9 research outputs found

    Study of gas hazard pattern in underground workings after blasting

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    Determining the sources of hazardous and toxic substances released into mine air, their gas composition, as well as providing each such source of pollution with the required amount of fresh air are important issues in terms of ensuring normal healthy and safe working conditions for miners. This paper studies blasting as one of the most dangerous sources of mine air pollution. The study was carried out for a long dead-end exploration working, and a development (preparatory) working of a copper-nickel mine. In accordance with the federal rules and regulations (FNiP), a number of requirements, including monitoring of gas hazard at a face, is applied to blasting operations. The study examined the behavior of gas-air mixture in dead-end mine workings after blasting. The findings are based on the experimental data obtained in the conditions of two dead-end workings at an operating coppernickel mine. A technique for the experimental studies of gas release after blasting in a dead-end working was developed. The main technical characteristics of the instruments involved in the in-situ measurements are given. Time dependences of the concentrations of toxic gases after blasting at the blasted working mouth, at the return ventilation current, and near a booster were established. In order to assess the reliability of the data obtained, the volume of released carbon oxides was calculated based on the data of gas analyzers and chemical reactions of explosives decomposition during detonation, depending on the types and weights of the explosives. A model of gas-air mixture transfer was described, constructed, and calibrated allowing for longitudinal dispersion. The Voronin model was used to simulate the gradual removal of toxic gases from the working face and solving the problem of boundary conditions. Based on experimental data, the coefficients of longitudinal dispersion, ventilation efficiency, and volume concentration of the considered gas admixture in the mixing zone at initial time were determined for a long dead-end mine working. The constructed gas-dynamic model and longitudinal dispersion coefficients obtained as a result of the analysis enabled the time required for long dead-end mine workings ventilation to be analysed and estimated. Based on the model, the algorithm for calculating the velocity of spreading the combustion products in a mine ventilation network in emergency situations is being improved. The value of longitudinal dispersion coefficient for different operating conditions is also being refined. Based on the gas distribution simulation within the interval of 1,500 m from a working face, the time required for the ventilation of a dead-end mine working was determined

    Improving Methods of Frozen Wall State Prediction for Mine Shafts under Construction Using Distributed Temperature Measurements in Test Wells

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    Development of mineral deposits under complex geological and hydrogeological conditions is often associated with the need to utilize specific approaches to mine shaft construction. The most reliable and universally applicable method of shaft sinking is artificial rock freezing – creation of a frozen wall around the designed mine shaft. Protected by this artificial construction, further mining operations take place. Notably, mining operations are permitted only after a closed-loop frozen section of specified thickness is formed. Beside that, on-line monitoring over the state of frozen rock mass must be organized. The practice of mine construction under complex hydrogeological conditions by means of artificial freezing demonstrates that modern technologies of point-by-point and distributed temperature measurements in test wells do not detect actual frozen wall parameters. Neither do current theoretical models and calculation methods of rock mass thermal behavior under artificial freezing provide an adequate forecast of frozen wall characteristics, if the input data has poor accuracy. The study proposes a monitoring system, which combines test measurements and theoretical calculations of frozen wall parameters. This approach allows to compare experimentally obtained and theoretically calculated rock mass temperatures in test wells and to assess the difference. Basing on this temperature difference, parameters of the mathematical model get adjusted by stating an inverse Stefan problem, its regularization and subsequent numerical solution

    Parameterization of a ventilation network model for the analysis of mine working emergency ventilation modes

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    Digital simulation of mine fires and explosions is an important stage in the process of developing technical solutions and measures aimed at improving the safety of personnel involved in underground mining. Correct simulation results determine the effectiveness of decisions in the event of an actual emergency situation. In this regard, due attention should be paid to each stage of the simulation, and especially to the initial stage of model parameterization. This study formulates a general principle for determining the parameters of mine fire and explosion models, in order to assess their development using the AeroNetwork analytical package. Such parameters in the event of a fire are heat and gas (afterdamp) releases. In the event of an explosion, excessive pressure at the shock front in the explosion origin. It has been established that when simulating a fire, it is advisable to use equivalent heat and gas releases determined by the content of combustible components in the combustion origin. In the event of burning mining equipment, these parameters can be calculated on the basis of the technical characteristics of a machine. Furthermore, when simulating an unauthorized explosion of explosives, the excess pressure determined by the dimensionless length of the active combustion area is calculated taking into account the weight and specific heat of an explosive, as well as the geometric parameters of a mine working. When simulating an explosion of a methane-air mixture (firedamp), the excess pressure is calculated taking into account the gas content of rocks in terms of free combustible gases, the length of a blast cut, the size of the area of increased fracturing, and the lower explosive limit of methane. Based on the proposed principle of the parameterization of emergency models, as an example, a model of fire and explosion development in existing extended dead-end workings (more than 1000 m long) passing coaxially to each other at different heights was developed. The numerical simulation of different emergency situations in workings was carried out, taking into account performing mining in difficult mining conditions

    Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Forests: Technological advancements, Opportunities and Challenges

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