1,795 research outputs found
Quantum tops as examples of commuting differential operators
We study the quantum analogs of tops on Lie algebras and
represented by differential operators.Comment: 24 p
The application of modern computational fluid dynamics techniques for increasing the efficiency and stability of an axial compressor in an industrial gas turbine
This paper contains on-site test data of an axial compressor as part of an industrial gas turbine, as well as the process of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling, verification, research and modernization. The research method has been verified with actual test data gathered from the real gas turbine unit (GTU) test. The computational studies showed significant potential for improving aerodynamic efficiency and the surge margin of a compressor by better matching of inlet and outer groups of stages. A special design approach was used to improve aerodynamic parameters of the inlet system and certain middle stages. Computations made for the improved compressor model showed a 3% efficiency gain and 5% stall margin gain with possibilities for further modernization. © 2014 WIT Press.International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering;International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning;WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environmen
Ion Beam Synthesis of InAs Nanocrystals in Crystalline Silicon
The formation of nanodimensional InAs crystallites on Si wafers was studied by the method of high fluence implantation of As and In ions with subsequent high temperature treatment. It was found that the size and depth distributions of the crystallites depend on both the implantation temperature and the annealing conditions. A broad band in an energy range of 0.75–1.1 eV was recorded in the photolumines cence spectra of the samples
Electromagnetic field of a charge asymptotically approaching spherically symmetric black hole
We consider a test charged particle falling onto a Schwarzschild black hole
and evaluate its electromagnetic field. The Regge-Wheeler equation is solved
analytically by approximating the potential barrier with Dirac delta function
and rectangular barrier. We show that for asymptotically large time measured by
a distant observer the electromagnetic field approaches the spherically
symmetric electrostatic field exponentially fast. This implies that in the
region accessible to a distant observer the initial state of separated charge
and Schwarzschild black hole becomes asymptotically indistinguishable from the
Reisnner-Nordstr\"om solution. Implications of this result for models with
plasma accretion on black holes are discussed.7 aComment: 7 pages, 2 figure
Multi-criteria optimisation of subsonic axial compressor blading
The novel approach to parametric topology of the 2D compressor airfoil was tested at multi-criteria optimisation problem for high speed subsonic application. Some results regarding the shape of the blade are presented. © 2019 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The work was supported by Act 211 Government of the Russian Federation, contract №02.A03.21.0006
Analysis of litter mesofauna of Poltava region forest ecosystems
На основі досліджень підстилкової мезофауни 48 обстежених лісових біогеоценозів охарактеризовано закономірності формування угруповань безхребетних на рівні видів і родин. Проаналізовано ступінь подібності пробних ділянок за таксономічною структурою герпетобію. Виявлено чинники, які впливають на формування підстилкової мезофауни лісових біогеоценозів Полтавської області.На основе исследований подстилочное мезофауни 48 обследованных лесных экосистем охарактеризованы закономерности формирования группировок беспозвоночных на уровне видов и семей. Проанализирована степень сходства пробных участков по таксономической структуре герпетобию. Выявлены факторы, влияющие на формирование подстилочное мезофауни лесных экосистем Полтавской областиOn the basis of research of litter mesofauna of 48 forest biogeocenoses the regularities of invertebrate communities formation on the species and families levels are determined. The degree of similarity of test plots are analysed by taxonomic structure of the communities. The factors of the litter invertebrate communities formation in forest ecosystems of the Poltava region are revealed
Trophic structure of litter mesofauna: biomass differentiation between trophic levels
На основі досліджень підстилкової мезофауни чотирьох лісових біогеоценозів Полтавської області побудовано трофічно-вагові моделі угруповань безхребетних. Проаналізовано розподіл біомаси за трофічними рівнями, розмірну і таксономічну структуру окремих рівнів. Охарактеризовано відмінності та спільні риси трофічно-вагових моделей угруповань безхребетних. На основе исследований подстилочное мезофауни четырех лесных экосистем Полтавской области построено трофические-весовые модели группировок беспозвоночных. Проанализировано распределение био¬масы за трофическими уровнями, соразмерную и таксономическую структуру отдельных уровней. Охарактеризованы различия и общие черты трофические-весовых моделей группировок беспозвоночных.On the basis of research of litter mesofauna in four forest biogeocenoses of the Poltava region the trophic-weight models of invertebrate communities are creating. The biomass differentiation between trophic levels, weight and taxonomic structure of the separate levels are analysed. The differentiation and similarity of the trophic-weight models of litter invertebrate communities are discussed
Trophic preferences of Pterostichus oblongopunctatus (Coleoptera, Carabidae) in conditions of south forest-steppe
Досліджено переваги Pterostichus oblongopunctatus (Fabricius, 1787) у виборі об’єктів живлення в умовах лісових біогеоценозів південного Лісостепу Полтавської області. Проаналізовано таксономічну, розмірно-вагову та трофічну структуру запропонованих P. oblongopunctatus безхребетних. Установлено критерії вибору P. oblongopunctatus потенційних трофічних об’єктів: міцність покривів і розміри здобичі, а також її здатність до швидкого пересування.Исследованы предпочтения Pterostichus oblongopunctatus (Fabricius, 1787) в выборе потенциальных объектов питания в условиях лесных биогеоценозов южной Лесостепи Полтавской области. Проанализирована таксономическая, размерно-весовая и трофическая структура предложенных P. oblongopunctatus беспозвоночных. Установлены критерии выбора P. oblongopunctatus потенциальных трофических объектов: твердость покровов и размеры добычи, а также ее способность быстро передвигаться.The specific trophic preferences of Pterostichus oblongopunctatus (Fabricius, 1787) as one of the common litter zoophages in forests biogeocenoses of the south forest-steppe in the Poltava region are investigated. Taxonomic, size-weight and trophic structure of potential food objects offered to the P. oblongopunctatus was analysed. P. oblongopunctatus choice criteria of potential food objects were established: hardness of exoskeleton and size of prey and also victim’s ability for to fast moving
Identification of corner separation modelling in axial compressor stage
The paper presents a study of corner separations in hub to blade region at various operation conditions towards compressor stall. It is known that for compressor flows with low or none separations computation fluid dynamics with RANS methods work quite well, however, for highly separated flows they are no longer entirely valid. Therefore, several criteria were applied for prediction and quantification of possible corner separation, and the main interest of this work is in predicting the separation just before it will actually happen by certain flow metrics, so these metrics can be further used as a 'pre-stall' criteria whilst the RANS CFD operating point still behave within its appropriate limits. Also the effect of shear lean is discussed in the presented context. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2020
Mechanisms of arsenic clustering in silicon
A model of arsenic clustering in silicon is proposed and analyzed. The main
feature of the proposed model is the assumption that negatively charged arsenic
complexes play a dominant role in the clustering process. To confirm this
assumption, electron density and concentration of impurity atoms incorporated
into the clusters are calculated as functions of the total arsenic
concentration. A number of the negatively charged clusters incorporating a
point defect and one or more arsenic atoms are investigated. It is shown that
for the doubly negatively charged clusters or for clusters incorporating more
than one arsenic atom the electron density reaches a maximum value and then
monotonically and slowly decreases as total arsenic concentration increases. In
the case of doubly negatively charged cluster incorporating two arsenic atoms,
the calculated electron density agrees well with the experimental data.
Agreement with the experiment confirms the conclusion that two arsenic atoms
participate in the cluster formation. Among all present models, the proposed
model of clustering by formation of doubly negatively charged cluster
incorporating two arsenic atoms gives the best fit to the experimental data and
can be used in simulation of high concentration arsenic diffusion.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures. Revised and shortened version of the paper has
been published in Phys. Rev. B, Vol.74 (3), art. no. 035205 (2006
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