713 research outputs found

    Dark Energy and Viscous Cosmology

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    Singularities in the dark energy universe are discussed, assuming that there is a bulk viscosity in the cosmic fluid. In particular, it is shown how the physically natural assumption of letting the bulk viscosity be proportional to the scalar expansion in a spatially flat FRW universe can drive the fluid into the phantom region (w -1) in the non-viscous case.Comment: 11 pages. Printing error in eq.(23) corrected. To appear in Gen. Rel. Gra

    Finite action, holographic conformal anomaly and quantum brane-worlds in d5 gauged supergravity

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    We report our recent results concerning d5 gauged supergravity (dilatonic gravity) considered on AdS background. The finite action on such background as well as d4 holographic conformal anomaly (via AdS/CFT correspondence) are found. In such formalism the bulk potential is kept to be arbitrary, dilaton dependent function. Holographic RG in such theory is briefly discussed. d5 AdS brane-world Universe induced by quantum effects of brane CFT is constructed. Such brane is spherical, hyperbolic or flat one. Hence, the possibility of quantum creation of inflationary brane-world Universe is shown.Comment: Proceedings of Londrina conference, April 2000, to appea

    Unified approach to study quantum properties of primordial black holes, wormholes and of quantum cosmology

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    We review the anomaly induced effective action for dilaton coupled spinors and scalars in large N and s-wave approximation. It may be applied to study the following fundamental problems: construction of quantum corrected black holes (BHs), inducing of primordial wormholes in the early Universe (this effect is confirmed) and the solution of initial singularity problem. The recently discovered anti-evaporation of multiple horizon BHs is discussed. The existance of such primordial BHs may be interpreted as SUSY manifestation. Quantum corrections to BHs thermodynamics maybe also discussed within such scheme.Comment: LaTeX file and two eps files, to appear in MPLA, Brief Review

    Supersymmetric new brane-world

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    The quantum-induced dilatonic brane world (New Brane World) is created by brane CFT quantum effects (giving effective brane tension) in accordance with AdS/CFT set-up which also defines surface term. Considering the bosonic sector of 5d gauged supergravity with single scalar and taking the boundary action as predicted by supersymmetry, the possibility to supersymmetrize dilatonic New Brane World is discussed. It is demonstrated that for a number of superpotentials the flat SUSY dilatonic brane-world (with dynamically induced brane dilaton) or quantum-induced de Sitter dilatonic brane-world (not Anti-de Sitter one) where SUSY is broken by the quantum effects occurs. The analysis of graviton perturbations indicates that gravity is localized on such branes.Comment: LaTeX 16 pages, misprints are correcte

    Effective Potential for D-brane in Constant Electromagnetic Field

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    We discuss the one-loop effective potential and static (large dd) potential for toroidal D-brane described by DBI-action in constant magnetic and in constant electric fields. Explicit calculation is done for membrane case (p=2p=2) for both types of external fields and in case of static potential for an arbitrary pp. In the case of one-loop potential it is found that the presence of magnetic background may stabilize D-brane giving the possibility for non-pointlike ground state configuration. On the same time, constant electrical field acts against stabilization and the correspondent one-loop potential is unbounded from below. The properties of static potential which also has stable minimum are described in detail. The back-reaction of quantum gauge fields to one-loop potential is also evaluated.Comment: LaTeX file,17 pages, few misprints and mistakes are correcte

    Wightman function and vacuum densities for a Z_2-symmetric thick brane in AdS spacetime

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    Positive frequency Wightman function, vacuum expectation values of the field square and the energy-momentum tensor induced by a Z_{2}-symmetric brane with finite thickness located on (D+1)- dimensional AdS background are evaluated for a massive scalar field with general curvature coupling parameter. For the general case of static plane symmetric interior structure the expectation values in the region outside the brane are presented as the sum of free AdS and brane induced parts. For a conformally coupled massless scalar the brane induced part in the vacuum energy-momentum tensor vanishes. In the limit of strong gravitational fields the brane induced parts are exponentially suppressed for points not too close to the brane boundary. As an application of general results a special model is considered in which the geometry inside the brane is a slice of the Minkowski spacetime orbifolded along the direction perpendicular to the brane. For this model the Wightman function, vacuum expectation values of the field square and the energy-momentum tensor inside the brane are evaluated as well and their behavior is discussed in various asymptotic regions of the parameters. It is shown that for both minimally and conformally coupled scalar fields the interior vacuum forces acting on the brane boundaries tend to decrease the brane thickness.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figures, discussion adde

    Cosmological anti-deSitter space-times and time-dependent AdS/CFT correspondence

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    We study classes of five-dimensional cosmological solutions with negative curvature, which are obtained from static solutions by an exchange of a spatial and temporal coordinate, and in some cases by an analytic continuation. Such solutions provide a suitable laboratory to address the time-dependent AdS/CFT correspondence. For a specific example we address in detail the calculation of the boundary stress-energy and the Wilson line and find disagreement with the standard AdS/CFT correspondence. We trace these discrepancies to the time-dependent effects, such as particle creation, which we further study for specific backgrounds. We also identify specific time-dependent backgrounds that reproduce the correct conformal anomaly. For such backgrounds the calculation of the Wilson line in the adiabatic approximation indicates only a Coulomb repulsion.Comment: LaTeX file, 47 pages, discussion is extended, version to appear in PR

    (Non) singular Kantowski-Sachs Universe from quantum spherically reduced matter

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    Using s-wave and large N approximation the one-loop effective action for 2d dilaton coupled scalars and spinors which are obtained by spherical reduction of 4d minimal matter is found. Quantum effective equations for reduced Einstein gravity are written. Their analytical solutions corresponding to 4d Kantowski-Sachs (KS) Universe are presented. For quantum-corrected Einstein gravity we get non-singular KS cosmology which represents 1) quantum-corrected KS cosmology which existed on classical level or 2)purely quantum solution which had no classical limit. The analogy with Nariai BH is briefly mentioned. For purely induced gravity (no Einstein term) we found general analytical solution but all KS cosmologies under discussion are singular. The corresponding equations of motion are reformulated as classical mechanics problem of motion of unit mass particle in some potential V.Comment: LaTeX file, 16 pages, a few misprints are correcte

    Vacuum densities for a thick brane in AdS spacetime

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    For a massive scalar field with general curvature coupling parameter we evaluate Wightman function, vacuum expectation values of the field square and the energy-momentum tensor induced by a Z2Z_{2}-symmetric brane with finite thickness located on (D+1)(D+1)-dimensional AdS bulk. For the general case of static plane symmetric interior structure the expectation values in the region outside the brane are presented as the sum of free AdS and brane induced parts. For a conformally coupled massless scalar the brane induced part in the vacuum energy-momentum tensor vanishes. In the limit of strong gravitational fields the brane induced parts are exponentially suppressed for points not too close to the brane boundary. As an application of general results a special model is considered in which the geometry inside the brane is a slice of the Minkowski spacetime orbifolded along the direction perpendicular to the brane. For this model the Wightman function, vacuum expectation values of the field square and the energy-momentum tensor inside the brane are evaluated. It is shown that for both minimally and conformally coupled scalar fields the interior vacuum forces acting on the brane boundaries tend to decrease the brane thickness.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, talk presented at QFEXT07, Leipzig, September 17-21, 200
