8,627 research outputs found

    The Luminosity Function of Low-Redshift Abell Galaxy Clusters

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    We present the results from a survey of 57 low-redshift Abell galaxy clusters to study the radial dependence of the luminosity function (LF). The dynamical radius of each cluster, r200, was estimated from the photometric measurement of cluster richness, Bgc. The shape of the LFs are found to correlate with radius such that the faint-end slope, alpha, is generally steeper on the cluster outskirts. The sum of two Schechter functions provides a more adequate fit to the composite LFs than a single Schechter function. LFs based on the selection of red and blue galaxies are bimodal in appearance. The red LFs are generally flat for -22 < M_Rc < -18, with a radius-dependent steepening of alpha for M_Rc > -18. The blue LFs contain a larger contribution from faint galaxies than the red LFs. The blue LFs have a rising faint-end component (alpha ~ -1.7) for M_Rc > -21, with a weaker dependence on radius than the red LFs. The dispersion of M* was determined to be 0.31 mag, which is comparable to the median measurement uncertainty of 0.38 mag. This suggests that the bright-end of the LF is universal in shape at the 0.3 mag level. We find that M* is not correlated with cluster richness when using a common dynamical radius. Also, we find that M* is weakly correlated with BM-type such that later BM-type clusters have a brighter M*. A correlation between M* and radius was found for the red and blue galaxies such that M* fades towards the cluster center.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 16 pages, 4 tables, 24 figure

    Dominance and G×E interaction effects improvegenomic prediction and genetic gain inintermediate wheatgrass (Thinopyrumintermedium)

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    Genomic selection (GS) based recurrent selection methods were developed to accelerate the domestication of intermediate wheatgrass [IWG, Thinopyrum intermedium (Host) Barkworth & D.R. Dewey]. A subset of the breeding population phenotyped at multiple environments is used to train GS models and then predict trait values of the breeding population. In this study, we implemented several GS models that investigated the use of additive and dominance effects and G×E interaction effects to understand how they affected trait predictions in intermediate wheatgrass. We evaluated 451 genotypes from the University of Minnesota IWG breeding program for nine agronomic and domestication traits at two Minnesota locations during 2017–2018. Genet-mean based heritabilities for these traits ranged from 0.34 to 0.77. Using fourfold cross validation, we observed the highest predictive abilities (correlation of 0.67) in models that considered G×E effects. When G×E effects were fitted in GS models, trait predictions improved by 18%, 15%, 20%, and 23% for yield, spike weight, spike length, and free threshing, respectively. Genomic selection models with dominance effects showed only modest increases of up to 3% and were trait-dependent. Crossenvironment predictions were better for high heritability traits such as spike length, shatter resistance, free threshing, grain weight, and seed length than traits with low heritability and large environmental variance such as spike weight, grain yield, and seed width. Our results confirm that GS can accelerate IWG domestication by increasing genetic gain per breeding cycle and assist in selection of genotypes with promise of better performance in diverse environments

    Potential of mathematical modeling in fruit quality

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    A review of mathematical modeling applied to fruit quality showed that these models ranged inresolution from simple yield equations to complex&#160; representations of processes as respiration, photosynthesis and assimilation of nutrients. The latter models take into account complex&#160; genotype environment interactions to estimate their effects on growth and yield. Recently, models are used to estimate seasonal changes in quality traits as fruit size, dry matter, water content and the concentration of sugars and acids, which are very important for flavor and aroma. These models have demonstrated their ability to generate relationships between physiological variables and quality attributes (allometric relations). This new kind of hybrid models has sufficient complexity to predict quality traits behavior

    Keck/LRIS Spectroscopic Confirmation of Coma Cluster Dwarf Galaxy Membership Assignments

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    Keck/LRIS multi-object spectroscopy has been carried out on 140 of some of the lowest and highest surface brightness faint (19 < R < 22) dwarf galaxy candidates in the core region of the Coma Cluster. These spectra are used to measure redshifts and establish membership for these faint dwarf populations. The primary goal of the low surface brightness sample is to test our ability to use morphological and surface brightness criteria to distinguish between Coma Cluster members and background galaxies using high resolution HST/ACS images. Candidates were rated as expected members, uncertain, or expected background. From 93 spectra, 51 dwarf galaxy members and 20 background galaxies are identified. Our morphological membership estimation success rate is ~100% for objects expected to be members and better than ~90% for galaxies expected to be in the background. We confirm that low surface brightness is a very good indicator of cluster membership. High surface brightness galaxies are almost always background with confusion arising only from the cases of the rare compact elliptical galaxies. The more problematic cases occur at intermediate surface brightness. Many of these galaxies are given uncertain membership ratings, and these were found to be members about half of the time. Including color information will improve membership determination but will fail for some of the same objects that are already mis-identified when using only surface brightness and morphology criteria. Compact elliptical galaxies with B-V colors ~0.2 magnitudes redward of the red sequence in particular require spectroscopic follow-up. In a sample of 47 high surface brightness, UCD candidates, 19 objects have redshifts which place them in the Coma Cluster. Redshift measurements are presented and the use of indirect means for establishing cluster membership is discussed.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 25 pages, 15 figure

    Effects of Gamma Irradiation on Curcumin

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    In this study, remnants concentrations of curcumin in Curcuma longa (organic turmeric powder) were determined after it was exposed to irradiation doses of 1, 2 and 3 kGy. Curcumin analysis was performed using the analyte-sensitive impulse differential polarography technique (LOD: 0.621 ppm and LOQ: 2.130 ppm). The results obtained showed a decreasing concentration of curcumin as a function of the irradiation dose. This reduction is low in terms of affecting the product’s quality with respect to its concentration

    Supersymmetric QCD flavor changing top quark decay

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    We present a detailed and complete calculation of the gluino and scalar quarks contribution to the flavour-changing top quark decay into a charm quark and a photon, gluon, or a Z boson within the minimal supersymmetric standard model including flavour changing gluino-quarks-scalar quarks couplings in the right-handed sector. We compare the results with the ones presented in an earlier paper where we considered flavour changing couplings only in the left-handed sector. We show that these new couplings have important consequences leading to a large enhancement when the mixing of the scalar partners of the left- and right-handed top quark is included. Furthermore CP violation in the flavour changing top quark decay will occur when a SUSY phase is taken into account.Comment: 14 pages, latex, 3 figure

    The Color-Magnitude Effect in Early-Type Cluster Galaxies

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    We present the analysis of the color-magnitude relation (CMR) for a sample of 57 X-ray detected Abell clusters within the redshift interval 0.02 <= z <= 0.18. We use the B-R vs R color-magnitude plane to establish that the CMR is present in all our low-redshift clusters and can be parameterized by a single straight line.We find that the CMRs for this large cluster sample of different richness and cluster types are consistent with having universal properties. The k-corrected color of the individual CMRs in the sample at a fixed absolute magnitude have a small intrinsic dispersion of ~0.05 mag. The slope of the CMR is consistent with being the same for all clusters, with the variations entirely accountable by filter band shifting effects. We determine the mean of the dispersion of the 57 CMRs to be 0.074 mag, with a small rms scatter of 0.026 mag. However, a modest amount of the dispersion arises from photometric measurement errors and possible background cluster superpositions; and the derived mean dispersion is an upper limit. Models which explain the CMR in terms of metallicity and passive evolution can naturally reproduce the observed behavior of the CMR in this paper. The observed properties of the CMR are consistent with models in which the last episode of significant star formation in cluster early-type galaxies occurred significantly more than ~3 Gyr ago, and that the core set of early-type galaxies in clusters were formed more than 7 Gyr ago. (abridged)Comment: Accepted ApJ, 17 pages, 4 figures (high-res fig 1 available in ApJ version
