7 research outputs found

    Restoration of p16INK4A protein induces myogenic differentiation in RD rhabdomyosarcoma cells

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    p16INK4A (p16) tumour suppressor induces growth arrest by inhibiting function of cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK)4 and CDK6. Homozygous p16 gene deletion is frequent in primary rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) cells as well as derived cell lines. To confirm the significance of p16 gene deletion in tumour biology of RMS, a temperature-sensitive p16 mutant (E119G) gene was retrovirally transfected into the human RMS cell line RD, which has homozygous gene deletion of p16 gene. Decrease from 40°C (restrictive) to 34°C (permissive) culture temperature reduced CDK6-associated kinase activity and induced G1 growth arrest. Moreover, RD-p16 cells cultured under permissive condition demonstrated differentiated morphology coupled with expressions of myogenin and myosin light chain. These suggest that deletion of p16 gene may not only facilitate growth but also inhibit the myogenic differentiation of RD RMS cells. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    State of nature 2016

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    The first State of Nature report that I helped to launch in 2013 revealed the severe loss of nature that has occurred in the UK since the 1960s. Three years on, I am pleased to see that the partnership of organisations behind that important report has grown. Thanks to the dedication and expertise of many thousands of volunteers working closely with the professionals, we are now able to document even more about the changing state of nature across our land and in our seas. The news, however, is mixed. Escalating pressures, such as climate change and modern land management, mean that we continue to lose the precious wildlife that enriches our lives and is essential to the health and well-being of those who live in the UK, and also in its Crown Dependencies and Overseas Territories. Our wonderful nature is in serious trouble and it needs our help as never before. But the State of Nature 2016 report gives us cause for hope too. The rallying call issued in 2013 has been met with a myriad of exciting and innovative conservation projects. Landscapes are being restored, special places defended, and struggling species are being saved and brought back. Such successes demonstrate that if conservationists, governments, businesses and individuals all pull together, we can provide a brighter future for nature and for people