23 research outputs found


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    The monograph provides modern concepts about the state of the environment when contaminated with petroleum products. The bases of environmental protection against contamination by petroleum products are presented, the research on such protection is illustrated, which would make it possible to prevent contamination of the environment by petroleum products. This monograph is recommended for students, who study at the speciality "Ecology", and to qualified specialists in the field of environmental activity, in order to conduct industrial tests of the proposed techniques and equipment. Indexing:             У монографії наведено сучасні уявлення про стан навколишнього середовища при забрудненні нафтопродуктами. Викладено основи захисту навколишнього середовища від забруднення нафтопродуктами, наведено дослідження щодо такого захисту, що надасть змогу запобігти забрудненню навколишнього середовища нафтопродуктами. Дана монографія рекомендована для ознайомлення студентами, які навчаються за спеціальністю «Екологія», та кваліфікованими фахівцями у галузі природоохоронної діяльності задля проведення промислових випробувань запропанованих методик та обладнання. Індексація:               &nbsp

    The cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase gene family is involved in the response to Fusarium oxysporum in resistant and susceptible flax genotypes

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    Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) is used for the production of textile, oils, pharmaceuticals, and composite materials. Fusarium wilt, caused by the fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lini, is a very harmful disease that reduces flax production. Flax cultivars that are resistant to Fusarium wilt have been developed, and the genes that are involved in the host response to F. oxysporum have been identified. However, the mechanisms underlying resistance to this pathogen remain unclear. In the present study, we used transcriptome sequencing data obtained from susceptible and resistant flax genotypes grown under control conditions or F. oxysporum infection. Approximately 250 million reads, generated with an Illumina NextSeq instrument, were analyzed. After filtering to exclude the F. oxysporum transcriptome, the remaining reads were mapped to the L. usitatissimum genome and quantified. Then, the expression levels of cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase (CAD) family genes, which are known to be involved in the response to F. oxysporum, were evaluated in resistant and susceptible flax genotypes. Expression alterations in response to the pathogen were detected for all 13 examined CAD genes. The most significant differences in expression between control and infected plants were observed for CAD1B, CAD4A, CAD5A, and CAD5B, with strong upregulation of CAD1B, CAD5A, and CAD5B and strong downregulation of CAD4A. When plants were grown under the same conditions, the expression levels were similar in all studied flax genotypes for most CAD genes, and statistically significant differences in expression between resistant and susceptible genotypes were only observed for CAD1A. Our study indicates the strong involvement of CAD genes in flax response to F. oxysporum but brings no evidence of their role as resistance gene candidates. These findings contribute to the understanding of the mechanisms underlying the response of flax to F. oxysporum infection and the role of CAD genes in stress resistance

    Genome of Linum usitatissimum convar. crepitans expands the view on the section Linum

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    Sequencing whole plant genomes provides a solid foundation for applied and basic studies. Genome sequences of agricultural plants attract special attention, as they reveal information on the regulation of beneficial plant traits. Flax is a valuable crop cultivated for oil and fiber. Genome sequences of its representatives are rich sources of genetic information for the improvement of cultivated forms of the plant. In our work, we sequenced the first genome of flax with the dehiscence of capsules—Linum usitatissimum convar. сrepitans (Boenn.) Dumort—on the Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) and Illumina platforms. We obtained 23 Gb of raw ONT data and 89 M of 150 + 150 paired-end Illumina reads and tested different tools for genome assembly and polishing. The genome assembly produced according to the Canu—Racon ×2—medaka—POLCA scheme had optimal contiguity and completeness: assembly length—412.6 Mb, N50—5.2 Mb, L50—28, and complete BUSCO—94.6% (64.0% duplicated, eudicots_odb10). The obtained high-quality genome assembly of L. usitatissimum convar. crepitans provides opportunities for further studies of evolution, domestication, and genome regulation in the section Linum


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    Porcine intrathoracic arteries were devitalized by application of low temperatures and electron beam irradiati- on. The resulted connective tissues vascular scaffolds could be used as the prosthesis of small diameter arteries (≤6 mm). Biocompatibility, immunogenicity degree and thrombogenicity were estimated in the study. Results of electron microscopy are presented. Described treatment reduces an immunogenicity of xenoarteries, their ade- quate functioning during 6 months was shown by means of experimental surgeries. Для девитализации внутренних грудных артерий свиней использовали низкие температуры и облучение потоком электронов. Полученные соединительнотканные сосудистые скаффолды в данном исследовании были использованы в качестве протезов артерий малого диаметра (≤6 мм). В работе изучали биосовме- стимость, степень иммуногенности, тромбогенность девитализированных артерий. Приведены результа- ты электронной микроскопии. Показано снижение иммуногенности девитализированных ксеноартерий. Экспериментальные операции продемонстрировали их адекватное функционирование в течение 6 мес.


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    A hs tract. Objective. Analysis of possibilities of arthrosonography of knee joints for ihe diagnosis of synovitis on early stages of gonarthritis. Material and methods. Ultrasound study of knee joints was carried out in 77 patients with gonarthritis of 1-11 Kellgren R-stage, in 12 pts X-ray symptoms of gonarthritis were absent. Study was carried out on ALOKA- 2200 (Japan) using method of two-measured tomography (В-method) with the help of linear sensor with frequency 7.5 MHz in real time. Frontal and posterior (popliteal) surfaces of knee joint were studied using longitudinal and transversal projections in lying position with maximal extension of knee joint. Results. It was found that in the group of joints with clinical synovitis the II radiologic stage of gonarthritis (58,3%) prevailed, and in the group of joints without clinical symptoms of synovitis the 1st radiological stage of gonarthritis (53%) prevailed. In the group of joints with clinical synovitis ultrasound synovitis symptoms were found in 17 joints which is 70.8% of joints with clinical synovitis (24) and 11% of total number of examined joints (154). Fluid in Ihc space of knee joints was localized prevalently over condyle of the Libia (70.8%), in 16.6% fluid was found also in b.suprapatellaris. Enlargement of synovia more than 3 mm prevalently on account of oedema was found in 79.8% whereas in the group of joints without clinical symptoms of synovitis only in 23%. In the group of joints without clinical synovitis subclinical synovitis, i.e. synovitis found in US study was revealed in 34 joints which was 26.1% of the number of joints without clinical synovitis (130) and 22% of total number of examined joints (154). Enlargement of synovia more than 3 mm in this group of joints was found in 23% joints, namely in patients with subclinical synovitis. Decrease of cartilage thickness less than 2 mm was found in great number of joints in the group of joints wilh clinical synovitis as well as in the group og joints without synovitis (95.S% and 91.5% correspondingly). Conclusion. Arthrosonography in early gonarthritis including pre-radiologieal stage is rather informative method of diagnosis of clinical and subclinical synovitis and taking it into consideration allows us to determine optimal therapy of gonarthritis

    Arthrosonography as a method of assessment of xefocam efficacy in rheumatoid gonitis

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    Arthrosonography of 74 knee joints performed in 37 pts with rheumatoid arthritis before treatment with xefocam (Nicomed) in 34 revealed signs of intra and extra-articular inflammation with presence in 100% fluid in fore part of the joint, increase B. Suprapatellaris size and thickening of synovial membrane. Fluid in lateral parts was revealed in 33 joints and in back part - in 22 joints. Semimembranosus muscle tenosynovitis was revealed at 22 joints. After xefocam administration (intra-articular injections 8 mg once a week for 3 weeks) signs of intra-articular inflammation decreased in 28 and extra-articular - in 21 joints. So xefocam provides anti-inflammatory effect and can be used for treatment of synovitis


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    The pain is the main clinical symptom of osteoarthritis (OA) and it has significant influence on the daily activity. It has been shown that joint pain and synovitis are principal risk factors for the disease progression. But the data of some studies are not support this statement. The objective of our study was investigation of association between synovitis, pain intensity and progression of OA. Materials and Methods: a 5-year prospective study included 110 Women (age 42 to 80 years) with knee OA (ACR criteria). We used special questionnaire, visual analog scale for the pain assessment and x-ray and ultrasound examination of the knee joints. Results: At the end of the study 70 patients (group 1) had not radiographic changes and 40 patients (group 2) had radiographic progression. All patients were adjusted for the age and duration of the disease. However the patients from the second group had more often synovitis which was confirmed clinically and instrumentally (accordingly 65,0% and 34,3 %, p=0,004 , 50,0 % and 18,6 %, p=0,001), more severe pain in the knee joints (accordingly 57, 8±16,6 and 48,7±13,3 mm, p=0,002), and higher BMI value (33,2±6,0 and 30,5±5,6 kg/m 2, p=0,021). The patients with radiographic progression had more severe pain at the all visits. At the end of the study increasing of the pain was 56,3±14,7 mm in the nonprogression group and 67,5±21,7 mm in the group with radiographic progression (p=0,002). Conclusion: synovitis, intensity of the pain and higher BMI are risk factors for the progression of OA


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    Objective — to define more precisely the potential of magnetic-resonance imaging (MRI) in the early diagnosis of coxitis in patients with spondyloarthritis (SpA). Material and methods. Hip (coxofemoral) joint (HJ) MRI (in T1 and T2Fat Sat; 1,5 T modes) was performed in 60 patients with ankylosing spondilitis (AS) and SpA: clinical signs of coxitis were present in 37 patients, while remaining 13 patients without coxitis were included into the control group while 10 healthy subjects without SpA made formed a healthy control group. The following parameters were monitored: pain intensity — by the numeric rating scale (NRS 0—10), distance between the ankles, radiographic changes (RCh) by BASRI index, presence of intraar-ticular exudate by US-examination. Active coxitis was defined as pain (during active and/or passive movement and/or pain at rest) in hip joint after exclusion of enthezitis-related pelvic or greater trochanteric pain. Results. Cases of AS and SpA aged younger than 20 y.o. predominated in the cohort patients with coxitis (55,2%). Bilateral coxitis was diagnosed in 81% patients. Median (Me) of disease duration was 12 [25th; 75th percentiles — 1; 132] months. Pain intensity in hip joint measured by NRS was 3 [2; 5]. RC were not found (BASRI-hip=0) in 20 (29,8%) affected joints, 47 joints met the criteria of I—III BASRI-hip stage. RCh were not present in patients without coxitis (BASRI-hip=1) in 9 (28,7%) joints. The most prevalent inflammatory changes (ICh) in patients with coxitis following MRI data were: exudation in the articular space >7 Ml (54%), bone marrow edema (BME) in the acetabular region (39%), cysts of the acetabular roof (32%), capsule thickening (25,5%), BME of the femoral head (13,4%), cysts of the femoral head (10%). There was a significant correlation between pain intensity measured by NRS and prevalence of ICh (Spearman's rank correlation R=-0,29; t=-2,46; p=0,01). BME of the femoral head and/or of the acetabular roof were seen significantly more often in patients with RCh (in 64 and 25% joints, respectively; p=0,0005). BME of the acetabular roof was 3-fold more common than BME of the femoral head (39 and 13,4%; p=0,001). Femoral head cysts were detected in 15% of joints in the subgroup of patients with RCh, and in 8,5% of joints in the subgroup of patients without RCh (p=0,4). Acetabular roof cysts were seen only in patients with RCh (32%). Overall ICh were detected in 55 (82%) joints in patients with coxitis and in 4 (12,1%) — without coxitis (BME — 1; exudation — 3). In patients without SpA and AS exudation was detected in 5 joints. Conclusion. ICh in hip joint can be detected by MRI before the development of structural damage. The most common area for detection of early inflammatory changes, i.e., BME is the subchondral space of acetabular roof


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    Porcine intrathoracic arteries were devitalized by application of low temperatures and electron beam irradiati- on. The resulted connective tissues vascular scaffolds could be used as the prosthesis of small diameter arteries (≤6 mm). Biocompatibility, immunogenicity degree and thrombogenicity were estimated in the study. Results of electron microscopy are presented. Described treatment reduces an immunogenicity of xenoarteries, their ade- quate functioning during 6 months was shown by means of experimental surgeries