5,389 research outputs found


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    1. The protein precipitated by acetic acid from solutions of pneumococci shows chemical reactions characteristic of nucleoprotein and mucoid. 2. The protein of pneumococcus, as contrasted with the non-protein soluble specific substance, exhibits species specificity rather than the type specificity characteristic of the latter


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    1. A method is given for the concentration and purification of the soluble specific substance of the pneumococcus. 2. The material obtained by this method is shown to consist mainly of a carbohydrate which appears to be a polysaccharide built up of glucose molecules. 3. Whether the soluble specific substance is actually the polysaccharide, or occurs merely associated with it, is still undecided, although the evidence points in the direction of the former possibility


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    1. Pneumococci contain an intracellular enzyme of marked lipolytic activity as measured by the acid liberated by its action on tributyrin. 2. Enzyme-containing solutions may be prepared by dissolving pneumococci in bile, or by extraction by other means. 3. The optimum reaction for maximum activity of the endolipase is about pH 7.8, which coincides with the optimum hydrogen ion concentration for growth of pneumococci. 4. Heating the enzyme for 10 minutes at 70°C. destroys its activity. 5. Attenuation of virulence of pneumococcus had no measureable effect on enzyme activity. 6. The possible relation of the endolipase to the mechanism of bile solubility is discussed


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    1. Antipneumococcus serum possesses the power of inhibiting for a certain period of time the multiplication of pneumococci. 2. It also has the capacity of inhibiting the proteolytic and glycolytc functions of pneumococci. 3. This power is acquired for the first time or appears in increased amounts in human serum at the time of crisis in lobar pneumonia. 4. The retardation of bacterial growth is thought to be dependent upon the inhibition of metabolic function due to the presence of anti-enzymotic substances in antipneumococcus serum. To this phenomenon we have applied the term antiblastic immunity


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    A study of pneumococci isolated from individuals suffering from lobar pneumonia has shown that the majority of these organisms fall into definite biological groups. These groups have been arbitrarily numbered from I to IV. The first three groups consist of organisms which within the group are closely related to each other by certain immunological reactions; i. e., protection and agglutination. Extensive study has failed to reveal crossing in either of these reactions between members of separate groups. The fourth group is formed of a series of independent varieties which cannot be definitely related to one another by the immune reactions employed. Up to the present time we have observed no tendency of these organisms to lose their specific characters, nor have we observed a change of one type into another. These groups vary in their pathogenicity for human beings, and in the order of their virulence are as follows: group III, group II, group I, group IV. The degree of protective power developed in the sera of animals immunized against members of the different groups varies inversely with the virulence and with the amount of capsular development. This, however, applies only to tests of passive immunity. The highly virulent groups give as good active immunity as those of lower virulence, if not better. In view of these constant differential characters of the pneumococcus, it was deemed advisable to study the pneumococci occurring in normal sputum. It has been commonly assumed that infection in pneumonia is autogenic, and occurs from the invasion of the lungs by a pneumococcus habitually carried in the mouth. If this is so, we should find the same types in the normal mouth as occur during the disease. Examination of a series of normal individuals showed this not to be the case. In no instance was an organism found which could be grouped with any of the fixed types of pneumococcus. All exhibited the same characters as those organisms obtained from lobar pneumonia which belong to group IV. Inasmuch as organisms belonging to this group are of low virulence, and are responsible in our experience for only 20 per cent. of the cases of pneumonia, it is at once manifest that the majority and more virulent cases of pneumonia are due to organisms which are not found in normal mouths. To gain further evidence of this difference, a study has been made of convalescents from pneumonia who had been infected by typical organisms. During the period of recovery these typical organisms are supplanted by the type which occurs in normal mouths. The period of disappearance of the typical varieties has varied. The shortest time in which disappearance has occurred has been twelve days, and the longest period in which typical organisms have been carried has been ninety days. In the latter instance the patient was lost sight of, so that he may well have carried the virulent form for a longer period of time. In general, when typical organisms persist for a long time, there is delay in the healing of the lung lesion. If recovery is prompt, as a rule the virulent types disappear rapidly. We have said that the virulent types do not occur in normal mouths. There are exceptions to this observation. In a number of instances organisms belonging to the typical groups have been isolated from the mouth sputum of healthy individuals. So far this has occurred only in individuals intimately in contact with cases of lobar pneumonia. Wherever typical organisms have been obtained under such circumstances, the type has always corresponded to that with which the case of pneumonia was infected. Such individuals, therefore, become infected with virulent types of pneumococcus by contact, and may be regarded as healthy carriers of disease-producing types. This study makes it probable that the majority of cases of pneumonia are dependent upon either direct or indirect contact with a previous case. Mere infection of the mouth by virulent types is by no means sufficient to cause the disease. In order to invade the lungs, these virulent types must find the circumstances favorable, or a suitable condition must arise during the period when they are harbored in the mouth. Comparative study of certain strains of pneumococci received from South Africa suggests that new groups of parasitic organisms develop only during the period of high racial susceptibility. A like condition of affairs is brought about when a group of hitherto unexposed individuals is brought into contact with an infectious microörganism. The development of racial immunity soon limits the number of new types which may arise. The suggestion is made that strictly parasitic races of microorganisms are pure lines and have established themselves as parasites during a period of high racial susceptibility


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    1. A specifically reacting substance of bacterial origin is present in the cell-free fluids of young cultures of pneumococcus. This substance is present when the organisms are growing at their maximum rate and undergoing little or no cell death, and consequently its. presence is not dependent upon cell disintegration but represents the extrusion of bacterial substance by the living organism. 2. The blood and urine of rabbits experimentally infected with pneumococcus contain a similar specific soluble substance during the early hours of the infectious process. 3. Human beings suffering from lobar pneumonia have in their blood and more frequently in their urine a specific soluble substance of pneumococcus origin. The amount of this substance present in the urine varies in different individuals and the presence of a large amount is of unfavorable prognostic import. This specific precipitin reaction in the urine is of diagnostic value. 4. Rabbits injected with soluble pneumococcus material continue to excrete this substance for a considerable period of time. 5. The specifically soluble substance obtained from bacterial cultures and from the urine during infection is not destroyed by boiling, by precipitation with alcohol, acetone, or ether, or by trypsin digestion. 6. Studies are in progress at this time on the degree of toxicity and on the antigenic properties of the substance


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    Lobar pneumonia in 75 per cent of instances is due to specific types of pneumococci possessed of a high degree of pathogenicity. Although pneumococci occur in the mouths of 60 per cent of normal individuals, such organisms are readily distinguishable from the highly parasitic types of pneumococcus responsible for the severe forms of lobar pneumonia, a convincing proof that infection in this disease is, in the majority of instances, not autogenic in nature, but is derived from some extraneous source. In a high percentage of instances healthy persons intimately associated with cases of lobar pneumonia harbor the disease-producing types of pneumococcus. In every such instance the pneumococcus isolated has corresponded in type with that of the infected individual. Convalescents from pneumonia carry for a considerable length of time the type of pneumococcus with which they have been infected. The existence of the carrier state among healthy persons and among those recently recovered from pneumonia establishes a basis for understanding the mechanism by means of which lobar pneumonia spreads and maintains its high incidence from year to year


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    1. A method is described for the preparation of an active enzyme-containing solution of pneumococci, in which no living cells are present. These enzymes are capable of hydrolyzing sucrose, starch, and inulin. 2. The invertase and amylase of pneumococcus are active within the limits pH 5 to 8, with an optimum reaction of about pH 7. This reaction range corresponds closely with limiting hydrogen ion concentrations which define growth of the organism in the presence of carbohydrate. 3. These studies indicate that the enzymes described are not true secretory products of the living cell, but are of the nature of endoenzymes, since their activity can be demonstrated only when cell disintegration has occurred


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    1. The optimum hydrogen ion concentration for growth of pneumococcus is pH 7.8. 2. In broth cultures growth of pneumococcus continues until a final hydrogen ion concentration of about pH 5.0 is reached, if sufficient fermentable carbohydrate' (above 0.4 per cent) is present. Apparently this acidity is sufficient in itself to stop growth. 3. If less carbohydrate is present in the medium growth ceases at a lower hydrogen ion concentration, apparently because of exhaustion of carbohydrate. If no carbohydrate is present save that extracted from the meat of which the broth is made (plain broth medium), growth initiated at pH 7.8 (optimum reaction) ceases at about pH 7.0. 4. If bacteria-free filtrates of plain broth cultures in which growth has ceased are readjusted to pH 7.8 and reinoculated with pneumococcus, no growth occurs unless carbohydrate is added. However, if bacteria-free filtrates of dextrose broth cultures in which growth has ceased (pH 5) are readjusted to pH 7.8 and reinoculated with pneumococcus growth occurs. 5. Cultures of pneumococcus with all the carbohydrates which were fermentable under the conditions used, namely maltose, saccharose, lactose, galactose, raffinose, dextrose, and inulin, gave identical results in the rate of reaction change, and final hydrogen ion concentration (pH 5.0) attained. 6. The different immunological types of pneumococcus, for the limited number of strains studied, behaved alike in fermenting the carbohydrates mentioned above


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    1. Immunological differences have been shown to exist between strains of Streptococcus hœmolyticus of the human type. 2. Four biological types have been identified by means of the reactions of agglutination and protection. 3. At least two other types have been encountered and the indications are that more exist