30 research outputs found


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    要 旨 1970 年代から80 年代にかけて、カリフォルニアの州都、サクラメント近くのデーヴィス(Davis)という片田舎の街でマネタリズムについて精力的に研究していた、一人の経済学者がいた。彼はミルトン・フリードマンやアンナ・シュウォーツのように世界的に著名なマネタリストとは距離を置きつつ、自らのマネタリストとしての立ち位置を固めていった。彼はユダヤ人の子として第二次世界大戦の直前にオーストリアで生を受け、日々高まるユダヤ排斥運動の中、かろうじてアメリカに脱出、幾多の困難を克服し、カリフォルニア大学デーヴィス校で教授の地位を得ることができた。 彼は当時の多くの経済学者がそうであったように、当初はケインジアンとして研究生活をはじめる。しかし、その後1957 年にミルトン・フリードマンがStudies in the Quantity Theory of Money を出版するに至り、その内容にすっかり魅せられ、即座に大学院の講義テキストに用いた。その成果は1979 年にKreditund Kapital 誌に2 回に分けて発表され、その後のThe Structure of Monetarism出版に繋がる。同書の出版はマネタリズム旋風が起きていた時期に重なり、世界の耳目を集めることになる。 しかし、彼はマネタリスト研究者が往々にして陥るドグマティストでは決してなかった。1968 年にミルトン・フリードマンとアンナ・シュウォーツがA Monetary History of the United States を出版すると、ケインジアンから厳しい反論が寄せられる。その先鋒に立ったのが、ピーター・テミンであった。テミンはフリードマン達の大恐慌解釈に対して厳しい反論を展開し、1976 年にDid Monetary Forces Cause the Great Depression? を出版し、注目を集める。その両者の論争の中に割って入ったのが、トーマス・メイヤーであった。彼は両者それぞれの主張を認め、フリードマン達の研究にも不十分な点のあることを指摘した。 彼は生涯を通じて貨幣経済学者としての研究姿勢を崩さなかった。カリフォルニア州の厳しい財政悪化の中、62 歳で早期退職を求められた後もその姿勢は続いた。同僚たちの多くはそのあまりにも早い退職を嘆いた。彼は在職中研究だけでなく、学生の研究指導にも熱心であった。経済学部はその貢献を称え、彼の退職と同時に「トーマス・メイヤー教育賞」(Thomas Mayer Award for Excellence in Teaching)を設け、学生指導に顕著な功績のあった教師を表彰している。当時の同僚たちは、彼は時間を非常に大切にし、長時間の非効率的な会議を好まず、彼との会議はまるで片足立たちで行っているようであった、と述懐している。本稿はそのような異端で孤高の経済学者がどのように70年代、80年代の貨幣経済学の発展に貢献したかについて論じる

    Numerical and experimental study on splash formation with consideration of the surface condition of solid wall

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    ABSTRACT The purpose of the present paper is to propose a method to simulate the splash formation taking account of the surface condition of the solid plunging into water. Usually, the boundary condition between the solid and the fluid is supposed to be "no-slip" in the simulation of the fluid structure interaction (FSI). We discuss in this paper, however, that the above no-slip condition in the simulation is not always valid. First, we have experimentally studied the patterns of splashes caused by different spheres diving into water, showing that the splash by the hydro-gel sphere is the crown-type one, whereas the acrylic sphere creates the column-type one despite the same experimental condition Regarding the numerical models, we propose two diffrent methods of MPS method. First, as an engineering model to express the slimy surface, the slip ratio, which is the reduction ratio of the shear stress near a solid wall obtained through the experiment, is introduced in the shear term of the Navier-Stokes equation. Second, the effect of the electric attractive/repulsive type force observed in the acrylic resin is introduced into the Navier-Stokes equation as the external force. The splash patterns calculated with the above proposed models and the 3D large scale parallel computing are in good agreement with the experimental results. REFERENCES [1] M. Yokoyama, Y. Kubota, K. Kikuchi, G. Yagawa, and O. Mochizuki, "Some remarks on surface conditions of solid body plunging into water with particle method" Advanced Modellin

    3D simulation considering surface condition of wall in particle method "Some remarks on surface conditions of solid body plunging into water with particle method"

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    ABSTRACT We have experimentally observed the forms of splash caused by spheres diving into water, where the spheres are made of hydro-gel or acrylic resin The experimental results have shown that the splash by the hydro-gel sphere has formed the crown-type one, whereas the acrylic sphere formed the column-type one despite the same experimental condition. This means that the surface condition of wall gives the important influence on the flow around an object, and thus we should take it into acount in the numerical simulation of the FSI. In the most of the FSI studies, however, the wall of the solid or the structures is assumed to be as non-slip in the numerical simulation, which is not a realistic assumption. We propose in this paper, focusing on the treatments of the interface between the solid and the fluid, the calculation methods for the slip effect on the surface of a slimy material. First, as an engineering model to express the slimy surface, the slip ratio, which is the reduction ratio of the shear stress near a solid wall obtained through the experiment, is introduced in the shear term of the Navier-Stokes equation. Second, the effect of the electric attractive/repulsive force observed in acrylic resin is introduced into the Navier-Stokes equation as the external force. The splash patterns calculated with the proposed models and the 3D large scale parallel computing are in good agreement with the experimental results. REFERENCES [1] M

    Effects of slip condition on flow near the surface of hydro-gel

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    The influence of surface properties of a wall of the body on the flow behavior is investigated numerically by the Moving Particle Semi-implicit (MPS) method. Considering the difference between the no-slip condition and the with-slip condition of a wall, a new method to calculate the flow near the hydro-gel wall and that inside the hydro-gel is proposed in this paper

    Effects of slip condition on flow near the surface of hydro-gel

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    The influence of surface properties of a wall of the body on the flow behavior is investigated numerically by the Moving Particle Semi-implicit (MPS) method. Considering the difference between the no-slip condition and the with-slip condition of a wall, a new method to calculate the flow near the hydro-gel wall and that inside the hydro-gel is proposed in this paper