7 research outputs found

    Investigation of the Lipopolysaccharide Cluster Structure in the Genomes of <i>Vibrio cholerae</i> Rough Variants

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    Determination of Vibrio cholerae affiliation to one or another serogroup may meet some difficulties in cases of atypical agglutination with diagnostic cholera sera. The study of genetic determinants that allows for identifying a serogroup is a relevant task in monitoring of surface water body contamination with cholera vibrios.The aim of the work was to compare the structural organization (quantitative and qualitative gene composition) of LPS clusters in V. cholerae rough variants.Materials and methods. We used Illumina MiSeq for the whole genome sequencing; SPAdes software (version 3.11.1) for de novo assembly; and blastn (v. 2.5.0) for gene searching. GeneMarkS software was deployed for annotation of the genes incorporated in the clusters; nucmer – for searching homologous sites. Visualization of O-LPS clusters was carried out by means of SnapGene Viewer.Results and discussion. Strains of V. cholerae rough variants had diverse gene clusters responsible for O-antigen biosynthesis. We have identified three types of O-LPS clusters with different size and number of genes. Unique DNA sites, common to the whole group of V. cholerae rough variants, have not been detected. Two genes present in all rough strains have been defined, but they are not unique for this group of strains and can be found in representatives of other serogroups. For two types of clusters, a region containing the IS‑element, common with V. cholerae O1, has been revealed

    Alkyl Sulfatase of Cholera Vibrios

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    The aim of the work was to study the structure of the alkyl sulfatase (asu) gene in Vibrio cholerae strains of various serogroups, as well as to compare nucleotide and amino acid sequences of alkyl sulfatases using various methods of bioinformatic analysis.Materials and methods. 483 strains of V. cholerae O1, O139 and nonO1/nonO139 serogroups were employed in the work. The search for the gene, its recurrence, and localization was carried out applying the Blast software. The nucleotide and corresponding amino acid sequences of the gene, as well as its structure, were studied using bioinformatic analysis. Sequencing was performed on the MiSeq (Illumina) platform. The enzymatic activity was detected using a medium, confirming the presence/absence of the gene by PCR in vitro and in silico.Results and discussion. Bioinformatic analysis of the nucleotide and corresponding amino acid sequences of the asu gene has been carried out and its structure investigated. Four functional domains have been identified. In the beta-lactamase domain, a conservative amino acid sequence -HAHADH- has been found in all strains of cholera vibrios, which is part of the Zn2+ binding motif. It has been established that the alkyl sulfatase of cholera vibrios belongs to the family of Zn2+-dependent β-lactamases. Blast analysis has revealed the similarity of nucleotide and amino acid sequences of alkyl sulfatases in representatives of V. cholerae O1 and O139 serogroups (ctxAB+tcpA+) and representatives of the genera Aeromonas and Pseudomonas, which is in the line with the data of 3D modeling of the amino acid sequence structures of the alkyl sulfatase enzyme in these microorganisms. The bioinformatic analysis of nucleotide and amino acid sequences of alkyl sulfatases in cholera vibrios has showed the conservativeness of these sequences in toxigenic strains and the presence of a number of single mutations in the asu gene in atoxigenic ones. The presence or absence of the asu gene has been established by PCR in vitro and in silico and confirmed by the results obtained using the Blast program. It is demonstrated that the presence/absence of the asu gene correlates with the ability/inability of O139 strains to hydrolyze SDS on the medium. These results can be used in studying mechanisms of cholera vibrios adaptation, persistence and pathogenicity

    Cholera: Trends in the Development of the Epidemic Process in 2021, Forecast for 2022

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    The aim of the work was to summarize the results of cholera monitoring in 2021, to assess current trends in the development of the epidemic process, and to predict the epidemiological situation in the Russian Federation for 2022. It was established that within the period of 2012–2021, 4117264 cases of cholera with the spread of infection across 83 countries on all continents were registered in the world and there was a downward trend in the incidence in Asia and Africa. The dynamics of monthly morbidity in 2021 was associated with emergencies as factors of epidemiological risk. Epidemics and outbreaks of cholera were documented against the background of COVID-19 pandemic and laid a double burden on healthcare systems. At the same time, based on the overview of the results of cholera monitoring in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, it was shown that the forecast of epidemic well-being given for 2021 was fully justified. It has been determined that the increase in the number of non-toxigenic strains of Vibrio cholerae O1 (67) isolated from water bodies compared to 2020 (25) is mainly due to the appurtenance of a number of isolates to clonal complexes. The study of phylogenetic relation has demonstrated that the detection of strains with genotypes which were previously identified in the isolates evidences the persistence potential. The identification of strains with new genotypes, which were earlier established in the strains circulating in other territories, pointed at the possibility of the occasional importations. The forecast of the epidemiological situation on cholera in Russia for 2022 is associated with the continuous existence of risks of introduction. If these epidemiological risks are not realized, a favorable epidemiological situation is predicted regarding this infection in the country. It is expected that the detection of epidemiologically insignificant strains of V. cholerae O1 in environmental water bodies, along with their clones and/or clonal complexes, will remain, including strains that may be an etiological factor in sporadic cases or outbreaks of disease

    Genotypic Characteristics of CTX–VPI<sup>+</sup> Clonal Complexes of <i>Vibrio cholerae</i> O1 Found in Water Bodies of the Rostov Region

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    The aim of the work was to identify genotypic features of clonal complexes formed by CTX–VPI+ strains of Vibrio cholerae isolated from water bodies of the Rostov Region in different years, based on bioinformatics analysis of their whole genome sequences (WGSs).Materials and methods. Whole genome sequencing was performed on the MiSeq (Illumina) platform; identification of genetic determinants in WGSs and bioinformatics analysis – by means of BioEdit, BLASTN, BLASTP, CARD, Vector NTI software packages.Results and discussion. The strains were almost identical in each group of 2002-, 2005-, 2007-, 2020-, 2021-, and 2022-isolates and were found at different points of water sampling over a longer or shorter periods of time (from 3 weeks to 2 months). Bioinformatics analysis of WGSs of representative strains divided them into 4 clusters, which can be considered as separate clonal complexes sharing a number of characteristic genetic markers: 1) 2002-isolates containing one SNP in regulatory rpoS gene; 2) 2007-strains carrying tandemly duplicated preCTX prophage; 3) strains isolated in 2020 in Rostov-on-Don and in 2005, during epidemiological complications in the Kamensk district of the Rostov Region, which had a “hybrid” pathogenicity island including the cluster of type 3 secretion system and the nan-nag region of the VPI-2 island, and 9 SNPs in rpoS gene; 4) 2021- and 2022-strains and a single 2018-isolate containing a 9 bp deletion in vchC collagenase gene. Despite the revealed differences, representatives of all clonal complexes possessed sufficient sets of intact determinants of pathogenicity/persistence factors to realize virulent properties and ability to survive in water bodies. Detection of clonal complexes of potentially pathogenic strains in surface water bodies indicates occasional emergence of favorable conditions for their long-term circulation, which emphasizes the importance of constant monitoring of V. cholerae in the territory of Russia

    Characteristics of the Epidemiological Situation on Cholera in the World and in the Russian Federation in 2020 and Forecast for 2021

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    Aim of the work – to assess the epidemiological situation on cholera in 2020 and to make a forecast for 2021 based on the monitoring data and analysis of morbidity around the world for the period of 2011–2020. During the period between 2011 and 2020, 4 413 988 cases of cholera were recorded in 97 countries of the world with a general trend towards a decrease in the incidence (coefficient of accuracy of approximation R2  – 0.5705). However, due to the continuing epidemic manifestations of cholera in the endemic countries of Asia, Africa and America, the epidemiological situation on cholera on these continents was characterized as unfavorable in 2020. The emergence of a new “post-Haitian” lineage was observed among epidemically hazardous strains of Vibrio cholerae O1. In 2020, no epidemically dangerous strains of V. cholerae O1, O139 were isolated from humans on the territory of the Russian Federation. 25 non-toxigenic V. cholerae O1 El Tor strains were isolated from environmental objects, eight out of which (ctxA-, tcpA+), according to PCR-INDEL typing and SNP analysis of sequences, belonged to the clonal complex. The results of the analysis of biological properties and phylogenetic relations between the isolated non-toxigenic strains provided the basis for considering the epidemiological situation on cholera in Russia in 2020 as a stable one and a similar forecast of its development in 2021. At the same time, the possibility of importation of this infection from endemic countries cannot be ruled out, as well as the need to carry out a complex of differentiated anti-epidemic (preventive) measures within the framework of the state sanitary-epidemiological surveillance in order to localize and eliminate the imported focus and avoid the spread of the infection