9 research outputs found

    Formation of the attitudes and behaviours of employees in the context of safe operation of buildings on the example of the University of Agribusiness in Lomza

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    Purpose The issue of shaping the attitude of employee involvement in an organisation is a relatively new area of scientific interest. Shaping employees' attitudes, understood as a conscious influence to consolidate or change them so that they are conducive to the safe operation of building objects, should be of significant importance for any organisation. Attitude is related to behaviour, the most elementary form of human activity, which is externally observable. Design/methodology/approach Statistical analysis. Findings The issue of shaping organisational attitudes and behaviours is related to the need to consider the factors that trigger the change process. It is important to diagnose whether the engine of change is the person with a specific attitude or elements from his environment. Research limitations/implications The article presents a theoretical introduction and the results of diagnostic tests. It proposes actions shaping the attitudes and behaviour of employees regarding the safe operation of buildings, based on the example of the University of Agribusiness in Lomza. Practical implications The classical approach to the safety of buildings focuses primarily on the technical and engineering side of the building. Planners, designers, contractors, and users of buildings strive to make them the least hazardous to health and life, especially during the operation of the building. At the same time, it is important to bear in mind that safe operation is influenced by the behaviour of facility users, as they are the weakest link in management. Consequently, this is where the reserves for raising the health and safety of building users to a higher level still lie. Originality/value One of the main factors significantly influencing how an individual will behave when placed in a risky situation is how they perceive the risks involved. People's beliefs about various things can influence their behaviour more strongly than objective reality. To activate the reserves hidden in human behaviour to improve the safety level of buildings, it is necessary to fully recognise the causes and mechanisms that lead users to risky actions. Those behaviours allow the application of appropriate training and supervision methods, and more broadly of management methods, which would induce users to behave safely and to react consciously, directly or indirectly, to emerging risks during the operation of the works

    Photoinduced Operation by Absorption of the Chalcogenide Nanocrystallite Containing Solar Cells

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    It is shown that for the solar cells containing chalcogenide nanocrystallites using external laser light, one can achieve some enhancement of the photovoltaic efficiency. Photoinduced treatment was carried out using two beams of splitted Er: glass laser operating at 1.54 渭m. The light of the laser was incident at different angles and the angles between the beams also were varied. Also, the studies of nanocomposite effective structures have shown enhancement of effective nanocrystalline sizes during the laser treatment. Nanocrystallites of CuInS2 and CuZnSnS4 (CZTS) were used as chalcogenide materials. The optimization of the laser beam intensities and nanoparticle sizes were explored

    UV-Induced Anisotropy In CdBr2-CdBr2: Cu Nanostructures

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    We have found an occurrence of anisotropy in the nanostructure CdBr2-CdBr2: Cu nanocrystalline films. The film thickness was varied from 4 nm up to 80 nm. The films were prepared by successive deposition of the novel layers onto the basic nanocrystals. The detection of anisotropy was performed by occurrence of anisotropy in the polarized light at 633 nm He-Ne laser wavelength. The occurrence of anisotropy was substantially dependent on the film thickness and the photoinduced power density. Possible mechanisms of the observed phenomena are discussed

    The Structural Stability of the Fe36Co36Si19B5Nb4 Bulk Amorphous Alloy

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    In this paper, the results of the investigation into the fractured surface microstructure of the amorphous samples of Fe36 Co36 Si19 B5 Nb4 in the shape of rods of diameters: 1 mm, 2 mm and 3 mm in the as-cast state are presented. The samples were prepared by injection of molten alloy into cooled copper dies. The process of diffusion in the investigated material has a different speed depending on the temperature gradient within the volume of the rod. The atomic diffusion leads to the creation of different zones within the rod fracture: the zone in contact with the copper die, the intermediate fracture zone, and the zone in the vicinity of the rod core; the three zones have been found to exhibit different amorphous structures.W pracy przedstawiono wyniki bada艅 mikrostruktury na powierzchni prze艂om贸w pr贸bek Fe36 Co36 Si19 B5 Nb4 amorficznych w postaci pr臋t贸w o 艣rednicy 1 mm. 2 mm i 3 mm. w stanie po zestaleniu. Pr臋ty wytworzono metod膮 wt艂aczania ciek艂ego stopu do miedzianej, ch艂odzonej ciecz膮 formy. Proces dyfuzji atom贸w w badanym materiale charakteryzuje si臋 inn膮 dynamik膮 w zale偶no艣ci od gradientu temperatury w obj臋to艣ci pr臋ta. Wyr贸偶nia si臋 trzy wyra藕nie widoczne strefy: od kontaktu z miedzian膮 form膮, stref臋 przej艣ciow膮 oraz stref臋 opisuj膮c膮 rdze艅 pr臋ta. Ka偶d膮 z wyr贸偶nionych stref charakteryzuj膮 r贸偶ne konfiguracje atom贸w w zakresie stanu amorficznego. Na podstawie bada艅 stwierdzono, 偶e w masywnych materia艂ach amorficznych wyst臋puje fluktuacja sk艂adu oraz g臋sto艣ci w zale偶no艣ci od szybko艣ci ch艂odzenia

    Stabilno艣膰 struktury masywnego stopu amorficznego Fe<sub>36</sub> Co<sub>36</sub> Si<sub>19</sub> B<sub>5</sub> Nb<sub>4</sub>

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    In this paper, the results of the investigation into the fractured surface microstructure of the amorphous samples of Fe36 Co36 Si19 B5 Nb4 in the shape of rods of diameters: 1 mm, 2 mm and 3 mm in the as-cast state are presented. The samples were prepared by injection of molten alloy into cooled copper dies. The process of diffusion in the investigated material has a different speed depending on the temperature gradient within the volume of the rod. The atomic diffusion leads to the creation of different zones within the rod fracture: the zone in contact with the copper die, the intermediate fracture zone, and the zone in the vicinity of the rod core; the three zones have been found to exhibit different amorphous structures.W pracy przedstawiono wyniki bada艅 mikrostruktury na powierzchni prze艂om贸w pr贸bek Fe36 Co36 Si19 B5 Nb4 amorficznych w postaci pr臋t贸w o 艣rednicy 1 mm. 2 mm i 3 mm. w stanie po zestaleniu. Pr臋ty wytworzono metod膮 wt艂aczania ciek艂ego stopu do miedzianej, ch艂odzonej ciecz膮 formy. Proces dyfuzji atom贸w w badanym materiale charakteryzuje si臋 inn膮 dynamik膮 w zale偶no艣ci od gradientu temperatury w obj臋to艣ci pr臋ta. Wyr贸偶nia si臋 trzy wyra藕nie widoczne strefy: od kontaktu z miedzian膮 form膮, stref臋 przej艣ciow膮 oraz stref臋 opisuj膮c膮 rdze艅 pr臋ta. Ka偶d膮 z wyr贸偶nionych stref charakteryzuj膮 r贸偶ne konfiguracje atom贸w w zakresie stanu amorficznego. Na podstawie bada艅 stwierdzono, 偶e w masywnych materia艂ach amorficznych wyst臋puje fluktuacja sk艂adu oraz g臋sto艣ci w zale偶no艣ci od szybko艣ci ch艂odzenia

    The MFM studies of the surface domain structure of Sm鈥揊e鈥揅o鈥揨r鈥揅u thin ribbons

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    The article contains studies of micro- and domain structures obtained using atomic/magnetic force microscopy (AFM/MFM) of melt-spun Sm12.5Fe8Co65.5Zr1Cu13 thin ribbons in the as-cast state. In order to obtain the SmCo8.5 type of structure in the Sm鈥揊e鈥揅o鈥揨r鈥揅u alloy, thin ribbons were manufactured using the melt-spinning method with large linear velocity of a copper wheel and proper selection of alloying elements. The obtained samples in the as-cast state were magnetized. The microscopic results were also supported by magnetic measurements performed on a vibrating sample magnetometer as well as by a quantitative analysis of phase composition obtained using the Rietveld refinement method

    Transport Phenomena In Single Crystals Tl1鈭扻In1鈭扻GeXSe2 (x=0.1, 0.2)

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    Temperature dependences of electroconductivity for single crystals Tl1鈭抶In1鈭抶GexSe2 were analyzed. It was established an occurrence of thermoactivated states within the temperature range 100-300 K. The conductivity is formed by delocalized carriers within the conductivity band and the jumping conductivity over the localized states which are situated in the narrow localized states near the Fermi level. Following the performed data the activation energy was evaluated with accuracy up to 0.02 eV. The density of the localized states as well as the distribution of the energy over the mentioned states was evaluated. Additionally the average distance between the localized states is evaluated at different temperatures

    Zjawiska transportu w monokryszta艂ach Tl<sub>1-X</sub>In<sub>1-X</sub>Ge<sub>X</sub>Se<sub>2</sub> (x=0.1, 0.2)

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    Temperature dependences of electroconductivity for single crystals Tl1鈭抶In1鈭抶GexSe2 were analyzed. It was established an occurrence of thermoactivated states within the temperature range 100-300 K. The conductivity is formed by delocalized carriers within the conductivity band and the jumping conductivity over the localized states which are situated in the narrow localized states near the Fermi level. Following the performed data the activation energy was evaluated with accuracy up to 0.02 eV. The density of the localized states as well as the distribution of the energy over the mentioned states was evaluated. Additionally the average distance between the localized states is evaluated at different temperatures.Analizowano zale偶no艣ci temperaturowe przewodno艣ci elektrycznej dla monokryszta艂贸w Tl1鈭抶In1鈭抶GexSe2. Ustalono pojawienie si臋 stan贸w termo-aktywnych w zakresie temperatur 100-300 K. Przewodnictwo tworzone jest przez zdelokalizowane no艣niki w pa艣mie przewodnictwa i skoki przewodnictwa po stanach zlokalizowanych, znajduj膮cych si臋 w w膮skich zlokalizowanych stanach w pobli偶u poziomu energii Fermiego. Warto艣膰 energii aktywacji oszacowano z dok艂adno艣ci膮 do 0,02 eV. Wyznaczono warto艣ci g臋sto艣ci stan贸w zlokalizowanych, jak i rozk艂ad energii na wymienionych stanach. Dodatkowo w r贸偶nych temperaturach oszacowano 艣redni膮 odleg艂o艣膰 pomi臋dzy stanami zlokalizowanymi

    Indukowane 艣wiat艂em w艂a艣ciwo艣ci optyczne monokryszta艂贸w Tl1-xIn1-xSixSe2

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    The influence of temperature on electroconductivity and photoinduced changes of the absorption at 0.15 eV under influence of the second harmonic generation of CO2 laser for the two type of single crystals were investigated. The single crystals Tl1鈭抶In1鈭抶SixSe2 (x=0.1 and 0.2) have been grown by the two-zone Bridgaman-Stockbarger method. The temperature studies of electroconductivity were done in cryostat with thermoregulation in the temperature 77 - 300 K, with stabilization 卤0.1 K. Photoinduced treatment of the investigated single crystals were performed using the 180 ns pulses second harmonic generation of the CO2 laser operating at 5.3 渭m. Experimental studies have shown that for the Tl1鈭抶In1鈭抶SixSe2 single crystals with decreasing temperature from 300 up to 240 K and from 315 up to 270 K the conductivity is realized by thermally excited impurities with activation energies equal to about 0.24 eV and 0.22 eV for x= 0.1 and 0.2, respectively. Photoinduced absorption achieves its maximum at a power density below 100 mJ/cm2. Has been shown that the samples with x=0.2 demonstrated higher changes of the photoinduced absorption with respect to the x=0.1. With further decreasing temperature is observed monotonic decrease in the activation energy of conductivity. The origin of these effects is caused by the excitations of both the electronic as well as phonon subsystem. At some power densities the anharmonic excitations become dominant and as a consequence the photoinduced absorption dependence is saturated what were observed. Additionally, we were evaluated at given temperature the average jump length of R for localized states near Fermi level.W pracy badano wp艂yw temperatury na przewodnictwo elektryczne oraz indukowane 艣wiat艂em zmiany absorpcji optycznej przy 0.15 eV, pod dzia艂aniem drugiej harmonicznej lasera CO2 dla dw贸ch typ贸w monokryszta艂贸w. Monokryszta艂y Tl1鈭抶In1鈭抶SixSe2 (x=0.1 i 0.2) otrzymano w pionowym dwustrefowym piecu metod膮 Bridgamana-Stockbargera. Badania temperaturowe przewodno艣ci elektrycznej przeprowadzono w kriostacie z termoregulacj膮, w temperaturze 77-300 K, przy stabilizacji 卤0,1 K. Fotoindukowan膮 obr贸bk臋 laserow膮 monokryszta艂贸w wykonano przy u偶yciu 180 ns impuls贸w drugiej harmonicznej lasera CO2 o d艂ugo艣ci fali 5,3 渭m. Eksperymentalnie wykazano, 偶e z obni偶aniem temperatury od 300 do 240 K i od 315 do 270 K przewodnictwo elektryczne monokryszta艂贸w Tl1鈭抶In1鈭抶SixSe2 jest wywo艂ane przez wzbudzenia termicznie domieszek z energi膮 aktywacji r贸wn膮 oko艂o 0,24 eV i 0,22 eV dla 艖 = 0,1 i 0,2, odpowiednio. Indukowana optycznie absorpcja osi膮ga maksimum przy g臋sto艣ci mocy poni偶ej 100 mJ/cm2. Stwierdzono, 偶e pr贸bka z x = 0,2 wykazuje wi臋ksze zmiany absorpcji indukowanej 艣wiat艂em w por贸wnaniu do pr贸bki z x = 0.1. Z dalszym spadkiem temperatury obserwowano monotoniczny spadek energii aktywacji przewodnictwa. Pochodzenie tych efekt贸w jest spowodowane przez wzbudzanie zar贸wno podsystemu elektronowego jak i fonononowego. Przy niekt贸rych g臋sto艣ciach mocy wzbudzenia anharmoniczne zaczynaj膮 dominowa膰, co w konsekwencji prowadzi do nasycenia indukowanej 艣wiat艂em zale偶no艣ci absorpcji optycznej. Dodatkowo w pracy wyznaczono dla danej temperatury 艣redni膮 d艂ugo艣膰 skoku R dla stan贸w zlokalizowanych w pobli偶u poziomu Fermiego