27 research outputs found

    Light-induced magnetization reversal of high-anisotropy TbCo alloy films

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    Magnetization reversal using circularly polarized light provides a new way to control magnetization without any external magnetic field and has the potential to revolutionize magnetic data storage. However, in order to reach ultra-high density data storage, high anisotropy media providing thermal stability are needed. Here, we evidence all-optical magnetization switching for different TbxCo1-x ferrimagnetic alloy composition and demonstrate all-optical switching for films with anisotropy fields reaching 6 T corresponding to anisotropy constants of 3x106 ergs/cm3. Optical magnetization switching is observed only for alloys which compensation temperature can be reached through sample heating

    Effects of rf Current on Spin Transfer Torque Induced Dynamics

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    The impact of radiofrequency (rf) currents on the direct current (dc) driven switching dynamics in current-perpendicular-to-plane nanoscale spin valves is demonstrated. The rf currents dramatically alter the dc driven free layer magnetization reversal dynamics as well as the dc switching level. This occurs when the frequency of the rf current is tuned to a frequency range around the dc driven magnetization precession frequencies. For these frequencies, interactions between the dc driven precession and the injected rf induce frequency locking and frequency pulling effects that lead to a measurable dependence of the critical switching current on the frequency of the injected rf. Based on macrospin simulations, including dc as well as rf spin torque currents, we explain the origin of the observed effects.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Spin-Torque-Induced Rotational Dynamics of a Magnetic Vortex Dipole

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    We study, both experimentally and by numerical modeling, the magnetic dynamics that can be excited in a magnetic thin-film nanopillar device using the spin torque from a spatially localized current injected via a 10s-of-nm-diameter aperture. The current-driven magnetic dynamics can produce large amplitude microwave emission at zero magnetic field, with a frequency well below that of the uniform ferromagnetic resonance mode. Micromagnetic simulations indicate that the physical origin of this efficient microwave nano-oscillator is the nucleation and subsequent steady-state rotational dynamics of a magnetic vortex dipole driven by the localized spin torque. These results show this novel implementation of a spintronic nano-oscillator is a promising candidate for microwave technology applications.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures

    Time-Resolved Spin Torque Switching and Enhanced Damping in Py/Cu/Py Spin-Valve Nanopillars

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    We report time-resolved measurements of current-induced reversal of a free magnetic layer in Py/Cu/Py elliptical nanopillars at temperatures T = 4.2 K to 160 K. Comparison of the data to Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert macrospin simulations of the free layer switching yields numerical values for the spin torque and the Gilbert damping parameters as functions of T. The damping is strongly T-dependent, which we attribute to the antiferromagnetic pinning behavior of a thin permalloy oxide layer around the perimeter of the free layer. This adventitious antiferromagnetic pinning layer can have a major impact on spin torque phenomena.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Electrical Switching Dynamics in Circular and Rectangular Ge2Sb2Te5 Nanopillar Phase Change Memory Devices

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    We have measured the critical phase change conditions induced by electrical pulses in Ge2Sb2Te5 nanopillar phase change memory devices by constructing a comprehensive resistance map as a function of pulse parameters (width, amplitude and trailing edge). Our measurements reveal that the heating scheme and the details of the contact geometry play the dominant role in determining the final phase composition of the device such that a non-uniform heating scheme promotes partial amorphization/crystallization for a wide range of pulse parameters enabling multiple resistance levels for data storage applications. Furthermore we find that fluctuations in the snap-back voltage and set/reset resistances in repeated switching experiments are related to the details of the current distribution such that a uniform current injection geometry (i.e. circular contact) favors more reproducible switching parameters. This shows that possible geometrical defects in nanoscale phase change memory devices may play an essential role in the performance of the smallest possible devices through modification of the exact current distribution in the active chalcogenide layer. We present a three-dimensional finite element model of the electro-thermal physics to provide insights into the underlying physical mechanisms of the switching dynamics as well as to quantitatively account for the scaling behaviour of the switching currents in both circular and rectangular contact geometries. The calculated temporal evolution of the heat distribution within the pulse duration shows distinct features in rectangular contacts providing evidence for locally hot spots at the sharp corners of the current injection site due to current crowding effects leading to the observed behaviour

    Strong linewidth variation for spin-torque nano-oscillators as a function of in-plane magnetic field angle

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    We measure the microwave signals produced by spin-torque-driven magnetization dynamics in patterned magnetic multilayer devices at room temperature, as a function of the angle of a magnetic field applied in the sample plane. We find strong variations in the frequency linewidth of the signals, with a decrease by more than a factor of 20 as the field is rotated from the magnetic easy axis to the in-plane hard axis. Based on micromagnetic simulations, we identify these variations as due to a transition from spatially incoherent to coherent precession.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Spin-Torque Ferromagnetic Resonance Measurements of Damping in Nanomagnets

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    We measure the magnetic damping parameter a in thin film CoFeB and permalloy (Py) nanomagnets at room temperature using ferromagnetic resonance driven by microwave frequency spin-transfer torque. We obtain αCoFeB=0.014±0.003\alpha_{CoFeB} = 0.014 \pm 0.003 and αPy=0.010±0.002\alpha_{Py}=0.010 \pm 0.002, values comparable to measurements for extended thin films, but significantly less than the effective damping determined previously for similar nanomagnets by fits to time-domain studies of large-angle magnetic excitations and magnetic reversal. The greater damping found for the large amplitude nanomagnet dynamics is attributed to the nonlinear excitation of non-uniform magnetic modes.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Magnetic vortex oscillator driven by dc spin-polarized current

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    Transfer of angular momentum from a spin-polarized current to a ferromagnet provides an efficient means to control the dynamics of nanomagnets. A peculiar consequence of this spin-torque, the ability to induce persistent oscillations of a nanomagnet by applying a dc current, has previously been reported only for spatially uniform nanomagnets. Here we demonstrate that a quintessentially nonuniform magnetic structure, a magnetic vortex, isolated within a nanoscale spin valve structure, can be excited into persistent microwave-frequency oscillations by a spin-polarized dc current. Comparison to micromagnetic simulations leads to identification of the oscillations with a precession of the vortex core. The oscillations, which can be obtained in essentially zero magnetic field, exhibit linewidths that can be narrower than 300 kHz, making these highly compact spin-torque vortex oscillator devices potential candidates for microwave signal-processing applications, and a powerful new tool for fundamental studies of vortex dynamics in magnetic nanostructures.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure