5 research outputs found

    Prospects for the creation of national and supranational cryptocurrencies in the BRICS countries

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    The article proposes to carry out the process of developing a new financial system of the BRICS States in the following sequence: to transfer foreign trade between the States to settlements in national currencies, with the subsequent development of its own unit of account, which will subsequently be able to replace the dollar and the Euro in mutual settlements within the BRICS; develop your own cryptocurrency or choose one of the existing cryptocurrencies, which for a certain period will be one of the possible elements of the settlement mechanism in the mutual trade of these five countries; to develop supra-national crypto-currency for the countries members of the BRICS. This process will be very complex, as it will require many technological, macroeconomic and organizational challenges.To solve the problem of building a new financial and monetary system of the BRICS countries, the article analyzes the actual level of digitalization of financial activities in the countries of the Association, on the basis of which proposals are developed and the following conclusions are formulated: crypto-currency operations are not completely prohibited in any of the States of the Association, and the prohibitions apply only to certain operations (ISO, mining, exchanges). Cryptocurrency is not recognized as a legal means of payment; in the BRICS countries there are no own, national cryptocurrencies, and only projects of future cryptocurrencies are developed, taking into account the features of the set goalsof economic development and management of cryptocurrency activities; the countries of the Association do not abandon the use of blockchain technology in the field of economy and Finance, as it ensures the openness and security of data storage, the creation of centralized exchanges, the exchange of goods and services; the BRICS countries should be interested in a gradual shift away from dollar dependence. The instruments of this movement are the national currency, its own, internal unit of account, its own national cryptocurrency, supranational cryptocurrency

    Digitalization of business increases the costs of information security

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    The reasons for the increase in the cost of ensuring information security, in connection with the increase in the level of development of the digital economy have been revealed. One of the main reasons is the ever-increasing amount of information that needs to be stored and analysed. According to IDC forecasts, by 2025 the volume of data worldwide will increase by 10 times compared to 2017. The average costs of restoring companies ‘ activities related to cybercrimes have been given. The costs of information security are formed under the influence of many factors, the most important of which are cyber threats. The content of cyber threats on the example of industrial enterprises has been considered.The number of cyber threats is constantly growing in the world, their complexity and diversity increase depending on the object of the attack, goals and objectives. The most common types of cyber attacks in the world has been considered in the article, the mechanism of their implementation, their source and the scale of damage they cause, have been described.In connection with the transition to a digital economy, the number of cyber threats is constantly growing. In 2018, 4.3 billion computer impacts on critical infrastructure were identified in Russia (2.4 billion in 2017). Of these, more than 17 thousand are the most dangerous computer attacks. Bot networks of 30 thousand computers in 86 countries were used for these purposes. The average costs of medium-sized companies to eliminate the consequences of only one cyber incident in Russia are about 1.6 million rubles, and for large businesses - 16.1 million rubles.The recommendations to companies to consider the cost of information security as a strategic investment, ensuring the continuity of their business processes, which create advantages in an era of rapidly developing cyber threats, have been substantiated in the article. For the purposes of selecting and analysing the sources of costs of companies to provide information security, it has been proposed to classify them into 9 categories. The results of the analysis will allow companies to determine the main directions of priority financing of measures to reduce the level of losses from information security incidents and to form reasonably information security budgets

    Management of calls and threats in digital economy of Russia

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    Development of digital economy of Russia is influenced by regularly arising calls and threats. The sphere of their emergence extensive and difficult predicted. The reasons of their emergence are connected with prob-lems of development of digital economy. In article the calls and threats arising on the way of development of digital economy which can rather conditionally be united in two groups are considered: the first group - organi-zational, technical and technological and the second group - information security. Similar division of the arising calls and threats promotes definition and the choice of forms and methods of fight against each of them. In article development barriers which often are a subject of calls and threats are considered and generalized. The first barrier - unavailability of the enterprises and organizations to be engaged in development of production and representation of services with use of network technologies. The second barrier is the lack of the qualified IT experts. The third barrier - ensuring cyber security. The fourth - threat of mass unemployment owing to introduction and development of IT technologies. Further the threats and calls connected with overcoming the fourth barrier, concerning perspective changes of labor market, the increasing role and influence of robotics are in more detail considered. Besides, increase of changes upon completion of which, by different estimates, tech-nologies of the Industry 4.0 will lead about 610 000 jobs to reduction is noted begun in the industry, under the influence of technological shift, but during the same period can also about 960 000 new vacancies will appear. A number of risks which are born in itself by «digitalization» and which are connected with possible loss of national originality, culture and language are considered. In article measures which, as a result of their application will allow to operate the arising technological hazards are brought and recommended and to increase the general scientific and technological level. Management of the arising calls and threats is a component of management of development of digital economy, but there are some features connected with uncertainty of their emergence both on time and in the direction and in the place. But it doesn’t exclude a possibility of risk management and threats according to the scheme of manage-ment of development of digital economy of an objec

    Challenges and risks in the process of Russia’s post-pandemic economic recovery

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    The COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 has had a negative impact on economies around the world. The article analyses the macroeconomic indicators characterising the Russian economy after the COVID-19 pandemic. The results of this action on Russia’s global indicators have been compared with those of some countries in the world. The objectives and activities of the “National Action Plan for Employment and Income Recovery, Economic Growth and Long-Term Structural Changes in the Economy” (hereinafter the “National Action Plan”) have been considered. This document sets out the country’s development over the next two years and measures to recover the economy from the COVID-19 pandemic. The Government of the Russian Federation is allocating 5 trillion roubles for the implementation of the “National Action Plan”. Meanwhile, the main objective is to ensure a sustainable economic development and income growth path within two years. The indicators of the main goal to be achieved by the end of 2021 are: sustainable growth of the personal income; reduction of unemployment to 5%; growth of the gross domestic product by 2.5% per annum. In conclusion, the challenges and risks in implementing the “National Action Plan” have been formulated

    Coronavirus pandemic: yesterday, today, tomorrow of the Russian economy

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    The article analyzes the economic results of the crisis year 2020, identifies the factors that had a negative impact on the results of the year, examines the dynamics of macroeconomic indicators, determines the impact of various industries on GDP. The results of the analysis of citizens’ incomes for 2020, the dynamics of changes in the number of unemployed and the number of Russian citizens with incomes below the established subsistence level are presented. Restrictive measures related to the pandemic and the results of their effect on the socio-economic development of Russia and some foreign countries are considered, the main anti-crisis measures are listed. The content and objectives of the “National Action Plan”, which is aimed at restoring the Russian economy, are briefly formulated. In conclusion, the main challenges and risks in the implementation of the “National Action Plan” are formulated, which provides both an increase in employment, an increase in citizens’ incomes, the restoration of economic growth and a fundamental changes in the structure of the economy