14 research outputs found


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    Objective of research. The aim of the study was to explore the degree of contamination of pike and other fish species, plerosarcoidoma Diphyllobothrium latum in water bodies of the Baikal region. Materials and methods. In 2009-2014 was conducted parasitological study on infestation role of the D. latum plerocercoids of various species of fish. Just investigated 20 specimens of pike, 38 – burbot, 91 – perch and ruff 73 specimens in lakes of the North-Eastern part of Transbaikalia, located located in different districts of the Republic of Buryatia. The infection of fish with plerocercoids of D. latum were evaluated by extensiveness (EI), the abundance index (EI) and the intensity of infection (AI). Results and discussion. The pike infestation with plerocercoids of D.latum in lake. Goose in 2013-2014 decreased in 3 times compared with a maximum in 1973-1974 and was 0.8 % most Often, the D. latum plerocercoids are localized in the adipose tissue, the gonads, the wall of the swim bladder, liver, peritoneal epithelium, muscle, the wall of the stomach and the village-since respectively 40,9 %; 13,8; 9,1; 9,1; 9,1; 4,5; 4,5; 4,5 and 4.5 % of cases. In Transbaikalia the fish  parasitize three species of tapeworms, of which the epidemiological importance of the D. latum, D. dendriticum. D. ditremum in humans does not develop until the adult stage. In the region annually celebrate 150-450 cases of difillobotrioza in humans. In the basin of the Selenga river is-the reputed source of human infection by difillobotrioza are pike and perch, the infected with its goodAzerbaijani D. latum and the Baikal omul Coregonus migratorius infected with D. dendriti-cum. EI Baikal omul D. dendriticum is 62.3-100 %, and IO – 4,0-9,8 copies of This cestode is brought in the Selenga river from oz. The Baikal in the autumn spawning of Arctic Cisco. On owasco-FDI sample of human feces is impossible to distinguish the species D. latum and D. dendriticum. Probably in the Selenga region of Buryatia, there is a hotbed of difillobotrios caused by these two species of cestodes.Цель исследования – изучить степень зараженности щуки и других видов рыбы плероцеркоидами Diphyllobothrium latum в водоемах Забайкалья. Материалы и методы. В 2009-2014 гг. проводили паразитологическое исследование на зараженность плероцеркоидами D. latum разных видов рыбы. Всего исследовано 20 экз. щуки, 38 – налима, 91 – окуня и 73 экз. ерша в озерах северо-восточной части Забайкалья, расположенных в разных районах Республики Бурятия. Зараженность рыб плероцеркоидами D. latum оценивали по экстенсивности инвазии (ЭИ), индексу обилия (ИО) и интенсивности инвазии (ИИ). Результаты и обсуждение. Зараженность щуки плероцеркоидами D. latum в оз. Гусиное в 2013-2014 гг. уменьшилась в 3 раза по сравнению с максимумом в 1973-1974 гг. и составила 0,8 % Чаще всего плероцеркоиды D. latum локализуются в жировой ткани, гонадах, стенке плавательного пузыря, печени, перитонеальном эпителии, мышцах, стенке желудка и селезенке соответственно в 40,9 %; 13,8; 9,1; 9,1; 9,1; 4,5; 4,5; 4,5 и 4,5 % случаев. В Забайкалье у рыб паразитируют три вида лентецов, из них эпидемиологическое значение имеют D. latum, D. dendriticum. D. ditremum у человека не развивается до половозрелой стадии. В регионе ежегодно отмечают 150-450 случаев дифиллоботриоза у человека. В бассейне р. Селенга источником заражения человека дифиллоботриозом являются щуки и окуни, зараженные плероцеркоидами D. latum и байкальский омуль Coregonus migratorius, зараженный D. dendriticum. ЭИ байкальского омуля D. dendriticum составляет 62,3-100 %, а ИО – 4,0-9,8 экз. Этот вид цестоды привносится в р. Селенгу из оз. Байкал при осеннем нересте омуля. По овоскопии проб фекалий человека невозможно отличить виды D. latum и D. dendriticum. Вероятно, в Селенгинском районе Бурятии существует очаг дифиллоботриоза, вызванный этими двумя видами цестод

    An improvement of the Berry--Esseen inequality with applications to Poisson and mixed Poisson random sums

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    By a modification of the method that was applied in (Korolev and Shevtsova, 2009), here the inequalities ρ(Fn,Φ)0.335789(β3+0.425)n\rho(F_n,\Phi)\le\frac{0.335789(\beta^3+0.425)}{\sqrt{n}} and ρ(Fn,Φ)0.3051(β3+1)n\rho(F_n,\Phi)\le \frac{0.3051(\beta^3+1)}{\sqrt{n}} are proved for the uniform distance ρ(Fn,Φ)\rho(F_n,\Phi) between the standard normal distribution function Φ\Phi and the distribution function FnF_n of the normalized sum of an arbitrary number n1n\ge1 of independent identically distributed random variables with zero mean, unit variance and finite third absolute moment β3\beta^3. The first of these inequalities sharpens the best known version of the classical Berry--Esseen inequality since 0.335789(β3+0.425)0.335789(1+0.425)β3<0.4785β30.335789(\beta^3+0.425)\le0.335789(1+0.425)\beta^3<0.4785\beta^3 by virtue of the condition β31\beta^3\ge1, and 0.4785 is the best known upper estimate of the absolute constant in the classical Berry--Esseen inequality. The second inequality is applied to lowering the upper estimate of the absolute constant in the analog of the Berry--Esseen inequality for Poisson random sums to 0.3051 which is strictly less than the least possible value of the absolute constant in the classical Berry--Esseen inequality. As a corollary, the estimates of the rate of convergence in limit theorems for compound mixed Poisson distributions are refined.Comment: 33 page


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    Objective of research. The aim of the study was to explore the degree of contamination of pike and other fish species, plerosarcoidoma Diphyllobothrium latum in water bodies of the Baikal region. Materials and methods. In 2009-2014 was conducted parasitological study on infestation role of the D. latum plerocercoids of various species of fish. Just investigated 20 specimens of pike, 38 – burbot, 91 – perch and ruff 73 specimens in lakes of the North-Eastern part of Transbaikalia, located located in different districts of the Republic of Buryatia. The infection of fish with plerocercoids of D. latum were evaluated by extensiveness (EI), the abundance index (EI) and the intensity of infection (AI). Results and discussion. The pike infestation with plerocercoids of D.latum in lake. Goose in 2013-2014 decreased in 3 times compared with a maximum in 1973-1974 and was 0.8 % most Often, the D. latum plerocercoids are localized in the adipose tissue, the gonads, the wall of the swim bladder, liver, peritoneal epithelium, muscle, the wall of the stomach and the village-since respectively 40,9 %; 13,8; 9,1; 9,1; 9,1; 4,5; 4,5; 4,5 and 4.5 % of cases. In Transbaikalia the fish  parasitize three species of tapeworms, of which the epidemiological importance of the D. latum, D. dendriticum. D. ditremum in humans does not develop until the adult stage. In the region annually celebrate 150-450 cases of difillobotrioza in humans. In the basin of the Selenga river is-the reputed source of human infection by difillobotrioza are pike and perch, the infected with its goodAzerbaijani D. latum and the Baikal omul Coregonus migratorius infected with D. dendriti-cum. EI Baikal omul D. dendriticum is 62.3-100 %, and IO – 4,0-9,8 copies of This cestode is brought in the Selenga river from oz. The Baikal in the autumn spawning of Arctic Cisco. On owasco-FDI sample of human feces is impossible to distinguish the species D. latum and D. dendriticum. Probably in the Selenga region of Buryatia, there is a hotbed of difillobotrios caused by these two species of cestodes

    Ecologically safe process for sulfo-aluminizing of steel parts

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    The present technical solution refers to the field of electrophysical and electrochemical processing of parts, in particular, to the electroerosion alloying (EEA) of the surfaces of steel parts with aluminum (aluminizing) and sulfur (sulfidizing), and it can be used to treat the surfaces of heat-treated steel parts in order to increase their hardness, wear resistance, to prevent frictional seizure and improve the resistance to atmospheric corrosion. When aluminizing steel parts with the use of the method of electroerosion alloying (EEA) by aluminum electrode at discharge energy Wp = 0.52–6.8 J and productivity of 1.0–3.0 cm2 / min, before the EEA process by an aluminum electrode, to the surface of the part to be aluminized, there is applied a consistency substance containing sulfur and aluminum powder, and thereafter, not having waited for drying of the consistency substance, the process of aluminizing by the EEL method with an aluminum electrode is carried out, and the consistency substance should have the aluminum powder content of not more than 56 %. There have been carried out metallographic and durametric analyses of the features of the surface layers made of carbon steels after simultaneous aluminizing and sulfidizing them by the EEA method. It is shown that the structure of the layer consists of three portions, namely, a “white” layer, a diffusion zone and a base metal. Such qualitative surface layer parameters as thickness, “white” layer and transition zone microhardness values, and also roughness increase with increasing discharge energy. The “white” layer continuity for all the investigated discharge energies of Wp = 0.52, 2.60 and 6.80 J is 100 %

    Microstructure and Properties of AlCrFeCoNiCux High-Entropy Alloys

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    The peculiarities of the structure formation of alloys of the system AlCrFeCoNiCuх (where x = 0, 0.5, 1, 2, and 3 moles) were studied. Durometric studies of alloys of this system were carried out. Established that an alloy AlCrFeCoNiCu0.5 has the highest microhardness (6.1 GPa). Heat resistance tests showed that AlCrFeCoNi and AlCrFeCoNiCu have the highest heat resistance. The connection between the scale composition after the test and the mechanism of oxidation of this alloys revealed

    Anemia in inflammatory bowel diseases: the approaches to its diagnosis, treatment and prevention

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    Anemia is a frequent systemic complication and extra-intestinal manifestation of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). Despite significant progress in IBD treatment, late diagnosis and insufficient correction of concomitant anemia remain a problem in routine clinical practice. The review describes the main pathophysiological mechanisms of IBD-associated anemia, such as iron deficiency, chronic inflammation (anemia of chronic disease) and B9 and B12 deficiencies. The authors highlight the main diagnostic principles of these conditions, present the strategy for their differential diagnosis, describe the state-of-theart approaches to the correction of iron-deficient anemia in IBD, and delineate the role of oral and parenteral medications for replacement therapy. Optimal treatment goals and prevention methods of an iron-deficient condition are given. Special attention is focused on the principles on red cell mass transfusions in acute massive blood loss. The authors describe the main differentiating features of anemia of chronic disease and its treatment in IBD patients with various grades of the inflammation. The paper contains the indications and treatment regimens for B12 and foliate-deficient anemia with consideration of the IBD course. The authors of the article are members of the Working Group of the Russian Society on the study of IBD and believe that the literature analysis performed would allow for its use to issue the Russian clinical guidelines on the management of patients with anemia in ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease