13 research outputs found

    Spatial and temporal heterogeneity in human mobility patterns in Holocene Southwest Asia and the East Mediterranean

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    We present a spatiotemporal picture of human genetic diversity in Anatolia, Iran, Levant, South Caucasus, and the Aegean, a broad region that experienced the earliest Neolithic transition and the emergence of complex hierarchical societies. Combining 35 new ancient shotgun genomes with 382 ancient and 23 present-day published genomes, we found that genetic diversity within each region steadily increased through the Holocene. We further observed that the inferred sources of gene flow shifted in time. In the first half of the Holocene, Southwest Asian and the East Mediterranean populations homogenized among themselves. Starting with the Bronze Age, however, regional populations diverged from each other, most likely driven by gene flow from external sources, which we term “the expanding mobility model.” Interestingly, this increase in inter-regional divergence can be captured by outgroup-f3_3-based genetic distances, but not by the commonly used FST_{ST} statistic, due to the sensitivity of FST_{ST}, but not outgroup-f3_3, to within-population diversity. Finally, we report a temporal trend of increasing male bias in admixture events through the Holocene

    “Pisidia tipi” olarak bilinen depaslar üzerine yeni öneriler

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    Batı Anadolu’da Erken Tunç Çağı (ETÇ) 3 için karakteristik seramik formlarından biri olan depasların, Güneybatı Anadolu’dakiörneklerinin bir kısmı, düz dipli, uzun gövdeli, oluk ve yiv bezemelidir. Çoğunlukla gri renkli, bazen çarkta üretilmiş bu örnekler,zaman zaman “Pisidia Tipi” olarak adlandırılmıştır. Ancak ETÇ 3A için karakteristik olan bu depas tipinin, Pisidia Bölgesi dışındabulunmuş olan örneklerinin sayısı, Pisidia’dakilerden daha fazladır. Bu bağlamda, söz konusu grup için “Güneybatı AnadoluTipi” depas adlandırmasının kullanılması daha yerinde olacaktır. Bunların üretim bölgesinin ise, Güneybatı Anadolu’da butip örneklerin ele geçtiği yöreler arasında, hem Gri Seramik hem de Çömlekçi Çarkı kullanan bir kesim olması beklenmelidir.Burada, bu depasların üretim alanı olarak Denizli çevresi başta olmak üzere Aydın’ın doğusu ve belki Afyon’un güneybatısıbatısını kapsayan kesim öne sürülmektedir. Güneybatı Anadolu’da daha sonraki bir evrede ortaya çıkan bodur depasların ise,“Güneybatı Anadolu Tipi” depasların, ETÇ 3B’deki ardılı olduğu düşünülmektedir

    Erken Tunç Çagı’nda Stratonikeia

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    Atriya and Stratonikeia in the Late Bronze Age: Some Remarks on Carian Historical Geography

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    The evaluation of the Hittite and Luwian inscriptions that mention Western Anatolia, and the extended archaeological research on the Bronze Age have led to an increase in knowledge and arguments about the historical geography of Western Anatolia. But the poor source of documents about Western Anatolia has made the research more challenging. It is known that one of the old names of the city of Stratonikeia, which is located on the Yatagan Plain in Muğla and is among the important cities of the region, is Idrias. It is suggested that Atriya can be localized within the territorium of Stratonikeia considering the phonetic similarity with Atriya mentioned in Hittite documents. This study aims to contribute to the arguments on this subject by evaluating some of the recent findings in Stratonikeia concerning the Late Bronze Age and the studies on historical geography. Among the ceramic samples of the Late Helladic III period found in the Stratonikeia territory, there has been added some other ceramic samples such as the ones found in the Taşavlu region in 2009, under the Heroon of Hierocles in the city center of Stratonikeia during the excavations in 2018, and in the Değirmendere region during the excavations by the Muğla Museum in 2018-2019. When the routes followed by some Hittite Kings during their travels to the west, the arguments concerning the location of the cities within the Yatağan Plain and Çine (Marsyas) Creek Valley, and the archaeological findings combined, it is concluded that localizing Atriya within these areas is a reasonable proposal