180 research outputs found

    Current Interactions from the One-Form Sector of Nonlinear Higher-Spin Equations

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    The form of higher-spin current interactions in the sector of one-forms is derived from the nonlinear higher-spin equations in AdS4AdS_4. Quadratic corrections to higher-spin equations are shown to be independent of the phase of the parameter η=expiφ\eta =\exp i\varphi in the full nonlinear higher-spin equations. The current deformation resulting from the nonlinear higher-spin equations is represented in the canonical form with the minimal number of space-time derivatives. The non-zero spin-dependent coupling constants of the resulting currents are determined in terms of the higher-spin coupling constant ηηˉ\eta\bar\eta. Our results confirm the conjecture that (anti-)self-dual nonlinear higher-spin equations result from the full system at (η=0\eta=0) ηˉ=0\bar \eta=0.Comment: 38 pages, no figures; V2: 39 pages, minor corrections, to be published versio

    Higher-Rank Fields and Currents

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    Sp(2M)Sp(2M) invariant field equations in the space MM{\cal M}_M with symmetric matrix coordinates are classified. Analogous results are obtained for Minkowski-like subspaces of MM{\cal M}_M which include usual 4d4d Minkowski space as a particular case. The constructed equations are associated with the tensor products of the Fock (singleton) representation of Sp(2M)Sp(2M) of any rank r{\mathbf{r }}. The infinite set of higher-spin conserved currents multilinear in rank-one fields in MM{\cal M}_M is found. The associated conserved charges are supported by (rMr(r1)2)({\mathbf{r }} M-\frac{{\mathbf{r }} ({\mathbf{r }} -1)}{2})-dimensional differential forms in MM{\cal M}_M, that are closed by virtue of the rank-2r2{\mathbf{r }} field equations. The cohomology groups Hp(σr)H^p(\sigma^{\mathbf{r }}_-) with all pp and r{\mathbf{r }}, which determine the form of appropriate gauge fields and their field equations, are found both for MM{\cal M}_M and for its Minkowski-like subspace.Comment: 27 pages; V2: Significant extension of the results to computation of all σ\sigma_- cohomologies, 43 pages; V3: Discussion of equations in generalized Minkowski space from the perspective of usual Minkowski space and reference added, typos corrected, the journal version, 44 page

    On Recurrent Reachability for Continuous Linear Dynamical Systems

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    The continuous evolution of a wide variety of systems, including continuous-time Markov chains and linear hybrid automata, can be described in terms of linear differential equations. In this paper we study the decision problem of whether the solution x(t)\boldsymbol{x}(t) of a system of linear differential equations dx/dt=Axd\boldsymbol{x}/dt=A\boldsymbol{x} reaches a target halfspace infinitely often. This recurrent reachability problem can equivalently be formulated as the following Infinite Zeros Problem: does a real-valued function f:R0Rf:\mathbb{R}_{\geq 0}\rightarrow\mathbb{R} satisfying a given linear differential equation have infinitely many zeros? Our main decidability result is that if the differential equation has order at most 77, then the Infinite Zeros Problem is decidable. On the other hand, we show that a decision procedure for the Infinite Zeros Problem at order 99 (and above) would entail a major breakthrough in Diophantine Approximation, specifically an algorithm for computing the Lagrange constants of arbitrary real algebraic numbers to arbitrary precision.Comment: Full version of paper at LICS'1

    Manifest Form of the Spin-Local Higher-Spin Vertex ΥωCCCηη\Upsilon^{\eta\eta}_{\omega CCC}

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    Vasiliev generating system of higher-spin equations allowing to reconstruct nonlinear vertices of field equations for higher-spin gauge fields contains a free complex parameter η\eta. Solving the generating system order by order one obtains physical vertices proportional to various powers of η\eta and ηˉ\bar{\eta}. Recently η2\eta^2 and ηˉ2\bar{\eta}^2 vertices in the zero-form sector were presented in 2009.02811 in the ZZ-dominated form implying their spin-locality by virtue of ZZ-dominance Lemma of 1805.11941. However the vertex of 2009.02811 had the form of a sum of spin-local terms dependent on the auxiliary spinor variable ZZ in the theory modulo so-called ZZ-dominated terms, providing a sort of existence theorem rather than explicit form of the vertex. The aim of this paper is to elaborate an approach allowing to systematically account for the effect of ZZ-dominated terms on the final ZZ-independent form of the vertex needed for any practical analysis. Namely, in this paper we obtain explicit ZZ-independent spin-local form for the vertex ΥωCCCηη\Upsilon^{\eta\eta}_{\omega CCC} for its ωCCC\omega CCC-ordered part where ω\omega and CC denote gauge one-form and field strength zero-form higher-spin fields valued in an arbitrary associative algebra in which case the order of product factors in the vertex matters. The developed formalism is based on the Generalized Triangle identity derived in the paper and is applicable to all other orderings of the fields in the vertex.Comment: LaTeX, 33 pages, no figures, V2: clarifications and references added, matches the published versio

    Homotopy Operators and Locality Theorems in Higher-Spin Equations

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    A new class of shifted homotopy operators in higher-spin gauge theory is introduced. A sufficient condition for locality of dynamical equations is formulated and Pfaffian Locality Theorem identifying a subclass of shifted homotopies that decrease the degree of non-locality in higher orders of the perturbative expansion is proven.Comment: 22 pages, no figures; V3: Some normalizations changed to conform to 1807.00001, acknowledgement added; V4: 20 pages. Matches the published version. Clarifications and reference added. Section 7 is removed in favor of a more detailed future publicatio