10 research outputs found

    Book review: the closing of the net by Monica Horten

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    In The Closing of the Net, Monica Horten confronts the issue of how corporate structural power has shaped the online world, transforming the ideal of the open internet into an increasingly closed, market-driven space with negative consequences for individual freedoms. Courteney J. O’Connor recommends this well-researched book as an extremely relevant addition to cyber-related literature that will also be of use to those working in the fields of politics, law and media

    Book review: The internet in everything: freedom and security in a world with no off switch by Laura Denardis

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    In The Internet in Everything: Freedom and Security in a World with No Off Switch, Laura DeNardis offers an exploration of the invisible, complex and concerning worldwide network of technologies often referred to as the Internet of Things, focusing particularly on the pressing issues of governance and jurisdiction. Courteney J. O’Connor highly recommends this well researched and impeccably written text to political scientists, security practitioners and scholars as well as the interested public

    Book review: Counterintelligence theory and practice by Hank Prunckun

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    In Counterintelligence Theory and Practice, Hank Prunckun aims to address the relative lack of theory-driven research and observations when it comes to the study of counterintelligence. Designed as a textbook, this work is a valuable contribution that will be particularly useful to those who are new to the counterintelligence field, writes Courteney J. O’Connor

    Book review: predator empire: drone warfare and full spectrum dominance by Ian G. R. Shaw

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    In Predator Empire: Drone Warfare and Full Spectrum Dominance, Ian G. R. Shaw examines the history and development of US drone warfare, with a particular focus on deterrritorialisation and enclosure as key concepts in the emergence of what he terms the ‘Predator Empire’. Courteney J. O’Connor finds this an impressive and timely text that will be of interest to anyone concerned with the evolving relationship between technology and security