5,064 research outputs found

    PPP Strikes Back: Aggregation and the Real Exchange Rate

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    We show the importance of a dynamic aggregation bias in accounting for the PPP puzzle. We prove that established time series and panel methods substantially exaggerate the persistence of real exchange rates because of heterogeneity in the dynamics of disaggregated relative prices. When heterogeneity is properly taken into account, estimates of the real exchange rate half-life fall dramatically, to little more than one year, or significantly below Rogoff's consensus view' of three to five years. We show corrected estimates are consistent with plausible nominal rigidities, thus, arguably, solving the puzzle. We also explain why traded goods prices account for the bulk of the persistence and volatility of the real exchange rate. The reason is that traded goods prices display dynamics that are more heterogeneous than non-traded ones.

    PPP Strikes Back: Aggregation and the Real Exchange Rate

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    We show the importance of a dynamic aggregation bias in accounting for the PPP puzzle. We prove that established time series and panel methods substantially exaggerate the persistence of real exchange rates because of heterogeneity in the dynamics of disaggregated relative prices. When heterogeneity is properly taken into account, estimates of the real exchange rate half-life fall dramatically, to little more than one year, or significantly below Rogoff’s ‘consensus view’ of three to five years. We show that corrected estimates are consistent with plausible nominal rigidities, thus, arguably, solving the PPP puzzle.Real Exchange Rate Persistence, Purchasing Power Parity, Aggregation, Parameter Heterogeneity.

    "Aggregation Bias" DOES Explain the PPP Puzzle

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    This article summarizes our views on the role of an "aggregation bias" in explaining the PPP Puzzle, in response to the several papers recently written in reaction to our initial contribution. We discuss in particular the criticisms of Imbs, Mumtaz, Ravn and Rey (2002) presented in Chen and Engel (2005). We show that their contentions are based on: (i) analytical counter-examples which are not empirically relevant; (ii) simulation results minimizing the extent of "aggregation bias"; (iii) unfounded claims on the impact of measurement errors on our results; and (iv) problematic implementation of small-sample bias corrections. We conclude, as in our original paper, that "aggregation bias" goes a long way towards explaining the PPP puzzle.

    Flavor constraints on electroweak ALP couplings

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    We explore the signals of axion-like particles (ALPs) in flavor-changing neutral current (FCNC) processes. The most general effective linear Lagrangian for ALP couplings to the electroweak bosonic sector is considered, and its contribution to FCNC decays is computed up to one-loop order. The interplay between the different couplings opens new territory for experimental exploration, as analyzed here in the ALP mass range 0<ma≲50<m_a \lesssim 5 GeV. When kinematically allowed, K→πννˉK\to \pi \nu \bar{\nu} decays provide the most stringent constraints for channels with invisible final states, while BB-meson decays are more constraining for visible decay channels, such as displaced vertices in B→K(∗)μ+μ−B\to K^{(\ast)} \mu^+ \mu^- data. The complementarity with collider constraints is discussed as well.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Wave polarizations for a beam-like gravitational wave in quadratic curvature gravity

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    We compute analytically the tidal field and polarizations of an exact gravitational wave generated by a cylindrical beam of null matter of finite width and length in quadratic curvature gravity. We propose that this wave can represent the gravitational wave that keep up with the high energy photons produced in a gamma ray burst (GRB) source.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, minor corrections, to appear in CQ

    Development and field-installation of a mathematical simulation model in support of irrigation canal management

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    Mathematical models / Simulation models / Flow / Hydraulics / Irrigation canals / Decision making / Research / Sri Lanka / Kirindi Oya

    Supersymmetric Open Wilson Lines

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    In this paper we study Open Wilson Lines (OWL's) in the context of two Supersymmetric Yang Mills theories. First we consider four dimensional N=2 Supersymmetric Yang Mills Theory with hypermultiplets transforming in the fundamental representation of the gauge group, and find supersymmetric OWL's only in the superconformal versions of these theories. We then consider four dimensional N=4 SYM coupled to a three dimensional defect hypermultiplet. Here there is a semi-circular supersymmetric OWL, which is related to the ray by a conformal transformation. We perform a perturbative calculation of the operators in both theories, and discuss using localization to compute them non-perturbatively.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figure

    Surgical treatment of sporadic vestibular schwannoma in a series of 1006 patients. Trattamento chirurgico degli schwannomi vestibolari: risultati su una serie di 1006 pazienti

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    La gestione dello schwannoma vestibolare (SV) sporadico si è gradualmente evoluta negli ultimi decenni. Lo scopo di questo studio è di analizzare l’evoluzione negli esiti chirurgici dell’exeresi di queste lesioni, realizzata da un team neurotologico tra il 1990 e il 2006, attraverso differenti approcci. È stata eseguita una revisione retrospettica monocentrica dei dati clinici di 1006 pazienti. Al fine di valutare eventuali modifiche e progressi, il periodo di 17 anni è stato diviso in tre periodi, ciascuno comprendente rispettivamente 268 SV (1990- 1996), 299 SV (1997-2001), e 439 SV (2002-2006). Il follow-up medio è stato di 5,9 ± 2,4 anni. Complessivamente l’asportazione totale è stata ottenuta nel 99,4% dei casi. Il tasso di mortalità è stato dello 0,3%, la meningite e la perdita di liquido cefalo rachidiano (LCR) sono stati osservati nel 1,2% e il 9% dei casi, rispettivamente. La frequenza della perdita di LCR è diminuita dal 11,6% al 7,1% tra il primo e dell’ultimo periodo (p &lt; 0,01) e la revisione chirurgica dal 3,4% al 0,9% (p &lt; 0,05). Il nervo facciale è stato anatomicamente conservato nel 97,7% dei casi. Ad un anno, una buona funzione del nervo facciale è stata osservata nel 85,1% dei pazienti (I e II grado HouseBrackmann), con una variazione tra il primo e l’ultimo periodo che andava dal 78,4% al 87,6% (p &lt; 0,05). Ad un anno post-operatorio la conservazione dell’udito è stata ottenuta nel 61,6% dei pazienti, passando dal 50,9% del primo periodo, al 69,0% del periodo piú recente (p &lt; 0,05) (classe A + B + C dalla classificazione AAO-HNS). L’udito utile (classe A + B) è stato conservato nel 33,5% dei casi complessivamente, con percentuali comprese tra il 21,8% e 42% nel primo e nell’ultimo periodo rispettivamente (p &lt; 0,01). Gli esiti chirurgici dell’asportazion dello schwannoma vestibolare sporadico sono migliorati negli anni per quanto riguarda i risultati funzionali del nervo facciale, la conservazione dell’udito, le perdite di liquido cefalorachidiano, principalmente grazie all’esperienza del team neurotologico. I risultati funzionali dopo la rimozione microchirurgica completa SV di grandi dimensioni dipendono dall’ esperienza maturata sulle lesioni di piccole dimensioniThe management of sporadic vestibular schwannoma (VS) has evolved in the last decades. The aim of this study was to analyse the evolution in surgical outcomes of VSs operated by a neurotological team between 1990 and 2006 by different approaches. A monocentric retrospective review of medical charts of 1006 patients was performed. In order to assess eventual changes and progress, the 17-years period was divided in three periods, each one comprehending 268 VS (1990-1996), 299 VS (1997-2001), and 439 VS (2002-2006). Mean follow-up was 5.9 ± 2.4 years. Overall, complete VS removal was achieved in 99.4% of cases. Mortality rate was 0.3%, meningitis and CSF leaks were observed in 1.2 % and 9 % of the cases, respectively. CSF leakage decreased from 11.6% to 7.1% between the first and last period (p &lt; 0.01) as well as revision surgery from 3.4 % to 0.9 % (p &lt; 0.05). Facial nerve was anatomically preserved in 97.7% of cases. At one year, a good facial nerve function was observed in 85.1% of patients (grade I and II of House-Brackmann grading scale), which ranged between the first and last period from 78.4% to 87.6% (p &lt;0.05). At one year, hearing preservation was obtained in 61.6% of patients, which increased from the first period to the last one from 50.9% to 69.0% (p &lt; 0.05) (class A+B+C from the AAO-HNS classification). Useful hearing (class A+B) was observed in 33.5% of cases overall, with 21.8% and 42% in the first and last period, respectively (p &lt; 0.01). Surgical outcomes of sporadic vestibular schwannoma have improved concerning facial nerve function outcomes, hearing preservation and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leaks, mainly due to the neuro-otological team's experience. Functional results after complete microsurgical removal of large VS depend on experience gained on small VS removal

    Emergent AdS3 and BTZ Black Hole from Weakly Interacting Hot 2d CFT

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    We investigate emergent holography of weakly coupled two-dimensional hyperK\"ahler sigma model on cotangent bundle of (N-1)-dimensional complex projective space at zero and finite temperature. The sigma model is motivated by the spacetime conformal field theory dual to the near-horizon geometry of Q1 D1-brane bound to Q5 D5-brane wrapped on four-torus times circle, where N = Q1*Q5. The sigma model admits nontrivial instanton for all N greater than or equal to 2, which serves as a local probe of emergent holographic spacetime. We define emergent geometry of the spacetime as that of instanton moduli space via Hitchin's information metric. At zero temperature, we find that emergent geometry is AdS3. At finite temperature, time-periodic instanton is mappable to zero temperature instanton via conformal transformation. Utilizing the transformation, we show that emergent geometry is precisely that of the non-extremal, non-rotating BTZ black hole.Comment: 12 pages, no figure, JHEP.cls; v2. typos correcte
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