8 research outputs found

    Vector vortex coronagraph: first results in the visible

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    We report the status of JPL and JDSU ongoing technological developments and contrast results of the vector vortex coronagraph (VVC) made out of liquid crystal polymers (LCP). The first topological charge 4 VVC was tested on the high contrast imaging testbed (HCIT) around 800 nm, under vacuum and with active wavefront control (32x32 Xinetics deformable mirror). We measured the inner working angle or IWA (50% off-axis transmission) at ~ 1.8λ/d. A one-sided dark hole ranging from 3λ/d to 10λ/d was created in polarized light, showing a mean contrast of ~ 2 × 10^(-7) over a 10% bandwidth. This contrast was maintained very close in (3 λ/d) in a reduced 2% bandwidth. These tests begin to demonstrate the potential of the LCP technology in the most demanding application of a space-based telescope dedicated to extrasolar planet characterization. The main limitations were identified as coming from incoherent sources such as multiple reflections, and residual chromaticity. A second generation of improved masks tackling these issues is being manufactured and will be tested on the HCIT in the coming months

    Late traumatic dislocation of laser in situ keratomileusis corneal flaps

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    To report the management and outcome of late-onset traumatic dislocation of laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) flaps. Retrospective, observational case series. Four patients with late-onset LASIK flap dislocation occurring after mechanical trauma at various intervals (10 days–2 months) after the procedure. In all cases of postoperative traumatic LASIK flap dislocation, the flap was refloated with scraping and irrigation of the underlying stromal bed within 12 hours of the injury. A bandage contact lens was placed, and a regimen including topical antibiotics and corticosteroids was instituted in all cases. Best spectacle-corrected visual acuity and complications associated with the surgery were monitored. Postoperative follow-up ranged from 4 to 21 months. Nonprogressive epithelial ingrowth was noted in one patient and diffuse lamellar keratitis developed in another patient. All patients recovered pretrauma spectacle-corrected visual acuity. Corneal LASIK flaps are prone to mechanical dislocation as late as 2 months after the procedure. Appropriate management results in recovery of optimal visual outcomes

    Response of Porphyromonas gingivalis to Heme Limitation in Continuous Culture▿ †

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    Porphyromonas gingivalis is an anaerobic, asaccharolytic, gram-negative bacterium that has essential requirements for both iron and protoporphyrin IX, which it preferentially obtains as heme. A combination of large-scale quantitative proteomic analysis using stable isotope labeling strategies and mass spectrometry, together with transcriptomic analysis using custom-made DNA microarrays, was used to identify changes in P. gingivalis W50 protein and transcript abundances on changing from heme-excess to heme-limited continuous culture. This approach identified 160 genes and 70 proteins that were differentially regulated by heme availability, with broad agreement between the transcriptomic and proteomic data. A change in abundance of the enzymes of the aspartate and glutamate catabolic pathways was observed with heme limitation, which was reflected in organic acid end product levels of the culture fluid. These results demonstrate a shift from an energy-efficient anaerobic respiration to a less efficient process upon heme limitation. Heme limitation also resulted in an increase in abundance of a protein, PG1374, which we have demonstrated, by insertional inactivation, to have a role in epithelial cell invasion. The greater abundance of a number of transcripts/proteins linked to invasion of host cells, the oxidative stress response, iron/heme transport, and virulence of the bacterium indicates that there is a broad response of P. gingivalis to heme availability