11 research outputs found
iReligion: Religious Elements of the Apple Phenomenon
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'University of Toronto Press Inc. (UTPress)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Trends in Advertising Research: A Longitudinal Analysis of Leading Advertising, Marketing, and Communication Journals, 1980 to 2010
- Author
- Alwitt Linda F.
- Bogart Leo
- Broadbent Simon
- Crano William D.
- eMarketer
- Faber Ronald J.
- Frey Lawrence R.
- Gordon Michael E.
- J. Adam Avant
- Jameson L. Hayes
- Katz Helen
- Kyongseok Kim
- Leonard N. Reid
- Morgan G.
- Neuendorf Kimberly A.
- Nyilasy Gergely
- O’Guinn Thomas C.
- Pearl Daniel
- Pitt Leyland F.
- Riffe Daniel
- Riffe Daniel
- Ross Billy I.
- Russell J. Thomas
- Sass Erik
- Tan Alexis S.
- Wimmer Roger D.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Cultural Sensitivity to Satisfaction and Service Quality Measures
- Author
- Barber Benjamin
- Chaney Lillian H.
- Dato Mary C.
- Delener Nejdet
- Dutka Alan
- Edel Richard
- Ferley Stephen
- Friedman Thomas L.
- Gronroos Christian
- Guernica A.
- Helson Harry
- Hernandez Sigfredo A.
- Hoffman Lou
- Hofstede Gerhardt
- Kim Chankon
- LaBahn Douglas W.
- Lin Xiaohua
- Linda C. Ueltschy
- Longo Tracey L.
- McCracken Grant
- Min P. G.
- Oliver Richard L.
- Oliver Richard L.
- O’Guinn Thomas C.
- Parasuraman A.
- Parasuraman A.
- Park Jong-Won
- Robert F. Krampf
- Sherif Muzafer
- Toyne Brian
- Ueltschy Linda C.
- Valencia Humberto
- Webster Cynthia
- Wilton P. C.
- Yi Youjal
- Zeithaml Valarie A.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Marketing to Ethnic Minority Consumers: A Historical Journey (1932-1997)
- Author
- Andreasen Alan R.
- Barban Arnold M.
- Brill Betsy
- Cagley James W.
- Cui Geng
- Delener Nejdet
- Deshpande Rohit
- Edwards Paul K.
- Feldman Lawrence P.
- Geng Cui
- Gibson D. Parke
- Gilly Mary
- Hernandez Sigfredo A.
- McDermott Michael J.
- Moschis George P.
- Muller Lynn F.
- O’Guinn Thomas C.
- Roslow Peter
- Smith J. R.
- Stern Barbara
- Stuart Elliott
- Whittler Tommy E.
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Marketing Communications, Acculturation in Situ, and the Legacy of Colonialism in Revolutionary Times
- Author
- Al-Amin Esam
- Anderson Lisa
- Aoudia Karima
- Badiou Alain
- Bastide Roger
- Belk Russell W
- Ben Salem Lilia
- Berry John W.
- Berry John W.
- Berton Peter
- Bourdieu Pierre
- Bourdieu Pierre
- Bournaz-Baccar Alia
- Boyatzis Richard E.
- Chomsky Noam
- de Koning Anouk
- Dei George J. Sefa
- Eisenhardt Kathleen M.
- Elizabeth C. Hirschman
- Fanon Frantz
- Fatma Smaoui
- Fitouri Chedly
- Glaser Barney G.
- Grosjean François
- Hayat Philippe
- Hui Michael
- Jack Gavin
- Jacobson Alec
- Jerad Nabiha
- Khalbous Slim
- Kim Young Yun
- Larivière Marie-Andrée
- Marshall Catherine
- Marzouki Samir
- McCracken Grant
- Memmi Albert
- Morrow Susan L.
- Mourad Touzani
- Nealon Jeffrey
- Noueihed Lin
- Ouannès Moncef
- O’Guinn Thomas C.
- Papathanassopoulos Stylianos
- Said Edward
- Salhi Kamel
- Sartre Jean-Paul
- Smaoui Fatma
- Stoll-Simon Catherine
- Verschave François-Xavier
- Žižek Slavoj
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The reconciliation of humanism and positivism in the practice of consumer research: A view from the trenches
- Author
- Alexander Rosenberg
- Allan Franklin
- Anthony G. Greenwald
- Barry L. Bayus
- Baruch Fischhoff
- Bobby J. Calder
- Brian Sternthal
- Charles B. Ferster
- Chris T. Allen
- Clifford Geertz
- David Brinberg
- David Fisher
- David Glenn Mick
- Donald N. McCloskey
- Elizabeth C. Hirschman
- Elizabeth F. Loftus
- Frank Friedlander
- Gary J. Gaeth
- Gary Zukav
- J. Edward Russo
- J. Merrill Carlsmith
- Jacob Cohen
- Joel B. Cohen
- John F. Sherry
- John K. Smith
- Julie L. Ozanne
- Kenneth R. Hammond
- Laurel Anderson Hudson
- Melanie Wallendorf
- Michael D. Johnson
- Michael D. Johnson
- Michael D. Johnson
- Milton J. Rosenberg
- Morris B. Holbrook
- Norman K. Denzin
- Norman Miller
- Paul F. Anderson
- Paul Feyerabend
- Paul M. Herr
- Peter Wright
- Ray Rist
- Richard J. Lutz
- Robert E. Lana
- Robert Jacobson
- Rohit Deshpande
- Roy Bhaskar
- Roy F. Ellen
- Russell W. Belk
- Scott B. MacKenzie
- Shelby D. Hunt
- Shelby D. Hunt
- Shelby D. Hunt
- Stephen J. Hoch
- Steven R. Nachman
- Thomas C. O’Guinn
- Thomas S. Kuhn
- Timothy B. Heath
- Vincent Crapanzano
- Yvonna S. Lincoln
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Periodization in Marketing History
- Author
- Bartels Robert
- Beard Miriam
- Bloch Marc
- Bobbitt Philip
- Bohannan Paul
- Bucklin Louis P.
- Clark Colin
- Clark Kitson
- Converse Paul D.
- Converse Paul D.
- Copeland Melvin T.
- D. G. Brian Jones
- Dixon Donald F.
- Dixon Donald F.
- Dixon Donald F.
- Fox Stephen
- Fullerton Ronald A.
- Gerhard W.
- Goodman Charles
- Goodman Charles
- Gould Stephen J.
- Gras Norman Scott Brien
- Haydu Jeffrey
- Hotchkiss George Burton
- Howard John A.
- Jackson Donald W. Jr.
- Jones D. G. Brian
- Kathleen M. Rassuli
- Kerin Roger A.
- Kumcu Erdogan
- Kuznets Simon
- Laura Farlow Dix
- Lazer William
- Levett A. Elizabeth
- Mayer Robert N.
- McCarthy E. Jerome
- Morishita Fujiya
- Otte T. G.
- O’Guinn Thomas C.
- Polanyi Karl
- Pope Daniel
- Porter Glen
- Ree Jonathan
- Rostow W. W.
- Sheth Jagdish N.
- Sheth Jagdish N.
- Solomon Michael R.
- Stanley C. Hollander
- Stowe Noel J.
- Tedlow Richard S.
- White Hayden
- Witkowski Terrence H.
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The effects of scarcity on consumer decision journeys
- Author
- A Lareau
- A Monga
- A Rindfleisch
- AC Snibbe
- AK Shah
- AK Shah
- Anuj Shah
- AR Andreasen
- AV Whillans
- BJ Ellis
- C Mittal
- C Mittal
- C Roux
- Caroline Roux
- Chiraag Mittal
- D Court
- D Karlan
- DC Molden
- Debora Thompson
- Deborah Roedder John
- DJ Howard
- DM Sanbonmatsu
- E Herpen Van
- E Sharma
- Fitzsimons
- H Gierl
- HR Markus
- J Goldin
- J Laran
- J Quoidbach
- J Sevilla
- JG Miller
- JI Richards
- JJ Inman
- JK Binkley
- JL Kurtz
- JL Ozanne
- JP Wentzel
- JR Parker
- JW Brehm
- K Ailawadi
- K Goldsmith
- K Kristofferson
- K Wertenbroch
- KD Martin
- KE Bolger
- Kelly Goldsmith
- L Wu
- LA Brannon
- Lan Nguyen Chaplin
- LN Chaplin
- LN Chaplin
- LN Chaplin
- M Bertrand
- M Lynn
- M Mende
- M Richins
- M Viswanathan
- M Zhu
- M Zhu
- Meng Zhu
- MW Kraus
- MW Kraus
- NM Stephens
- NM Stephens
- PA Abrams
- Paul Piff
- PK Piff
- PK Piff
- PK Piff
- R Blattberg
- R Mehta
- R Roy
- R Suri
- R Thaler
- RB Cialdini
- Rebecca Hamilton
- Ronald Hill
- RP Hill
- RP Hill
- RP Hill
- RP Hill
- RP Hill
- RP Hill
- RW Hamilton
- S Balachander
- S Bellezza
- S Botti
- S Frederick
- S Grier
- S Hoch
- S Mullainathan
- S Ratneshwar
- S Tully
- SA Bone
- SA Spiller
- SE Hill
- SE Hill
- SM Baker
- SS Iyengar
- SS McLanahan
- Sterling Bone
- TC Brock
- TC O’Guinn
- Thomas O’Guinn
- V Griskevicius
- V Griskevicius
- V Griskevicius
- Vladas Griskevicius
- VS Folkes
- W Johnson
- W Mischel
- WK Campbell
- X Dai
- Y Ding
- ZG Arens
- ZG Arens
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study