176 research outputs found

    Electrochemical synthesis of chemicals and treatment of wastewater promoted by salinity gradients using reverse electrodialysis and assisted reverse electrodialysis

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    In the last years, an increasing attention has been devoted to the utilization of waters with different salt content to drive valuable redox processes at the electrodes by reverse electrodialysis processes (RED) or assisted RED (A-RED), thus allowing to significantly reduce the energetic costs associated to conventional electrolyses. In this review, the most relevant findings were presented and were critically discussed. The use of RED and A-RED for the synthesis of chemicals, the conversion of CO2, and the treatment of wastewater contaminated by organic and inorganic pollutants resistant to traditional biological processes was analyzed. The main advantages and disadvantages of these routes were commented, as well as the key points that should be addressed to favor the utilization on an applicative scale

    Transesterification of rapeseed oil over acid resins promoted by supercritical carbon dioxide

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    The methanolysis of rapeseed oil catalyzed by commercial styrene-divinylbenzene macroporous acid resins was performed in a batch reactor at 100-140 \ub0C and 10-46 MPa to study the effect of supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2) on the performances of the process. Reaction temperatures of 120-140 \ub0C were necessary to obtain high enough yields of fatty acid methyl esters. Upon addition of scCO2 faster transesterification kinetics was obtained also at the lowest investigated operating pressure (10-11 MPa), working in two fluid phase systems. Experiments performed changing the reaction time indicated that most of the esters were formed during the first 3 h. When the pressure was increased at 38-46 MPa, the fluid phases merged in a single one without significant modification of the performances of the process. The enhancement effect of scCO2 on the transesterification kinetics is tentatively discussed in terms of modification of the phase behaviour of the reaction system and swelling of the polymeric acid resin. \ua9 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved


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    Electrochemical methods can offer new sustainable routes for the abatement of organic pollutants resistant to biological processes. These methods use a clean reagent, the electron, and very mild operative conditions (ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure) with limited operative costs. However, electrochemical processes present some important disadvantages when performed in conventional reactors. In particular, to achieve reasonable cell voltages when the medium has not an adequate conductivity, one needs adding to the system a supporting electrolyte. This is certainly a main obstacle for a wide application of electrochemical tools. Indeed, adding chemicals is often a problematic issue, since this may lead to the formation of secondary products, makes more difficult the separation procedures and increases the operative costs. Recently it has been shown that the electrochemical processes can strongly benefit from the utilization of microfluidic electrochemical reactors (i.e. cells with a distance between the cathode and the anode of tens or hundreds of micrometers) allowing to minimize or even remove some of the above mentioned disadvantages. Thus, very small distances between electrodes lead from one side to a drastic reduction of the ohmic resistances, (allowing to operate with lower cell voltages and without supporting electrolyte), and on the other side to intensify the mass transport of the reagents towards electrodes surfaces. The utilization of micro devices may present the drawback of a more easy fouling but also other potential advantages such as an easier scale-up procedure through simple parallelization of many small units. In this work, the possible utilization of various electrochemical oxidation methods for the treatment of aqueous solutions of Acid Orange 7 (AO7) chosen as a model compound (namely, direct electrochemical oxidation, indirect oxidation with active chlorine and electro-Fenton) used alone or in a combined way was studied for the sake of comparison of various electrochemical approaches. The abatement of AO7 was performed successfully in the micro reactors under a single-pass mode without supporting electrolyte at low cell voltages. A very high conversion for passage can be achieved, allowing to operate the process under a continuous mode and to achieve a fast screening of the effect of operative parameters due to very short times of treatment. The utilization of three micro reactors in series open interesting new perspectives, including the opportunity to modulate the current density among the reactors, in order to optimize the figures of merit of the process. The effect of various operating parameters such as the initial concentration of the AO7, the electrode surface, the flow rate and the current density was also investigated in detail

    Electrical power production from low-grade waste heat using a thermally regenerative ethylenediamine battery

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    Thermally regenerative ammonia-based batteries (TRABs) have been developed to harvest low-grade waste heat as electricity. To improve the power production and anodic coulombic efficiency, the use of ethylenediamine as an alternative ligand to ammonia was explored here. The power density of the ethylenediamine-based battery (TRENB) was 85 \ub1 3 W m2-electrode area with 2 M ethylenediamine, and 119 \ub14Wm2 with 3 M ethylenediamine. This power density was 68% higher than that of TRAB. The energy density was 478 Wh m3-anolyte, which was ~50% higher than that produced by TRAB. The anodic coulombic efficiency of the TRENB was 77 \ub1 2%, which was more than twice that obtained using ammonia in a TRAB (35%). The higher anodic efficiency reduced the difference between the anode dissolution and cathode deposition rates, resulting in a process more suitable for closed loop operation. The thermal-electric efficiency based on ethylenediamine separation using waste heat was estimated to be 0.52%, which was lower than that of TRAB (0.86%), mainly due to the more complex separation process. However, this energy recovery could likely be improved through optimization of the ethylenediamine separation process

    Oxidation of organics in water by active chlorine performed in microfluidic electrochemical reactors: a new way to improve the performances of the process

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    Wastewater polluted by organics can be treated by using electro-generated active chlorine, even if this promising route presents some important drawbacks such as the production of chlorinated by-products. Here, for the first time, this process was studied in a microfluidic electrochemical reactor with a very small inter-electrode distance (145 Î¼m) using a water solution of NaCl and phenol and a BDD anode. The potential production of chloroacetic acids, chlorophenols, carboxylic acids, chlorate and perchlorate was carefully evaluated. It was shown, for the first time, up to our knowledge, that the use of the microfluidic device allows to perform the treatment under a continuous mode and to achieve higher current efficiencies and a lower generation of some important by-products such as chlorate and perchlorate. As an example, the use of the microfluidic apparatus equipped with an Ag cathode allowed to achieve a high removal of total organic carbon (about 76%) coupled with a current efficiency of 17% and the production of a small amount of chlorate (about 30 ppm) and no perchlorate. The effect of many parameters (namely, flow rate, current density and nature of cathode) was also investigated

    Electrochemical incineration of oxalic acid in the presence of NaCl

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    Recent researches have demonstrated that electrochemical methods offer an attractive alternative to traditional routes for treating wastewaters containing toxic or/and refractory organic pollutants. The effectiveness of the electrochemical treatment depends on many factors including the presence in solution of specie able to act as mediators. In particular, the effect of chloride ions on the performances of the process has been the object of numerous researches. However, up to now, many practical and theoretical aspects about this argument are not completely clear. In the present work, the anodic incineration of oxalic acid (OA) in the presence of NaCl has been investigated with the aim of studying in a systematic way the influence of numerous parameters, such as the current density, the flow rate, the OA, the NaCl concentrations and the pH on the performances of the process and to individuate the optimal operative conditions. Oxalic acid was chosen as model substrate for its low reactivity toward anodic oxidation, which also results in an incomplete mineralization of more complex organics. Furthermore, the oxidation of this simple molecule does not involve the formation of stable intermediates thus giving rise to a more easy rationalizing of experimental results. Since the effect of NaCl on the process is expected to depend on the nature of the electrodic material, two very different anodes were used: the Ti/IrO2-Ta2O5 which presents a quite low oxygen overpotential and boron doped diamond (BDD) which is probably one of the more promising materials for the electrochemical incineration

    Electrochemical remediation of phenol contaminated kaolin under low-strength electric fields

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    Soil degradation is a global concern. Electrochemical remediation (ER) technology is considered an appealing strategy for soil remediation because it is a low-cost, adaptable, and effective noninvasive in situ technology. Currently, the remediation of soil characterized by fine grains, low-hydraulic permeability, heterogeneous conditions, and mixtures of contaminants is still challenging since other conventional technologies are poorly effective. ER of soil is based on the application of low potentials between a couple of electrodes which induces an electric field (E) in the contaminated field. In this work, very low values of electric field (E ≤ 0.25 V cm−1) were used for the ER of contaminated kaolin. Phenol was selected as model hazardous organic compound and kaolin as model, reproducible and low buffering and low permeability clay. The effect of several factors, including the nature of the electrodes, treatment time, kind of current, the strength of the E and the nature of supporting electrolyte, on the performance of the process was investigated in detail and discussed in terms of the normalized phenol concentration and its total removal from the kaolin. Overall, the main finding is that the use of very low value of E (0.15 V cm−1) can allow to simultaneously desorb, mobilize and also in-situ degrade phenol. The highest removals of phenol up to approximately 80% and 90% from the kaolin under both direct and sinusoidal E, respectively, were reached using compact graphite as electrodes in presence of Na2SO4 into the kaolin

    A critical review on latest innovations and future challenges of electrochemical technology for the abatement of organics in water

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    Updated water directives and ambitious targets like the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have emerged in the last decade to tackle water scarcity and contamination. Although numerous strategies have been developed to remove water pollutants, it is still necessary to enhance their effectiveness against toxic and biorefractory organic molecules. Comprehensive reviews have highlighted the appealing features of the electrochemical technologies, but much progress has been made in recent years. In this timely review, a critical discussion on latest innovations and perspectives of the most promising electrochemical tools for wastewater treatment is presented. The work describes the performance of electrocatalytic anodes for direct electrochemical oxidation, the oxidation mediated by electrogenerated active chlorine, the electrocatalytic reduction as well as coupled approaches for synchronous anodic and cathodic processes combined with homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis. The last section is devoted to the assessment of scale-up issues and the increase in the technology readiness level

    Electrochemical remediation of kaolin-soil contaminated by phenol: effect of several operative parameters

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    Electrochemical remediation technology is considered an appealing strategy for the remediation of fine- grained soils, characterized by a low hydraulic conductivity and large specific surface area, contaminated with inorganic, organic, and mixed pollutants. In both Electrokinetic (EK) and Electrochemical Geo-Oxidation (ECGO) technologies, an electric field is imposed on the contaminated soil to remove the pollutants by the combined mechanisms of electroosmosis, electromigration, and/or electrophoresis. Moreover, ECGO uses low voltage and both direct and alternating amperage (DC/AC) applied in a proprietary series to induce reduction-oxidation reactions on soil surfaces at the micro-scale. According to the literature, in this method, each soil particle acts as a micro-capacitor that charges and discharges in a cyclic fashion. The energy burst on discharge at the micro-scale is intense, theoretically allowing the conversion of most organic contaminants to carbon dioxide and water near the conducting particle surface [2-4]. However, the effectiveness of the technology strongly depends on the physical-chemical states of the soils and the contaminants, pH, sorption of contaminants on soil particle surfaces and different effects induced by the hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions generated at the electrodes. In this work, the effect of several factors, including the intensity and mode of the applied electric field, duration of treatment, nature of supporting electrolytes, on the electrochemical remediation of kaolin-soil contaminated by phenol (200 mgPhenol/kgsoil) was investigated. It was found that a proper selection of the operative parameters is the key- factor to improve the electrochemical remediation of the contaminated soil. High removal of phenol from the kaolin up to 88% was achieved after 93 hours of treatment using graphite electrodes and a gradient electric field of 0.15 V cm-1. [1] A. T. Yeung et al. J. Hazard. Mater. 2011, 195, 11 [2] D. Rahner et al. Electrochim. Acta 2002, 47, 1395 [3] J. Röhrs et al. Electrochim. Acta 2002, 47, 1405 [4] L.M. Zanko et al. Electrochim. Acta 2020, 354, 13669
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