116 research outputs found

    Power series rings and projectivity

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    We show that a formal power series ring A[[X]]A[[X]] over a noetherian ring AA is not a projective module unless AA is artinian. However, if (A,m)(A,{\mathfrak m}) is local, then A[[X]]A[[X]] behaves like a projective module in the sense that ExtAp(A[[X]],M)=0Ext^p_A(A[[X]], M)=0 for all m{\mathfrak m}-adically complete AA-modules. The latter result is shown more generally for any flat AA-module BB instead of A[[X]]A[[X]]. We apply the results to the (analytic) Hochschild cohomology over complete noetherian rings.Comment: Mainly thanks to remarks and pointers by L.L.Avramov and S.Iyengar, we added further context and references. To appear in Manuscripta Mathematica. 7 page

    Homology of perfect complexes

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    It is proved that the sum of the Loewy lengths of the homology modules of a finite free complex F over a local ring R is bounded below by a number depending only on R. This result uncovers, in the structure of modules of finite projective dimension, obstructions to realizing R as a closed fiber of some flat local homomorphism. Other applications include, as special cases, uniform proofs of known results on free actions of elementary abelian groups and of tori on finite CW complexes. The arguments use numerical invariants of objects in general triangulated categories, introduced here and called levels. They allow one to track, through changes of triangulated categories, homological invariants like projective dimension, as well as structural invariants like Loewy length. An intermediate result sharpens, with a new proof, the New Intersection Theorem for commutative algebras over fields. Under additional hypotheses on the ring RR stronger estimates are proved for Loewy lengths of modules of finite projective dimension.Comment: This version corrects an error in the statement (and proof) of Theorem 7.4 in the published version of the paper [Adv. Math. 223 (2010) 1731--1781]. These changes do not affect any other results or proofs in the paper. A corrigendum has been submitted

    On computation of the first Baues--Wirsching cohomology of a freely-generated small category

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    The Baues--Wirsching cohomology is one of the cohomologies of a small category. Our aim is to describe the first Baues--Wirsching cohomology of the small category generated by a finite quiver freely. We consider the case where the coefficient is a natural system obtained by the composition of a functor and the target functor. We give an algorithm to obtain generators of the vector space of inner derivations. It is known that there exists a surjection from the vector space of derivations of the small category to the first Baues--Wirsching cohomology whose kernel is the vector space of inner derivations.Comment: 11 page

    A McKay correspondence for reflection groups

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    We construct a noncommutative desingularization of the discriminant of a finite reflection group G as a quotient of the skew group ring A=S∗G. If G is generated by order 2 reflections, then this quotient identifies with the endomorphism ring of the reflection arrangement A(G) viewed as a module over the coordinate ring SG/(Δ) of the discriminant of G. This yields, in particular, a correspondence between the nontrivial irreducible representations of G to certain maximal Cohen–Macaulay modules over the coordinate ring SG/(Δ). These maximal Cohen–Macaulay modules are precisely the nonisomorphic direct summands of the coordinate ring of the reflection arrangement A(G) viewed as a module over SG/(Δ). We identify some of the corresponding matrix factorizations, namely, the so-called logarithmic (co-)residues of the discriminant

    Noncommutative resolutions of discriminants

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    We give an introduction to the McKay correspondence and its connection to quotients of Cn\mathbb{C}^n by finite reflection groups. This yields a natural construction of noncommutative resolutions of the discriminants of these reflection groups. This paper is an extended version of E.F.'s talk with the same title delivered at the ICRA.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures. Final version to appear in Contemporary Mathematics 705, "Representations of Algebras
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