12 research outputs found

    Сопряженные процессы на основе реакции окисления оксида углерода (II).

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    The catalytic systems are proposed to oxidize CO: solutions PdX2-organic solvent, where solvent is 1,4- dioxan or tetrahydrofuran, X – Br, I. It was shown that a number of conjugated processes proceed in these systems.Предложены новые каталитические системы для окисления СО: растворы PdX2- органический растворитель, где Х – галоид (лучше бром или иод), органический растворитель – 1.4-диоксан или тетрагидрофуран. Показано, что в этих системах протекает ряд сопряженных процессов


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    Purpose. To evaluate the results of the clinical effectiveness in refractive ReLEx surgery in patients with moderate and high myopia.Material and methods. The study involved three groups of patients with moderate and high myopia after the Smile, FLEx, and LASIK surgery. To assess changes in parameters of cornea and visual functions a standard ophthalmic examination was performed in all patients before and after surgery in the followup: 1 day, 1 month and 3 months. Corneal condition was assessed using the Pentacam scan device for anterior segment (Oculus,Germany). Subjective evaluation of vision quality was determined using standard VF-14 tests according to a 5-poi nt scale.Results. In all groups there was a significant improvement of visual acuity after surgery. Binocular uncorrected distance vision was significantly higher on the first day after the Smile and FLEх surgery than after the excimer laser surgery. The OCT Cirrus 4000 (Carl Zeiss,Germany) examination clearly showed that femtosecond lasers can create a superficial flap with an accurate and uniform thickness along the entire area. Keratotopogram after femtosecond surgery was more regular, and it was characterized by a pronounced homogeneity. Subjective satisfaction with visual quality after the ReLEх was higher than after excimer laser operations. During the mastering of the ReLEх technology and performing first 100 operations, serious complications associated with decreased functional results were not noted.Conclusions. The advantages of this ReLEх operation are a safety, painlessness, stable results, and high level of obtained visual quality, as well as opportunity to continue operation in vacuum lost, myopia correction in thin cornea. no unpleasant smells and sounds intra-operatively, which is important for appropriate behavior of the patient. Clinical results and analysis of obtained intra-operative complications indicate that femtosecond lenticule extraction is highly efficient, although technically more difficult in the period of technology mastering

    Conjugated processes based on oxidation of carbon monoxide reaction.

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    The catalytic systems are proposed to oxidize CO: solutions PdX2-organic solvent, where solvent is 1,4- dioxan or tetrahydrofuran, X – Br, I. It was shown that a number of conjugated processes proceed in these systems

    Neutrino electromagnetic properties

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    Extraction of Radionuclides from Alkaline and Carbonate Media

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