7 research outputs found

    LASTC: Legal Advisory System for Thai Cheque Law

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    Fitness for making an operating decision during simulation diving 30 and 50 m

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    W celu określenia wpływu hiperbarii na zdolność do wykonywania czynności operatorskich, przeprowadzono badania w symulowanych warunkach zanurzenia na głębokości 30 i 50 m (w komorze hiperbarycznej WIML) z udziałem 20 ochotników, mężczyzn. Analizowano ruchy skokowe gałki ocznej (okulograf) oraz wyniki aparaturowego testu koordynacji wzrokowo-ruchowej. Stwierdzono, że w obu badanych warunkach zanurzenia dochodzi do upośledzenia procesu świadomego przekazywania informacji wzrokowej. Analiza skokowych ruchów gałki ocznej, w oparciu o zapisy okulografu "JAZZ", może przynieść zupełnie nowe możliwości w zakresie opisu i predykcji zachowań ludzkiego organizmu, eksponowanego na wpływ nienaturalnych warunków środowiska.This study aimed at attempting to evaluate a psychophysiological parameters during simulated diving on 30 and 50 m (in hyperbaric chamber). In 20 healthy male volunteers the parameters of eye-tracking and visual-motion co-ordination test had been analyzed. The obtained results indicates deprived conscious visual information process in both profile of hiperbaric exposition

    Zintegrowany system monitorowania stanu psychofizycznego kierujących pojazdami

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    The article presents a system designed for training and researching driver behaviour to improve road safety as well as to identify and eliminate potentially dangerous situations. The testing station has been equipped with a truck cabin, indicators, sensors for testing the driver’s behaviour, and the necessary software. It is expected that research conducted in a strictly controlled environment will enable understanding the impact of the factors associated with driving (driving time, microclimate, noise, vibration, fatigue, stress), as well as other associated factors, such as pharmaceuticals, drugs, alcohol, etc. Understanding the impact of individual factors and their various configurations will enable developing methods to prevent negative effects of these factors, thus minimizing the risks in traffic.W artykule przedstawiono zaprojektowany system do badania zachowań kierowców i poprawy bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego, jak również do określenia i wyeliminowania potencjalnie niebezpiecznych sytuacji na drodze. Zbudowane stanowisko laboratoryjne wyposażono w kabinę ciężarówki, wskaźniki i czujniki do badania zachowania kierowcy oraz wytworzono oprogramowanie. Oczekuje się, że badania prowadzone w kontrolowanym środowisku pozwolą zrozumieć wpływ czynników (czas jazdy, mikroklimat, hałas, drgania, zmęczenie, stres, jak również leki, narkotyki, alkohol itp.) na sposób kierowania pojazdem. Zrozumienie wpływu poszczególnych czynników pozwoli opracować metodę zapobiegania negatywnym skutkom stosowania tych czynników

    Back pain and its consequences among Polish Air Force pilots flying high performance aircraft

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    Objectives: Back pain in Air Force fast jet pilots has been studied by several air forces and found to be relatively common. The objective of the study was to determine the prevalence and degree of the pain intensity in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine, subjective risk factors and their effect on the pilots' performance while flying high maneuver aircrafts and the consequences for cognitive deficiencies. Material and Methods: The study was designed as a retrospective, anonymous questionnaire survey, collecting data on the age, aircraft type, flying hours, pain characteristics, physical activity, etc. The study was participated by 94 pilots aged 28-45 years (mean age: 35.9±3.3 years), actively flying fast jet aircrafts Su-22, Mig-29 and F-16. The estimates regarding the level of the subjective back pain were established using visual analogue scales (VAS). Results: The values of the Cochran and Cox T-test for heterogeneous variances are as follows: for the total number of flying hours: F = 2.53, p = 0.0145, for the pilot's age: F = 3.15, p = 0.003, and for the BMI factor F = 2.73, p = 0.008. Conclusions: Our questionnaire survey showed a significant problem regarding spinal conditions in high performance aircraft pilots. The determination of the risk factors may lead to solving this problem and help eliminate the effect of the unfavorable environment on piloting jet aircrafts. Experiencing back pain during the flight might influence the mission performance and flight safety. The costs of pilots education are enormous and inability to fly, or even disability, leads to considerable economic loss. More research on specific prevention strategies is warranted in order to improve the in-flight working environment of fighter pilots

    The role of probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics in animal nutrition

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