39 research outputs found

    Integration of universities in the context of reforms of higher education: European experience and Russian practice

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    Objective: to identify the institutional features of the processes of universities integration within the modern reforms of higher education in Russia and European countries.Methods: comparative institutional analysis of the main parameters of the reforms aimed at universities integration. Results: the institutional specificity of reforms aimed at the universities integration is revealed. Through specific illustrations and characteristics of the ongoing reforms in a number of European countries (Great Britain, Romania, Spain) and the United States, the relationship is demonstrated between the institutional environment of the national higher education systems, the characteristics of the socio-economic and demographic situation in these countries, and the results of the reforms. A possible range of forms and types of integration and interaction of universities, including their merger (acquisition), as well as various forms of long-term cooperation (alliances), is shown; some advantages of these forms are described. Scientific novelty: based on the comparative institutional analysis and the study of international experience in universities integration, the author reveals the institutional specifics of reforms in some countries and specifies the possibilities of using both mergers (acquisitions) of universities and some types of long-term associative interaction between individual universities in order to improve the quality of the provided services, research, and internationalization of education process. Practical significance: the obtained results can be used to specify the public policy in the sphere of higher education and science in order to adjust the forms of effective interaction of universities to improve the quality of educational services and research

    Hydrogen atom moving across a strong magnetic field: analytical approximations

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    Analytical approximations are constructed for binding energies, quantum-mechanical sizes and oscillator strengths of main radiative transitions of hydrogen atoms arbitrarily moving in magnetic fields 10^{12}-10^{13} G. Examples of using the obtained approximations for determination of maximum transverse velocity of an atom and for evaluation of absorption spectra in magnetic neutron star atmospheres are presented.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures, 5 tables, LaTeX with IOP style files (included). In v.2, Fig.1 and Table 5 have been corrected. In v.3, a misprint in the fit for oscillator strengths, Eq.(21), has been correcte

    Interface Phonons and Polaron Effect in Quantum Wires

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    The theory of large radius polaron in the quantum wire is developed. The interaction of charge particles with interface optical phonons as well as with optical phonons localized in the quantum wire is taken into account. The interface phonon contribution is shown to be dominant for narrow quantum wires. The wave functions and polaron binding energy are found. It is determined that polaron binding energy depends on the electron mass inside the wire and on the polarization properties of the barrier material

    Effects of anharmonic strain on phase stability of epitaxial films and superlattices: applications to noble metals

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    Epitaxial strain energies of epitaxial films and bulk superlattices are studied via first-principles total energy calculations using the local-density approximation. Anharmonic effects due to large lattice mismatch, beyond the reach of the harmonic elasticity theory, are found to be very important in Cu/Au (lattice mismatch 12%), Cu/Ag (12%) and Ni/Au (15%). We find that is the elastically soft direction for biaxial expansion of Cu and Ni, but it is for large biaxial compression of Cu, Ag, and Au. The stability of superlattices is discussed in terms of the coherency strain and interfacial energies. We find that in phase-separating systems such as Cu-Ag the superlattice formation energies decrease with superlattice period, and the interfacial energy is positive. Superlattices are formed easiest on (001) and hardest on (111) substrates. For ordering systems, such as Cu-Au and Ag-Au, the formation energy of superlattices increases with period, and interfacial energies are negative. These superlattices are formed easiest on (001) or (110) and hardest on (111) substrates. For Ni-Au we find a hybrid behavior: superlattices along and like in phase-separating systems, while for they behave like in ordering systems. Finally, recent experimental results on epitaxial stabilization of disordered Ni-Au and Cu-Ag alloys, immiscible in the bulk form, are explained in terms of destabilization of the phase separated state due to lattice mismatch between the substrate and constituents.Comment: RevTeX galley format, 16 pages, includes 9 EPS figures, to appear in Physical Review

    Superconductivity in Silicon Nanostructures

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    We present the findings of the superconductivity in the silicon nanostructures prepared by short time diffusion of boron after preliminary oxidation of the n-type Si (100) surface. These Si-based nanostructures represent the p-type high mobility silicon quantum well (Si-QW) confined by the delta - barriers heavily doped with boron. The ESR studies show that the delta - barriers appear to consist of the trigonal dipole centers, B(+)-B(-), which are caused by the negative-U reconstruction of the shallow boron acceptors, 2B(0)=>B(+)-B(-). The temperature and magnetic field dependencies of the resistance, thermo-emf, specific heat and magnetic susceptibility demonstrate that the high temperature superconductivity observed seems to result from the transfer of the small hole bipolarons through these negative-U dipole centers of boron at the Si-QW - delta - barrier interfaces. The value of the superconductor energy gap obtained is in a good agreement with the data derived from the oscillations of the conductance in normal state and of the zero-resistance supercurrent in superconductor state as a function of the bias voltage. These oscillations appear to be correlated by on- and off-resonance tuning the two-dimensional subbands of holes with the Fermi energy in the superconductor delta - barriers. Finally, the proximity effect in the S- Si-QW -S structure is revealed by the findings of the multiple Andreev reflection (MAR) processes and the quantization of the supercurrent

    Administration of phospholipide hepatoprotective drug Phosphogliv in patients with psoriatic arthritis (preliminary results)

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    Considering membrane-reparative properties of a new phospholipid hepatoprotector Phosphogliv (FG) its therapeutic efficacy was assessed in 9 pts with psoriatic arthritis (PA) accompanied by prominent disturbances of blood rheology. FG was given 0,6 g a day during 3 months. Significant decrease of erythrocyte aggregation resulting in increase of erythrocyte aggregation formation time and diminishment of their hydrodynamic resistance without changes of whole blood general caisson viscosity was achieved. Significant improvement of Richie index, tender joint count and pt assessment was noted. The results prove availability of PG administration in PA therapy and possibility of enlargement PG application area owing to membrane-reparative properties of contained in it polyunsaturated phosphatidilcholin in combination with immunomodulating and anti-inflammatory action of glycyrrhizinic acid