154 research outputs found


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    The article contains the information on using of bibliometric parameters in order to estimate the contribution of research workers to domestic parasitological science. The data have been obtained from the National Database – Science Citation Index of RF (SCI) – and includes some characteristics of various journals in the field of parasitology. The estimation system of research work contains 27 scientometric parameters, the most frequently used are: number of author’s publications in SCI; number of author’s publications found in lists of literature: citation count in SCI; total citation count; h-index etc. It is important for authors to register the bibliometric indicators of publications which they send their articles to.Статья содержит информацию об использовании библиометрических параметров для оценки вклада в отечественную науку исследователей в области паразитологии. Данные собраны из национальной базы данных - Российского индекса научного цитирования (РИНЦ) и содержат некоторые параметры различных журналов в области паразитологии. В систему оценки работы исследователей входит 27 наукометрических параметров, из которых наиболее часто используются следующие: число публикаций автора в РИНЦ; число публикаций автора статей, найденных в списках литературы; число цитирований публикаций автора в РИНЦ; суммарное число цитирований автора; индекс Хирша и др. Отмечается важность учета авторами библиометрических индексов изданий, в которые они направляют свои статьи

    Mobile Health Intervention for Outpatient Treatment of Tuberculosis and HIV Infection

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    Aim of the study. To describe the results of using mobile health intervention for improving the compliance of patients with tuberculosis and HIV (TB/HIV). Materials and methods. Piloted clinic-affiliated mobile intervention was carried out in 54 patients with TB/HIV and with a history of psychoactive substances abuse in Irkutsk Regional Clinical Tuberculosis Hospital. The mobile intervention included a smartphone application that connected the participants to the staff of Irkutsk Regional TB Hospital and provided daily queries on stress, mood and medication adherence; appointment reminders; virtual support group and consultation resources; weekly quizzes. We assessed longitudinal impact on retention in medical care, visit constancy, viral loads and CD4 counts, TB outcomes. Results. In 6 months, we registered the increase (in comparison with baseline) in mean CD4 counts (F = 6.61; р = 0.04) and in the number of cases of suppressed viral loads – from 20.5 % (9/44) to 55.3 % (21/38) (p < 0.01) in TB/HIV users of e-health app. We found a lower level of TB treatment interruption in patients who used the application in comparison with the patients who refused to use it (4/44 vs 5/10; χ2 = 7.09; р = 0.008). App users completed the course of TB treatment in 63.6 % of cases (28/44), and 61.4 % of patients (27/44) were cured which was higher than the level in the control group (20 % (2/10)) (χ2 = 7.54; p = 0.03). Conclusion. This study has demonstrated that a mobile health intervention can have a positive impact on improving the medical and social care and clinical outcomes for TB/HIV patients with history of psychoactive substances abuse


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    Urine dehydration structurization at experimental trichinellosis of rats is studied. In 4 weeks after exposure rats urine was analyzed with biocrystallomics methods. It was stated, that urine crystallogenic properties changes according to intensity of infection.Изучена дегидратационная структуризация мочи крыс при экспериментальном заражении их Trichinella spiralis. Кристаллогенную и инициирующую активность мочи животных исследовали методом тезиокристаллоскопии через 4 недели после заражения. Исследование кристаллогенных свойств и инициаторного потенциала биологических жидкостей организма может стать индикатором наличия и глубины метаболических сдвигов, вызванных гельминтами

    Morphological and functional characteristics of Trichinella sp. larvae in bears and badgers in the Kirov Region

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    The purpose of the research is study of morphological and functional characteristics of Trichinella sp. larvae in bears and badgers in the Kirov Region.Materials and methods. The compressor trichinelloscopy (CT) method was used to study 72 sections of muscle tissue samples (in accordance with the Guidelines "Prevention of helminthiasis transmitted through meat and meat products" dated September 23, 1996) from animals obtained during scientific culling. The sections were prepared from the diaphragmatic peduncle muscles and the diaphragm of bears and badgers along the muscle fibers, and placed in the compressorium. The sections were then transferred to glass slides, and provisional slides were prepared and examined using various magnifications (× 8, × 20, × 40). Morphometric measurements were performed using a microscope at × 40 magnification, then the capsule index was calculated. Digestion (peptolysis) in artificial gastric juice was performed according to the P. A. Vladimirova’s method modified by A. V. Uspensky and F. Skvortsova after the test samples were placed in various temperature conditions from 5 to -18 °C, and the parameters of both animal species were compared. The viability of Trichinella sp. larvae was evaluated in a Petri dish in saline at a room temperature. Morphological changes were recorded in the larvae structure (coiled larvae against the total number of isolated, coiled and stretched larvae) and their mobility.Results and discussion. We studied badgers and bears infected by Trichinella spiralis larvae in the Kirov Region. The Trichinella sp. larvae were found in all examined sections of the infected animals. The infection intensity was higher in the badger than the bear and amounted to 218±79.5 larvae per 1 g of muscle, while it was 115±28.5 in the bear. The stated above is explained by the fact that the badger eats carrion more often, and typically visits spontaneous dumps. For postmortem diagnosis of trichinellosis in the obtained bears and badgers, we can use trichinelloscopy and peptolysis methods which are aimed at detecting infection sources and preventing zoonosis in humans


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    Background. Mongolia is one of the seven countries in Western Pacific regions with high burden of tuberculosis. The earlier research indicates that there is a difference in the distribution of some epidemiologically important subtypes of the Beijing lineage in Mongolia and adjacent Russian regions. Aim of the research: assessment of genotypic structure of M. tuberculosis (MBT) on the border of Russia and central regions of Mongolia. Materials and methods: The DNAs of 143 clinical isolates of MBT from Russian border (46.2 %) and central (53.8 %) regions of Mongolia have been genotyped by the 24-locus MIRU-VNTR and RD105/RD207. Strains of the Beijing lineage have been analyzed additionally according to the classification by Merker et al. (2015). Results. The study of MBT in Mongolia indicates significant predominance of strains of the Beijing lineage (79.0 %) and Beijing MIT 17 subtype (72.6 %). However, the strains of the Beijing subtype W148, widespread in Irkutsk Oblast and Buryatia, have not been noted in Mongolia. According to the classification by M. Merker et al., the majority of studied strains of the Beijing lineage (85.8 %) relate to the clonal complexe CC4, infrequently detected in Russian border regions. Statistically significant differences between distribution of clonal complexes among border with Russia and central regions of Mongolia have not been detected. Conclusions. Strains of the clonal complex CC4 of Beijing lineage dominate in central and border to Russia regions of Mongolia, this allows assuming that the different geographical regions were sources of MBT strains, prevalent in Mongolia and adjacent Russian regions


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    Objective of research: studying of pathomorphological changes in the  respiratory organs of elk with dictyocaulosis.  Materials and methods:    A helminthological autopsy of the elk spontaneously infected with Dictyocaulus eckerti was performed. The infected pieces of lung located close to the edge of the healthy tissue were used for histological examination. The material has been preserved in 10% neutral buffered formalin solution.  Paraffin histological sections having the 5–7 mkm thickness were produced according to the standard methods. The sections were stained with haematoxylin and eosin. The photomicrography was made with the camera  «Digital» on microscope «Genaval».  Results and discussion:  In lungs of the elk infected with  D. eckerti,  the  essential structural changes were detected. D. eckerti larvae were found in granulomas in the lumens of small and medium-sized bronchi. The pathohistological examination of lungs of the young elk allowed to detect multiple parasitic granulomas, hyperthermic and hemorrhagic foci. In places of parasite localization the lung interstitial tissue becomes thickened due to the infiltration by lymphoid, eosinophilic cells, single  neutrophils  and  histiocytes as well as due to the growth of connective tissue.  Цель исследования – изучение патоморфологических изменений в органах дыхания лося при диктиокаулезе.  Материалы и методы.  Проведено гельминтологическое вскрытие трупа лося, спонтанно инвазированного  Dictyocaulus eckerti. Для гистологического  исследования отобрали кусочки пораженных участков легких на границе со здоровой тканью. Материал фиксировали в 10%-ном водном растворе нейтрального формалина. Изготовление парафиновых гистологических срезов толщиной 5–7 мкм  проводили по общепринятым методикам. Срезы окрашивали гематоксилином и эозином. Микрофотосъемку осуществляли камерой «Digital» на микроскопе «Genaval».  Результаты  и обсуждение.  В  легких лося, инвазированного  D. eckerti,  выявлены существенные структурные изменения. Личинки D. eckerti обнаружены в гранулёмах в просветах мелких и средних бронхах.  При  патогистологическом  исследовании легких теленка лося обнаружено наличие множественных паразитарных гранулём, очагов гиперемии и кровоизлияний. В местах локализации паразита интерстициальная ткань легкого утолщена за счет инфильтрации лимфоидными клетками, эозинофилами, единичными нейтрофилами и  гистиоцитами и очагового разрастания соединительной ткани. 

    Модель Uncinaria stenocephala в условиях лаборатории

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    The purpose of the research is to model the pathogen Uncinaria stenocephala in laboratory rodents.Materials and methods. The material for research was the nematode U. stenocephala. The source of the infection was a domestic dog from the Stupinsky district of the Moscow region. In fecal samples, from 90 to 360 helminth eggs were recorded in 1 g of feces. Helminth eggs were obtained by flotation using the Fulleborn and McMaster method. A suspension of larvae was taken into an insulin syringe to a volume of 1 ml and each dose was counted in a watch glass with a diameter of 8 cm. DBA mice and laboratory Beagle dogs were used in the experiments.Results and discussion. An oral challenge dose of 100 U. stenocephala (L3) larvae was fatal to laboratory mice. Over the 6th day of life, the animals decreased their body weight by 3 g. With a reduced oral dose, for 7–14 days the animals showed ruffled hair and, in isolated cases, dyspepsia. When the infective material was administered subcutaneously, no clinical signs of infection were observed in experimental rodents. After infecttion of Beagle dogs with U. stenocephala larvae, no clinical picture of nematode parasitism was observed. After 21 days, the first helminth eggs appeared in the feces of carnivorous animals. On the 28th day and beyond, the release of helminth eggs in dogs increased. From 360 to 2370 U. stenocephala eggs were found in 1 g of feces.Цель исследований – моделирование возбудителя Uncinaria stenocephala на лабораторных грызунах.Материалы и методы. Материалом для исследований была нематода Uncinaria stenocephala. Источником инвазии служила домашняя собака из Ступинского района Московской области. В 1 г фекалий регистрировали от 90 до 360 яиц гельминта. Яйца гельминта получали флотационными способами по методу Фюллеборна и Макмастера. Суспензию личинок набирали в инсулиновый шприц до объема 1 мл и каждую дозу подсчитывали в часовом стекле диаметром 8 см. В опытах использовали мышей линии DBA и лабораторных собак породы бигль.Результаты и обсуждение. Пероральная заражающая доза в 100 личинок U. stenocephala (L3) оказалась фатальной для лабораторных мышей. За 6 сут жизни животные снизили массу тела на 3 г. При пониженной пероральной дозе в течение 7–14 сут животные проявляли взъерошенность волосяного покрова и в единичных случаях диспепсические явления. При подкожном введении инвазионного материала клинических признаков инвазии у опытных грызунов не наблюдали. После инвазирования собак породы бигль личинками U. stenocephala клинической картины паразитирования нематод не наблюдали. Через 21 сут появились первые яйца гельминта в фекалиях плотоядных животных. На 28-е сутки и далее выход яиц гельминта у собак увеличился. В 1 г фекалий обнаруживали от 360 до 2370 экз. яиц U. stenocephala


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    A total 61 randomly selected strains of M. tuberculosis were genotyped by the 12 loci of MIRU-VNTR. It was shown the predominance of the Beijing genetic group (78,4 %) in population of mycobacterium from the patients with tuberculosis and. human immunodeficiency virus infection in Irkutsk region and. Buryatia. Multidrug resistance was observed in 34,4 % of the studied strains without significant differences among representatives of Beijing and non-Beijing

    Molecular epidemiology of multidrug resistant tuberculosis in Mongolia and Eastern Siberia: two independent dissemination processes for dominant strains

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    Mongolia and Russia are among the countries with the high tuberculosis (TB) burden. The prevalence of tuberculosis, including multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR), in Eastern Siberia bordering Mongolia is significantly higher than in the European part of Russia. In addition, unlike Mongolia, Eastern Siberia is characterized by a high prevalence of HIV infection. The cross-border spread of socially significant infections in these countries seems to occur due to their wide-range cooperation and cultural exchange. Whereas the HIV infection has no epidemiological significance for Mongolia at the moment, tuberculosis, however, has a similar prevalence on both sides of the border. The aim was to evaluate the cross-border MDR M. tuberculosis distribution in Mongolia and Eastern Siberia by using molecular genetic data. Materials and methods. A total of 1045 M. tuberculosis strains isolated in Mongolia (291) and the three regions of Eastern Siberia (754) were studied by using the MIRU-VNTR-24 loci genotyping. The CC2/W148 and CC1 subtypes were identified by the specific deletion in the kdpD gene and SNP in the pks17 gene at position 1887060, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis of MIRU-VNTR patterns was carried out by generating UPGMA tree and maximum likelihood tree. Results. The Beijing genotype was found in 75.3% (219/291) and 69.0% (520/754) from Mongolian and East Siberian collection, respectively. Common minor genotypes were LAM (11.0% and 15.1%), T (10.3% and 4.5%), and Haarlem (1.4% and 2.4%) found in Mongolia and Eastern Siberia, respectively. The genotypes S (1.3%) and Ural (5.0%) were found solely in the Russia-derived samples. The main epidemic Beijing subtypes in each country belonged to different clonal complexes (CC): the majority of Mongolian Beijing strains displayed profiles 342-32, 3819-32, 1773-32 MLVA types and belonged to the CC4 subtype; Russian Beijing strains mainly belonged to the CC1 (43.7% — 227/520) and CC2/W148 (34.8% — 181/520) subtypes. The MDR level and distribution patterns differed significantly between Mongolia and Eastern Siberia. Modeling of Beijing strain expansion evidences about extremely subtle contribution of the M. tuberculosis cross-border transmission between Mongolia and Russia. The phylogenetic reconstruction of Beijing CC4 subtype evolution in Mongolia suggests that its distribution is primarily associated with China and other countries of the Western Pacific Region. Three main phylogenetic branches of CC4 subtype were traced, which probably spread throughout Mongolia in the 11—12th centuries. It may be assumed that spreading of the epidemic Beijing CC4 subtype might occur in two stages: early period — emergence of ancestral CC4 variants in Mongolia or their introduction from China (they are homologous to the strains preserved in the Chinese population), later period — dissemination due to the active exchange of M. tuberculosis with countries of Southeast Asia, but not Russia. Conclusion. Using MIRU-VNTR-24 genotyping as well as classification according to specific single nucleotide polymorphisms specific to certain Beijing subtypes, it allowed to describe separate patterns of the epidemic variants spread in Mongolia and Russia. It has been demonstrated that emergence and spread of MDR-TB in Mongolia are entirely iatrogenic in nature, while the epidemic subtypes of the Beijing genotype (subtypes CC1 and CC2/W148) contribute markedly into the MDR-TB spreading in Eastern Siberia


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    Background. The Far East is the territory with high rate of incidence and prevalence of tuberculosis. Cases of tuberculosis caused by epidemic strains have high frequency of MDR and XDR. It is important to study the prevalence of TB in areas with a high burden of infection, to which the Far East belongs. The aim of the research is to carry out genotyping of strains and assess the prevalence of CC1 and CC2 subtypes in the territory of Primorsky Krai. Materials and methods. The DNAs of 99 clinical isolates of MBT from Primorsky Krai have been genotyped by the 24-locus MIRU-VNTR and RD105/RD207. Results. The dominant number of strains pertained to Beijing genotype (59.6 %). The express method revealed 22 isolates of the CC2/W148 subtype, which had 6 different MIRU-VNTR-24 profile. According to MLVA classification MtbC 15-9, the most common among the isolates of CC2/W148 profile is 100-32 (59.1 %). Among these profiles the highest frequency of MDR/XDR was recorded – 69,2 %. According to the results of the express analysis, 39 isolates with 26 different MIRU-VNTR-24 profiles belonged to the CC1 subtype, of which the dominant number belonged to 99-32 and 94-32. Conclusions. The methods of express genotyping of epidemic subtypes of the Beijing genotype are very important for epidemiological surveillance and clinical practice. The developed methods allow to define a wider range of strains than previously used methods