisible" Au, the micro-sized particles of native gold are often observed on the surface and within the surface layers of sulfide crystals. This is consistent with the model of post-growth transformations of nano-sized NAPs, resulting in the formation of nano and micro-sized Au0 particles. It is expected that the major part of gold contained in arsenopyrite and pyrite as finely dispersed and submicron particles, as well as the surface-bound gold in NAPs, can be won with modified current schemes of gold concentration, which enhances the value of the gold ore mining.С помощью оптической микроскопии (ОМ), сканирующей электронной микроскопии с энергодисперсионной спектрометрией (СЭМ-ЭДС), рентгеноспектрального микроанализа (РСМА), фазового химического анализа на основе атомно-абсорбционной спектрометрии (ФХА-ААС) и метода статистических выборок аналитических данных для монокристаллов с применением ААС (СВАДМ-ААС) проведено изучение особенностей распределения и форм нахождения (ФН) Au в рудах и минералах Наталкинского золоторудного месторождения (северо-восток России). К наиболее «богатым» здесь относят жильные и прожилково-жильные руды, к менее «богатым» – прожилково-вкрапленные, к «бедным» – вкрапленные. До 80–85 % Au в руде находится в свободном самородном состоянии в ассоциации с кварцем и сульфидными минералами. По данным ОМ, СЭМ-ЭДС и РСМА преобладают золотины размером 0.01–2.00 мм и пробностью 720–900 ‰. До 15–20 % приходится на долю тонкодисперсных и субмикронных частиц элементного золота (Au0), большая часть которых заключена в арсенопирите и пирите. По данным ФХА-ААС самые высокие концентрации Au отмечены в арсенопирите (до 1383 г/т), менее высокие – в пирите (до 158.2 г/т). С помощью метода СВАДМ-ААС в этих сульфидах установлены две неминеральные ФН «невидимого» Au – структурная и поверхностно-связанная. Первая входит в структуру минералов, вторая, преобладающая, приурочена к наноразмерным неавтономным фазам (НФ) на их поверхности. Наряду с «невидимым» Au часто на поверхности и в поверхностном слое сульфидов развиты микровключения самородного Au, что согласуется с моделью постростовых преобразований наноразмерных НФ, приводящих к возникновению нано- и микрочастиц Au0. Предполагается, что большую часть золота, находящегося в сульфидах в виде тонкодисперсных и субмикронных частиц, а также поверхностно-связанного золота в НФ можно извлечь при доработке уже имеющихся схем обогащения, что повышает ценность добываемого сырья и значительно увеличивает перспективы месторождения


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    Centre of Isotopic and Geochemical Research based on the Analytical Department of Vinogradov Institute of Geochemistry SB RAS (Irkutsk) performs a wide range of analytical studies to solve mineralogical and petrological, geochemical, prospecting, ecological, paleoclimatic and applied problems. The studies are supported by the modern equipment for electron microprobe, X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence, atomic emission and mass spectrometric (including isotope) analyses, as well as the necessary international certified reference materials (SRM) and a collection of SRM of the natural and technogenic composition of our production.Центр коллективного пользования «Изотопно-геохимические исследования», организованный на базе Аналитического отдела Института геохимии им. А.П. Виноградова СО РАН (г. Иркутск), выполняет широкий спектр аналитических исследований для решения минералого-петрологических, геохимических, геолого-поисковых, экологических, палеоклиматических и прикладных задач. Исследования обеспечены современным оборудованием для рентгеноспектрального электронно-зондового микроанализа, рентгеноструктурного и рентгенофлуоресцентного, атомно-эмиссионного и масс-спектрометрического (включая изотопный) анализа, а также необходимыми международными стандартными образцами (СО) и коллекцией СО состава природных и техногенных сред собственного производства