6,605 research outputs found

    Genre Originality of Novel by M. Vargas Llosa “Green House”

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    The genre nature of the novel “Green House” by the Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa is analyzed in the article. Special attention is paid to three approaches to the definition of the genre: “Green House” as a total novel, as a chivalric novel and as an Indianist novel. Definitions of each genre under consideration are given. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that the prevailing approaches to defining the genre of the “Green House” in contemporary Latin American studies is analyzed in the paper. In the course of the work seven stable characteristics of the total novel are distinguished: a radically realistic author’s intention, a clear structural organization of the text, compositional and semantic unity, the consciousness of the infinity of language, the comprehensiveness of the novel, nonlinearity of narration, and the use of dialogue as a structure-forming device. The question of the presence in the novel “Green House” of signs of a chivalric romance is considered. The results of a comparative analysis of the “Green House” and the Catalan novel “Tyrant White” are presented. A comparison of the structure of the “Green House” and the generalized structure of the Indianist novel is given, the key features of this genre are analyzed. It is concluded that in the case of the “Green House” it is impossible to come to genre definiteness. The authors dwell on the fact that “Green House” is a work of fiction that combines elements of different genres, without any other restrictions in interpretations, except for those directly rejected by the text

    Two-proton events in the 17F(p,2p)16O reaction

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    In a recent experimental study (Gomez del Campo et al, PRL 86, 43 (2001)) of the reaction 17F(p,2p)16O, two-proton events were measured from excitations near a 1-, E*=6.15 MeV state in 18Ne. We calculate by means of R-matrix theory the resonant two-proton production cross section and branching ratios. We conclude that it is unlikely that two-proton production via population of the 1- state is sufficient to explain the observed two-proton events. Alternative sources of such events are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Resubmission to Physical Review C (first received 6 March 2001

    Biodiversity and dynamics of plant groups of Chebket El Melhassa region (Algeria)

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    This article examines phytoecological aspects of plant groups in the Chebket El Melhassa region (Tiaret-Ouest Algérien) by several types of analysis: biological, biogeographic and statistical. From the plant analysis, a list of 103 taxa distributed in 36 families was compiled, biologically characterized by a dominance of therophytes (45.6%) with species of the Mediterranean biogeographic type 20 species (19.8%) assuming particular importance. The ordination of the plant community was performed in the search for the optimum solution based on correlation with environmental factors, estimated using the phytoindication approach. The results reveal that the plants represented in the community, mostly prefer strongly lit places. Phytoindication shows a warm sub Mediterranean climate. Continentality corresponds to the sub-oceanic climate. The moisture regime ranges from strongly dry to dry soil. The plant community is formed on moderately acid soils. Plants are able to grow on both strongly acidic and neutral soils. The soil is very poor or poor in nitrogen. A four dimension variant of multidimensional scaling procedure was selected as the most appropriate decision. Dimensions selected after nonmetric multidimensional scaling were interpreted by computing weighted average scores of ecological factors for ordination configuration. Four of the plant species clusters were found to be the optimal solution on the basis of the Calinsky-Harabasz criteria. The clusters can be viewed as a functional group. Functional group A is quite diverse and represented by 42 species. This functional group is closest to the community optimum because in all four space dimensions the corresponding cluster is near the origin, which corresponds to the most typical ecological conditions. Species that constitute the group B prefer minimum values of dimension 2. This indicates a preference for illuminated sites with high temperature regime and low soil humidity. This group includes 32 species. A feature of group С is that it is located in the area of maximum values for dimension 2. Thus, this functional group is opposite to functional group B. This indicates a preference of species included in the functional group C for wetter soils. Functional group C comprises 21 species. Functional group D differs considerably from all others in its ecological characteristics. The difference is in the preference for minimum values for measurement 1. This suggests that more acid soils are optimal for a given functional group. Functional group E comprises 8 species.This article examines phytoecological aspects of plant groups in the Chebket El Melhassa region (Tiaret-Ouest Algérien) by several types of analysis: biological, biogeographic and statistical. From the plant analysis, a list of 103 taxa distributed in 36 families was compiled, biologically characterized by a dominance of therophytes (45.6%) with species of the Mediterranean biogeographic type 20 species (19.8%) assuming particular importance. The ordination of the plant community was performed in the search for the optimum solution based on correlation with environmental factors, estimated using the phytoindication approach. The results reveal that the plants represented in the community, mostly prefer strongly lit places. Phytoindication shows a warm sub Mediterranean climate. Continentality corresponds to the sub-oceanic climate. The moisture regime ranges from strongly dry to dry soil. The plant community is formed on moderately acid soils. Plants are able to grow on both strongly acidic and neutral soils. The soil is very poor or poor in nitrogen. A four dimension variant of multidimensional scaling procedure was selected as the most appropriate decision. Dimensions selected after nonmetric multidimensional scaling were interpreted by computing weighted average scores of ecological factors for ordination configuration. Four of the plant species clusters were found to be the optimal solution on the basis of the Calinsky-Harabasz criteria. The clusters can be viewed as a functional group. Functional group A is quite diverse and represented by 42 species. This functional group is closest to the community optimum because in all four space dimensions the corresponding cluster is near the origin, which corresponds to the most typical ecological conditions. Species that constitute the group B prefer minimum values of dimension 2. This indicates a preference for illuminated sites with high temperature regime and low soil humidity. This group includes 32 species. A feature of group С is that it is located in the area of maximum values for dimension 2. Thus, this functional group is opposite to functional group B. This indicates a preference of species included in the functional group C for wetter soils. Functional group C comprises 21 species. Functional group D differs considerably from all others in its ecological characteristics. The difference is in the preference for minimum values for measurement 1. This suggests that more acid soils are optimal for a given functional group. Functional group E comprises 8 species.This article examines phytoecological aspects of plant groups in the Chebket El Melhassa region (Tiaret-Ouest Algérien) by several types of analysis: biological, biogeographic and statistical. From the plant analysis, a list of 103 taxa distributed in 36 families was compiled, biologically characterized by a dominance of therophytes (45.6%) with species of the Mediterranean biogeographic type 20 species (19.8%) assuming particular importance. The ordination of the plant community was performed in the search for the optimum solution based on correlation with environmental factors, estimated using the phytoindication approach. The results reveal that the plants represented in the community, mostly prefer strongly lit places. Phytoindication shows a warm sub Mediterranean climate. Continentality corresponds to the sub-oceanic climate. The moisture regime ranges from strongly dry to dry soil. The plant community is formed on moderately acid soils. Plants are able to grow on both strongly acidic and neutral soils. The soil is very poor or poor in nitrogen. A four dimension variant of multidimensional scaling procedure was selected as the most appropriate decision. Dimensions selected after nonmetric multidimensional scaling were interpreted by computing weighted average scores of ecological factors for ordination configuration. Four of the plant species clusters were found to be the optimal solution on the basis of the Calinsky-Harabasz criteria. The clusters can be viewed as a functional group. Functional group A is quite diverse and represented by 42 species. This functional group is closest to the community optimum because in all four space dimensions the corresponding cluster is near the origin, which corresponds to the most typical ecological conditions. Species that constitute the group B prefer minimum values of dimension 2. This indicates a preference for illuminated sites with high temperature regime and low soil humidity. This group includes 32 species. A feature of group С is that it is located in the area of maximum values for dimension 2. Thus, this functional group is opposite to functional group B. This indicates a preference of species included in the functional group C for wetter soils. Functional group C comprises 21 species. Functional group D differs considerably from all others in its ecological characteristics. The difference is in the preference for minimum values for measurement 1. This suggests that more acid soils are optimal for a given functional group. Functional group E comprises 8 species

    Excitations in the Halo Nucleus He-6 Following The Li-7(gamma,p)He-6 Reaction

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    A broad excited state was observed in 6-He with energy E_x = 5 +/- 1 MeV and width Gamma = 3 +/- 1 MeV, following the reaction Li-7(gamma,p)He-6. The state is consistent with a number of broad resonances predicted by recent cluster model calculations. The well-established reaction mechanism, combined with a simple and transparent analysis procedure confers considerable validity to this observation.Comment: 3 pages of LaTeX, 3 figures in PostScript, approved for publication in Phys. Rev. C, August, 200

    Algorithm for management of patients with X-ray endovascular artery embolization of the prostate for its benign hyperplasia

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    X-ray endovascular prostatic artery embolization (XEPAE) is a comparatively new alternative treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), which has shown good results in Russia and foreign countries. The dissimilarity from other treatments for this nosology is the use of superselective artery ischemia of the prostate, which leads to a decrease in its sizes and a progressive reduction in lower urinary tract symptoms. Twelve patients aged 59–71 years (mean age, 66 years) with BPH have been operated on since 2014. The mean follow-up period was 8.4 months (3–17 months). The patients were divided into 3 groups in accordance with prostate volume: 1) 60–100 cm3 (n = 3); 2) 100–200 сm3 (n = 5); 3) ≥ 200 см3 (n = 4). The mean prostatic specific antigen level was 5.1 ± 2.7 ng/ml (2.7–6.3 ng/ml). Due to the increased pro static specific antigen level up to 4 ng/ml, 6 patients underwent transrectal and/or targeted biopsy of the prostate, which failed to reveal the morphological signs of its malignant process. The examination algorithm included all necessary laboratory and clinical examinations, as those during surgery for BPH, as well as multislice spiral computed tomography and/or magnetic resonance imaging, angiography of small pelvic vessels and organs.  Postoperative patient monitoring revealed that the total International Prognostic Scoring System scores decreased by 41.3 and 61.4 % at 3- and 6-month follow-ups, respectively; then these values were insignificant. The prostate volume substantially decreased at 3 months; but at 6 months it was 47 % of the baseline one. The urine flow rate rose from 6.7 to 15.9 ml/sec. The quality of life index became summarily quite satisfactory at 6-month follow-up and amounted to 3.3 ± 1.3. Thus, it may be stated that XEPAE is a safe and highly effective treatment for BPH if its medical treatment is ineffective. This surgical treatment performed for 3–6 months substantially decreases the prostate, normalizes urination, and restores quality of life. Patients with severe comorbidity and a high operative-anesthetic risk should be a promising area in the use of this technique. Patients with cystostome and preserved bladder capacity and those with acute urinary retention in the presence of BPH will serve as important additional areas in the application of XEPAE

    Is the tetraneutron a bound dineutron-dineutron molecule?

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    In light of a new experiment which claims a positive identification, we discuss the possible existence of the tetraneutron. We explore a novel model based on a dineutron-dineutron molecule. We show that this model is not able to explain the tetraneutron as a bound state, in agreement with other theoretical models already discussed in the literature.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, J. Phys. G, in pres

    The dependence of the EIT wave velocity on the magnetic field strength

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    "EIT waves" are a wavelike phenomenon propagating in the corona, which were initially observed in the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) wavelength by the EUV Imaging Telescope (EIT). Their nature is still elusive, with the debate between fast-mode wave model and non-wave model. In order to distinguish between these models, we investigate the relation between the EIT wave velocity and the local magnetic field in the corona. It is found that the two parameters show significant negative correlation in most of the EIT wave fronts, {\it i.e.}, EIT wave propagates more slowly in the regions of stronger magnetic field. Such a result poses a big challenge to the fast-mode wave model, which would predict a strong positive correlation between the two parameters. However, it is demonstrated that such a result can be explained by the fieldline stretching model, \emph{i.e.,} that "EIT waves" are apparently-propagating brightenings, which are generated by successive stretching of closed magnetic field lines pushed by the erupting flux rope during coronal mass ejections (CMEs).Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Solar Phy

    Spherical Bondi accretion onto a magnetic dipole

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    Quasi-spherical supersonic (Bondi-type) accretion to a star with a dipole magnetic field is investigated using resistive magnetohydrodynamic simulations. A systematic study is made of accretion to a non-rotating star, while sample results for a rotating star are also presented. A new stationary subsonic accretion flow is found with a steady rate of accretion to the magnetized star smaller than the Bondi accretion rate. Dependences of the accretion rate and the flow pattern on the magnetic momentum of the star and the magnetic diffusivity are presented. For slow star's rotation the accretion flow is similar to that in non-rotating case, but in the case of fast rotation the structure of the subsonic accretion flow is fundamentally different and includes a region of ``propeller'' outflow. The methods and results described here are of general interest and can be applied to systems where matter accretes with low angular momentum.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures, used emulapj.st