20 research outputs found

    Air Pollen Monitoring in a Specific Region as a Part of the Pollinosis Prevention

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    Background: The prevalence and severity of allergic diseases, including pollinosis, are increasing worldwide. Hay fever develops due to the complex interaction of genes and manifests itself due to exogenous factors. The main environmental etiology of allergy is plant pollen. Continuous study and analysis of the air pollen spectrum constitute the basis of air monitoring and are important in developing preventive measures for allergic diseases.   Objective: To perform an air pollen monitoring in Kr snodar and to assess the treatment of patients with pollinosis in various cities and districts of the Krasnodar Region according to the Krasnodar Regional Allergy Center data.   Materials and methods: We retrospectively analyzed the patients seeking medical care due to allergy in the Krasnodar Region using the statistical data obtained in 2022 from the Krasnodar Regional Allergy Center. We assessed the effects of air pollen pollution according to the data of air pollen monitoring in Krasnodar during the main activity of herbaceous plants’ taxa (from April 1, 2022 to October 31, 2022). We used AeRobiology and Microsoft Excel 2010 tools for data processing and development of the main parameters of the pollen season.   Results: According to the Krasnodar Regional Allergy Center data, there were 37,212 people diagnosed with J45.0, J46 and 20,012 people diagnosed with J30.1-30.4 in 2022. We identified 8 allergenic taxa of herbaceous plants in the Krasnodar air. We found that the total seasonal pollen concentration increased by an average of 1.8 in 2022 compared to previous monitoring periods in 2018-2021.   Conclusions: Comparative assessment of the prevalence of pollinosis and the air pollen monitoring are important for effective medical care

    Analysis of Protein Markers in Plasma of Patients with Drug Dependence Syndrome: Observational Clinical Study

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    Background. In drug addiction treatment, the diagnostic process is based on the chemical toxicological determination of the intoxication substrate or its metabolite. Laboratory monitoring and prediction issues that could form the basis of secondary prevention remain unresolved. Specific nervous tissue proteins are considered to be the most promising laboratory markers of drug pathology.Objective — to determine some potential biomarkers of protein-chemical nature in the plasma of patients with drug dependence syndrome.Methods. The study was conducted according to the design of an observational clinical trial at the Narcological Dispensary of Krasnodar Krai in the period from 07.2021 to 07.2022. The main group (group 2) included 31 patients diagnosed with substance dependence syndrome. The control group (group 1, n = 15) consisted of healthy subjects submitted to occupational medical examinations. During the detoxification-stabilization therapy and rehabilitation, 5 proteins were determined in the plasma: brainand glial-derived neurotrophic factors, neuron-specific enolase, alpha-synuclein and calcium-binding protein S100B. Statistical analysis of the data involved the Mann-Whitney test for comparing the values of the control and experimental groups and the Wilcoxon test for comparing the values of one group obtained at different stages of observation. The calculations were carried out using StatPlus version 7 (AnalystSoft Inc., USA).Results. A total of 31 patients were included in the main group, 18 of them were followed up with a diagnosis of opioid dependence syndrome (n = 11) or psychostimulant dependence syndrome (n = 7). Patients dropped out of the study due to their refusal to participate in the study or undergo rehabilitation, or due to relapse of the disease. When admitted to the hospital, patients indicated a 45% decrease in brain-derived neurotrophic factor in the plasma ( p < 0.001), and a 3.9-fold decrease after rehabilitation course ( p < 0.001). Glial-derived neurotrophic factor in the plasma exceeded the controls 1.9 times ( p < 0.001) upon admission to hospital, but rapidly returned to normal values thereafter. Level of neuron-specific enolase in the plasma was also poor, 36% lower than the controls ( p <0.001), but approached the control values by the end of rehabilitation.Conclusion. The study obtained data indicating the changes in neurotrophic factors in the blood plasma of patients with opioid or psychostimulant dependence. The rehabilitation period was marked by a relatively rapid improving level of neurotrophins; however, brain-derived neurotrophic factor remained reduced despite the successful treatment, which may indicate the irreversible changes

    Biochemical aspects of magnesium-enhanced bone regeneration

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    Current research is focused on practical implications of magnesium-based implants largely due to their biodegradability and ability to promote bone healing and formation. However, the mechanism underlying the osteogenesis regulation by magnesium is still unclear.We describe cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the effect of magnesium ions (Mg2+) on bone growth following the device implantation. The presented data demonstrate magnesium-induced activation of canonical Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway in human bone marrow stromal cells resulting in their differentiation into osteoblasts, osteogenic effect and recovery of bone defects. We describe the role of the molecular mechanisms responsible for osteopromotive properties of Mg2+ and associated with unique transient receptor potential melastatin 7 (TRPM7) cation channels mediating the Mg2+ influx. TRPM7-mediated Mg2+ influx is important for platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-induced proliferation, adhesion, and migration of human osteoblasts, as well as for promotion of Mg2+-associated bone regeneration.We discuss the effect of Mg2+ on intracellular signaling processes, expression of the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), hypoxia-inducible factor-2α, and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ coactivator 1α. Mg2+ can promote bone regeneration by enhancing the production of type X collagen and VEGF by osteogenic cells in bone marrow

    Cytokine profile in surgical treatment of chronic generalized periodontitis

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    During complex surgical treatment of chronic generalized periodontitis studies were taken concerning the production of interleukin 1β in the periphery blood and mixed saliva. A close connection was noticed between the level of cytokine production, stage of the disease and the treatment effectiveness: straight dependence with IL-1β, so its concentrations could be an objective diagnostic markers

    The activity of NADPH-oxidase of neutrophilic leukocytes in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis in aggregate with iron - deficiency anemia

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    In patients with chronic generalized periodontitis in aggregate with iron-deficiency anemia revealed dysfunction of neutrophilic leukocytes caused by decreased activity of iron-containing components of antibacterial systems, in particular of NADPH-oxidase. Dental treatment of these patients is ineffective without the use of iron preparations

    Kinetic Characteristics of Ignition Dispersed Condensed Substance Single Heated to a High Temperature of the Particles

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    Kinetic parameters of ignition are defined by the results of performed experimental and theoretical investigations of regularities of the process ignition dispersed solid condensed substance when interacting with a high-temperature metal particles

    Kinetic Characteristics of Ignition Dispersed Condensed Substance Single Heated to a High Temperature of the Particles

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    Kinetic parameters of ignition are defined by the results of performed experimental and theoretical investigations of regularities of the process ignition dispersed solid condensed substance when interacting with a high-temperature metal particles

    The morphological characteristics of the dynamics of purulent inflammation process when an optimizing surgical treatment of heavy phlegmons of head and neck is being used

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    The dynamics of the process of inflammation and regeneration in the region of pathological sead and in the operating wound when the original surgical treatment of heavy phlegmons of head and neck of odontological and non-odontological origion have been investigated. More than 500 histological preparations made of biopsical materials, which was taken out from is 50 patients have been examined. The analysis showed that the optimizing surgical treatment modifies the dynamics of the process, which takes place in the wound and it permits to close an operating wound quickly and to gat its healing by the type of initial surface tension

    Statistical analysis of sizing features of dust generated under the mechanical metal-working

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    Introduction. The paper considers the mathematical analysis of the fractional composition of dust generated during the operation of the rail-cutting machine. It is established that the studied polydisperse material is well described by the one-parameter exponential distribution. At the same time, the lognormal particle size distribution, whose parameters are determined by mathematical programming methods, seems adequate for the purposes of calculating cyclones. The work objective was to develop mathematical methods for correct averaging of the size and mass parameters of dust under the solid metal machining.Materials and Methods. We studied the possibility of approximating experimental data by Rosin – Rammler distributions (classical, generalized three-parameter P(x, D, n, m), and simplified exponential P(x), in which n = 1). The corresponding results were compared to each other and to the data of approximation of the lognormal and double lognormal functions. These results indicate close approximation quality using the following model distributions P(x):• five-parameter double lognormal;• three-parameter type of Rosin-Rammler;• two-parameter classical Rosin - Rammler;• one-parameter exponential.Results. The primary physical analysis of cutting waste was carried out by the laboratory measuring complex Fritsch Analysette 22 Compact which uses the LALLS – low angle laser scattering method. The built-in software provides output of measurement results in primary graphic and digital forms. It was found that the simplest exponential distribution is best suited for a detailed analysis of the dust particle-size distribution based on the experimental data.This distribution enables reproduction of all the integral indicators provided by the instrumental measuring complex along with the graphical data.Discussion and Conclusions. The results obtained can be used to rationalize the local suction machine, and the mathematical models and algorithms can be used for the parametric analysis of any dust captured by cyclones