39 research outputs found

    Integration strategies of academic research and environmental education

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    The paper deals with the prospects of using GIS-technologies and remote sensing ones as the main directions of implementing the innovation project in the sphere of environmental education. The paper suggests new models and technologies in the system of teaching that rely on the obtained experience of implementation of environmental education tasks and integration of modern technologies into ityesБелгородский государственный университе

    Basin and eco-regional approach to optimize the use of water and land resources

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    The paper presents the principles of justification of the boundaries and composition of ecoregions as hydrologically separate, integral natural and economic structures, within which a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the results of the geoplanning of integrated components of the territories of nature, population and economy on the basin principle can be most effectively carried outyesБелгородский государственный университе

    Biogeochemical features of fallow lands in the steppe zone

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    Fallow lands in ancient agricultural areas of Northwestern Crimea which had experienced repeated phases of agricultural activity at different time periods (the Late Bronze Age, antiquity, and the last 150−200 years) have been studied. The most informative and evolutionarily significant biogeochemical indicators of relict agricultural loads and duration of fallow periods are specifie

    A new approach to dating the fallow lands in old-cultivated areas of the steppe zone

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    We have determined the landing rate of limestone into soil on uneven-aged surfaces (mound and de-posits) in the ancient agricultural steppe region of the Northern Black Sea Region (chora of Kerkinitis) with well represented carbonate soils. To make reasonable choices of objects of study we used an integrated approach, which includes historical and cartographic analysis, GIS-technology remote sensing and field GPS-referencing. It is shown that the most objective factor that can be used for dating long-fallow lands is the mean volume of subsurface rocks based on a large sample method (30 or more measurements

    Postantique soils as a source of land use information: a case study of an ancient greek agricultural area on the Northern Black Sea coast

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    This paper explores ancient land-use practices in order to reconstruct the original parameters of the land division system, as well as agricultural techniques employed. For postantique agricultural landscapes, an integrated geoarchaeological approach that includes GIS and remote sensing methodologies, in-field study of microrelief and soil registrograms, pedochronological dating technique, and physicochemical, geochemical, and biomorphic soil analyses has been developed and teste

    I cambiamenti ambientali nella steppa Crimea per tutto il periodo romano di storia antica e di là

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    Insieme con l'integrazione di paleo suolo riferimento e archeologia, che permette efficiente ricostruzione paleogeografica dell'ambiente naturale nell'Olocene, ques ta zona integra lo studio del suolo in superficie, risalente metodi archeologici, e lo studio dei paesaggi antichi geoarcheologicayesБелгородский государственный университе

    Evaluation of siltation of rivers with intensive economic development of watersheds

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    In regions with a high degree of agricultural development with an active development of erosion processes and the critical level of degradation of the river network to which the Middle-Russian Upland belongs, the evaluation of sedimentation for various combinations of natural and economic conditions becomes an immediate proble

    Comparative assessment of methods for forecasting river runoff with different conditions of organization

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    The article presents the results of comparative analysis of application of traditional statistical methods and non linear multilayer neural networks for processing multi year data of the river runoff with the aim of its forecasting. The obtained in the work optimal parameters for learning predictive neural networks are recommended ed for learning transformation and forecast of river runoff in the situation of permenant anthropogenic influence on basinyesБелгородский государственный университе

    Model of position-dynamic structure of river basins

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    In this work, we have presented semi automated means of modeling of position-dynamic structure (PDS) of river basins’ landscapes with application of geo-informational systems (GIS). Results of modeling were tested on the basin of one of headwaters. The structure of the model includes landscape lines, layers, sub-regions and regions. The model takes into account conditions of formation of landscape’s PDS in mountain and plain parts of river basinsyesБелгородский государственный университе

    Spatial and temporal changes in land resources of Belgorod region under the influence of anthropogenic factors

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    This article contains an assessment of the historical data on the land resources of the Belgorod Region with a breakdown by municipal district